Askjo said:
Because the atheists have their own religion.
There are 3 kinds of worship: A) worship in spirit; B) worship at a stone; C) worship in nothing.
Atheists may or may not have a religion. Certain types of Buddhism do not treat Buddhas as gods and atheism is possible with Taoism and with certain liberal Quakers. And there are atheists who do not follow those or other religions. Worship in nothing means no religion because worshipping is one important part of what a religion is.
The Bible warns that the atheists do not like to keep "God" in their knowledge because the Bible shows that they DENIED Him.
Where in the bible is this? What is mean by denied? If denying a god means making a positive claim that the god does not exist, that can be called strong or positive atheism. What about weak atheism? It is simply not believing in any gods without making any claims about their existence or nonexistence.
Before that meaning of weak atheism is confused with agnostism, the meaning of agnostism I use is saying that there is no way of knowing if a god existed or not. Theism and atheism are words I use about having beliefs or no beliefs about gods and agnostism is the word I use for the claim that no epistemology about gods is possible.
If denying a god means rebelling against a god one believes actually exists, then the people doing that are not atheists, but theists who believe that they are rebelling against a god whose existence they believe in. It is impossible to rebel against something that one does not believe in. I don't believe in Zeus. Does that mean I'm rebelling against Zeus?
What meaning of denying god are you using and where in the bible is it mentioned?
The simple explanation is that they used "God" to say against, but the question is: WHY did they use "God" during the communication between them and other people. For example, an atheist told his friend, "I do not believe in God." Where did he take God's name? From this atheist's knowledge in his mind according to the Scripture. Suppose you ponder yourself. When your mind pops up, "God" in your mind is that is what the Scripture talks of.
Do you mean that if somebody says the name of a god, like God, they know that the god exists and if they say they don't believe in that god, they're rebels against that god? Is that what the scripture is talking of?
I can say that I do not believe in Zeus, Thor, Quetzalcoatl, Amun-Ra, Chac, Ahura-Mazda, Inti, Mani, Aonghus, Maui, Shango and any of the countless other gods that had been worshipped worldwide over thousands of years. Where did those names come from? Of course, they're from the people who believe in those gods. They didn't pop into my head from another realm. Similarly, I know of how Christians use God to refer to their god because I learned of that usage from the believers. Having that in my head does not make me believe that particular god is real in the same way knowing the names of all of those gods I listed does not mean that I believe in them or that they are real.
Atheists tell believers that they do not believe in the believers' gods so that the believers would know of the atheists' nonbelief, not because they are rebelling against a god that they know exists. Of course, that would make them theists, not atheists.
It seems to me that some believers think this way so that they would see everybody, including people who claim to be atheists, as theists with some being rebels and others not being rebels. The believers themselves are theists, so that what they are comfortable with. Those theists could be projecting their theism onto everybody, including atheists, because they are uncomfortable with the thought that there are people who actually have NO beliefs in ANY gods. They would rather see atheists as theists who are rebelling.