Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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yup, that shower came through Russellville around 6:30p. Yesterday I was driving on hwy 27 headed to Russellville and it was raining hard enough I was considering pulling over because my wipers could not go fast enough to keep the rain washed off the windshield. It was raining hard, fast, and with huge water bombs. By the time I got out of the bookstore, it had pretty much stopped raining altogether. By 5:00p, the sun had come out.
Yeah it rained hard here Thursday and yesterday.. We went to town and drove thru the storm. the windows were rolled down and we just put out our hands in the air just to feel hte piercing of the rain falling hard on our hands.. We laughed and laughed.. it felt good.. isnt that weird?? lol.. :) heheh..
You must be crazy, FC

My hectic move is finally over, I am now chilled and sitting comfortably in the new bedroom, surfing via my laptop. All is good
chanted: USA! USA! USA! in gold medal game in basketball against Spain.
I just got home from hang with a AD member and his friends he introduced to me, it was a blast! We ate at Marie Callender's restaurant then went to Muckleshoot Casino. :)
USA won gold over Spain!

Jake, haha. Its only once in 4 years so, let me to be cheer for USA.
Just had a good dinner at home, and am here to check how things are going.
NorCal20, if I move to USA someday, I will cheer for USA......NOT
Just got home from visiting my brother and swimming at his place. Feeling great from a good swimming workout! Hope to sleep well tonight b4 the first day with the kids tmw!!! accck!
I have moved out yesterday ----- and now at work.
You must be crazy, FC

My hectic move is finally over, I am now chilled and sitting comfortably in the new bedroom, surfing via my laptop. All is good

I thought you already knew that I am indeed crazy? hehe! :P maybe you need another reality check? heh! :giggle:
One week down, 11 more to go, woot. Still havent gotten the grade back yet from my paper. Ick.

Oh and I got complimented TWICE today for being skinny :D I enjoyed every second of it.

And uhmmmmmmm theres really nothing to talk about - no drama, nothing.
what happened to my signature banner??
Oh and I got complimented TWICE today for being skinny :D I enjoyed every second of it.
PIX PIX PIX PIX PIX :naughty: or did you post it already?
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