Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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I'm on the way to home, as finally finished Uni classes. Thank god it is Friday! :)
My stepfather and his girlfriend is coming to see me today so I will have a busy weekend :D
the server crashed down earlier tonight :lol:

I arrived at my friend s apt in Austin TX at 4 30 am when we took long driving from Ohio. I was very tired to go to bed,

Apologize that AD server crashed down last night when I had submitted reply message but wireless network was stopped from my mobile. that was messed up. I don't understand what wrong with server. I checked it this morning and this post is fine now.
FC, your thread has been merged inside one of mine. Don't worry -- it is under the AD timezone (MERGED)

and it was a server crash down, of course. Alex has explained and it was the RAM which suffered the heat.

yeah i found it last night. that explains why.. whew.. i thought i was in twilight zone. thinking didnt have enough sleep due to having insomina.. :eek3: haha!
haha, nice one. I've just got home from my birthday party dinner, it was good and success ful but terrible ending... NOT
haha, nice one. I've just got home from my birthday party dinner, it was good and success ful but terrible ending... NOT

You finally got your 21th birthday party. You make happy and better than ever. :)
Guess what, I would be signing songs in church once awhile :) soon hopefully
What a day, I just have been moving schitt over to the parents place today and yet to finish but will finish it off tomorrow.
my hubby is off today, so my best friend is come and all of us go over friend's and visit.. we need get out of here.. :)
Yes, NorCal20 - apparently exhausted, since there would be another tomorrow :(
Dude, you gotta to have treat for yourself after this hectic moving.
I know, but the move isn't finished yet. \
I've had four straight days of teacher workshops which lasted until past 5 PM, and I get home every night exhausted! Last night I was so tired I still had my shoes on when I went to sleep! But I did learn a lot of good information, which I will share in the parenting forum soon. :)

How do u like your new job?
So happy that my classroom is done and ready for Monday. Just need to figure out what to do on Monday. LOL! I hate the first week of school with the kids cuz I like to be in a routine and already established. I do not like chaotic days...but the first week is ALWAYS a little chaotic until we establish a routine. I do not handle chaos good. :)
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