Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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I think he is anti-contemporary. :lol:
I am back. Sorry been busy day for me. Helping my cousin to settle down.
lol there are some silly technology and some useful one. I think the auto-dimming one is silly and possibly dangerous since you can't see anything except headlights.

replace it with old fashioned ones
get old school flip sunglasses like professional baseball players have. when you dont need a sunglasses, just flip 'em up, then sun bother you, have 'em to flip down.

easy job, dude? lol.
*chomping on a egg & bacon roll along with nice coffee*
How come? Mine's not one of these, but I dont remember what the correct word for it down here..

The sun's glare still was too much for me and I always had to sheild my eyes even when my lenses were dark. I had Rx sunglasses before my Transitions back in 2000 and never had that problem. Got my Transitions in 2005...couldnt really be comfortable out on a bright sunny day. 3 weeks ago, got my new Polorized Rx sunglasses...MUUUUUCCCHHHH BEEETTTEERRR!!!
everyone's eyes have their own perferences to wear the glasses.

for me, im picky with sunglasses, i dont like Oakley. Just like Spy, Arnette, Dragon or Anarchy.
Ignore this random post.

E vaam hu cibbund...
E vaam cu tecybbuihdat tryt e ys hud ypma du vehecr uha drehk...
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everyone's eyes have their own perferences to wear the glasses.

for me, im picky with sunglasses, i dont like Oakley. Just like Spy, Arnette, Dragon or Anarchy.

I have to have my sunglasses prescribed. I cant afford contact lenses so I get Rx sunglasses instead.
Contact lenses doesn't work for me, unfortunately.
Contact lenses doesn't work for me, unfortunately.

Sort of the same thing for me...can only wear them for maybe 4 to 5 hours at the most. Like CrzyMeg..cant wear them all day.
I used it for a day and after that, when I tried to put it back in my eyes, FAILURE! So I gave up and never wore it ever since. I perfer glasses, thank you very much.
Sort of the same thing for me...can only wear them for maybe 4 to 5 hours at the most. Like CrzyMeg..cant wear them all day.

:lol: That what doctor told me but I decide not to use concact. :lol:
At least, my glasses

< -----

Are only 8 months old. :)
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