What did you learn today?

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learnt that my old elementary school is having an additional building built and the BASCA (Before and After School Care) has been moved to the old libriary building, where the BASCA building has been demolished. :shock:

Always makes me sad when someplace I spent a lot of time growing up gets demolished :(
I learned today meeting a woman, named Morning. :o

where's her hubby, Evening? :giggle:
wow yeah some people do have strange names, I met a woman at TaiChi, her name is Dawn, now thats an old fashioned name, you know 'as the sun rises" thats what is means, Dusk is when sun is setting...not common now, but there are a few...
Morning, however is even rarer id say, perhaps is she an Indian? (as sometimes they tend to keep their name-giving tradition going - to perserve some of their culture)

I must admit i like names like that, its give a persons somethig special meaning, its good better then boring "Fred" or "Sally" but then again we might have forgotten the original meanings of those names...
hmm, just food for thoughts :)
Always makes me sad when someplace I spent a lot of time growing up gets demolished :(
Yeah, I remember vividly that building was built back in 1998...damn, been sitting there for the past 12 years.
It's only 12 yrs old and they're demolishing it?? WOW-- how come??
I don't know, I just found out last night. When I noticed a crane at the school grounds, and I was like, WTF?? Where's that building, it is gone! :shock: Then mum explained a little bit that they are building a new library at the same area, and the old BASCA building was an relocatable home building which means, the building was already built but removable - they used two large cranes to put these together in '98 and it wasn't new back then.
I learned roasted zucchini is awesome! I will have to have it again!
I relearned that my brain loaths caffeine, yet, I can't seem to give it up in all forms for longer than a month.

I also learned, on Rachel Ray, that if you just buy a bunch of socks that are all the same, you will never have to match/organize socks again. (Not like it really takes that much effort).

I also learned that we run out of food too fast.

And that I'm a superb procrastinator. :)
I learned I don't like a pie made of pears and blueberries mixed. Luckily it was free at Village Inn restaurant.
I learned I don't like a pie made of pears and blueberries mixed. Luckily it was free at Village Inn restaurant.

VILLAGE INN!!! I remember eating there w/my grandma when we lived in Denver!!
Thank you for bringing that memory back!!!! :D :)
Encroaching realities sour sweet memories, perhaps?

I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky, then I awoke. Now I wonder....

Am I a man who dreamed of being a butterfly? or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?
Learned my ex-bf has really strange taste in clothes. There's a pic of him in a loud lemon yellow pair of pants. He says he actually has pig pants some where in his closet. It's hard to believe he used to own Burberry coats years ago.
I don't know, I just found out last night. When I noticed a crane at the school grounds, and I was like, WTF?? Where's that building, it is gone! :shock: Then mum explained a little bit that they are building a new library at the same area, and the old BASCA building was an relocatable home building which means, the building was already built but removable - they used two large cranes to put these together in '98 and it wasn't new back then.

Oooh ok I know the kind you're talking about
Yesterday I got the paper book for communication of something to the public about my hometown, which always sent out mail once every monthly........

I learned that my hometown is not permitting and will not approve for anyone who wants to build an apartment building, townhouse or two family house at my hometown but allow an only guest house or in law! :thumb:

I learned this morning that I can pop my kneecap back into place in my sleep without waking up. Seems hubby saw me doing it about 2 this morning. He says I sat up, popped it back, laid down and rolled over, all without waking up. Seems kinda freaky, but I could feel it this morning.
I learned I can be easily fooled by a 2 yr old!! The dry cereal snack I thought he ATE is spilled out UNDER the folded comforter he lays on to watch movies in his room!! He kept asking for 'more' and I didn't see it in the floor... but dang it crunched when I stepped on his blanket... he didn't eat nearly as much as I thought he did!! Little rotten thing!!
I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky, then I awoke. Now I wonder....

Am I a man who dreamed of being a butterfly? or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?

Always makes me sad when someplace I spent a lot of time growing up gets demolished :(
same here. :( I had one longest betta fish growing up with me then I brought him to NY with me for school and he lived for another year or so and died at a perfect timing (drive back home for summer), took him with me to bury him in the creek behind my old house where I always hide, play with friends, jump off cliffs or off our homemade rope into water under bridge as little girl, so much fun. left him there by a tree buried and went back to finish schooling. two years later, to my shock finding the creek is gone. lots of cranes sitting there, crane marks everywhere on ground---WIPED the creek out. :shock: :( it's not my secret place anymore now. it's hard to get down there, through ivies of thorns.
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