What did you learn today?

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I was told this graphic... Think abotu them cleaning that stuff up and heading directly to the door and opening it. Then you proceed to touch the same knob.

Thank god I am not a female.

I use a paper towel to open the door if there none I use some clean toilet paper. I never touch the door knob in a public bathroom. And I use a paper towel to turn the water on and off and I not touch the handle to flush the toilet . I do not get a lot of colds and I think doing all this help.
That's unbelievable. Cockroaches in Tyson foods plant. Glad I don't support them.

Nothing against you, dixie, but...

I will not buy Tyson foods they had too many recalls. Nothing kill cockroaches! I heard after we bombed Japan the cockroaches were still alive! Man I hate the fuckers!
I will not buy Tyson foods they had too many recalls. Nothing kill cockroaches! I heard after we bombed Japan the cockroaches were still alive! Man I hate the fuckers!


Turning off the central heating system in the house took care of my roach problem.
I find it funny, but since the hurricanes came through Florida a few years back, most people in this area have not had a roach problem.

Turning off the central heating system in the house took care of my roach problem.

I guess your roach problem was not really bad. My daughter had an apartment and the stove was loaded with roaches! It freaked us out! and I heard you should not step on roaches it spread their germs around! GROSS!
I learned (the hardway) that as I'm getting older, it doesn't take much sun to burn me anymore... :Oops: gotta remember the sunscreen more often!!

Darn that indestructible critter! He survived the landfall on planet earth.
Paul Newman is color-blind.
Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns.
Ashton Kutcher's toes are webbed.
Orlando Bloom is one of highest accidents prone in film history.
Jessica Simpson has OCD, she used to keep all of photographs of missing children under her pillow when she was a teenager.
Ozzy talks to his kneecaps when he's feeling lonely.
Tom Cruise had attended 15 schools becz he failed his english classes.
Since I learnt that NYC is the safest city of U.S, I learnt earlier tonight that Canberra, the national capital city is the safest city in Australia
Paul Newman is color-blind.
Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns.
Ashton Kutcher's toes are webbed.
Orlando Bloom is one of highest accidents prone in film history.
Jessica Simpson has OCD, she used to keep all of photographs of missing children under her pillow when she was a teenager.
Ozzy talks to his kneecaps when he's feeling lonely.
Tom Cruise had attended 15 schools becz he failed his english classes.

:lol: Interesting to know about them. I remember tom has a dyselxia.
umm..... I learned that my hometown with other five towns that increasing break in the houses and cars! A month earlier, I went to drop off my girls at summer camp and child's father of the cop from my town. He told me that most target and broke in to new building homes than oldest houses! :ugh:
I learned that I could borrow any DVDs at the library for free. Yay!

All those TV series on DVD to catch up on.
Your library must be better than ours then, we could get parts of TV series, but not all of them :-(
Miss-Delectable said:
I learned that I could borrow any DVDs at the library for free. Yay! All those TV series on DVD to catch up on.
yeah! I've been doing that since I was born and you never knew? :eek3: I don't know about austra but here, don't have all TV series. sometimes you'd have to search catalog and click "Hold" them if they're not in your library at the moment. you also can borrow 100 DVDs at a time! :cool2:
I learned today meeting a woman, named Morning. :o

where's her hubby, Evening? :giggle:
haha @ Freckles.

i learn that my basketball club coach sent email about 22 players tryout for Bay Area Club of the Deaf basketball team. YIKES!! but coach said already decided kept 7 players but only need 5 players to be on the team.

in other private email, im on team. whee :]
learnt that my old elementary school is having an additional building built and the BASCA (Before and After School Care) has been moved to the old libriary building, where the BASCA building has been demolished. :shock:
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