What did you do today?

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My poor hubby...2 days ago, he struggled for about 4 hours to get the tank off of our toilet so I can paint bthe walls behind it only to shatter it. Then tonight, he struggled to install our old vanity and sink in my friend's bathroom because of the plumbing and had to go to Home Depot to get new tools and pipes to fix her plumbing that he broke. Finally, we came home around 1130 after 4 hours at my friend's wrestling with her plumbing. Geez...bathrooms suck!
They are tricky, that's for sure.

Shel, you posted a while ago about your dog escaping while you were gone. Did the dog come back? I hope so.
I helped my sister and her family move into their new home. 4 kids including a 2 month old .... wuzzahelluvafriggin day.
After a bout with the flu, sinus infection for 2 weeks, now it's my chest....Unbelievable as to how much mucus and fluid we have in our bodies!.

What meds are you taking (over the counter) and does it help much?

Some medicines are usually not working. I would think that taking a hot shower, go to bed early everyday, go out walking to get vitamin D from the sun during the cool evening for 20 minutes. Flu shots do not work for many people... because, in short, it contains mercury and clear ink in it.

Also cleaning your sinuses once a while is better. Unfortunately you have a stuffy nose that you would not able to clean them out. Darn it. Here is the link of the idea how to use it: How to Clean Your Sinuses

Fortunately, you can use your face steamer using with two oil drops of peppermint, cinnamon, and theives in the steamer's bowl with filter water. Do not put too much drops otherwise your face skin or sinuses would feel a little burn. Or, you can use sea salt in the bowl instead of the these herbs (or both). I paid 50 dollars to reveal that info so it's free for you guys. All doctors and some chiropractors do not appreciate that info to the public.

Another issue is to consider going to a good chiropractor and to learn about the weak nerves related to poor simulations (subluxation) such as colds and stuffy nose. Eating good nutrients and some exercises to build up your strengths especially older adults.

In fact, CVS stores at the drug department is a risk zone because that is where people are sick and other people get sick from them. When you pick up the medicine, go home and wash your hands and face. That's all.

I hope that you could do it today.
They are tricky, that's for sure.

Shel, you posted a while ago about your dog escaping while you were gone. Did the dog come back? I hope so.

Oh..whenever she escapes when we aren't home, she always waits for us on the front porch. Silly dog!
Wirelessly posted

I woke up late, got text messages from a few friends, flat iron my hair took forever! Now, ate a light salad and get ready to meet my friend later.
Had a slow lazy day. Woke up late for the 2nd waking. (first is at 4:30-5:00 for hubby, then I go back to sleep until 7:30) Managed to finally get up at 8:30. Read and had a nice talk with my mother. She was coherent enough for a nice long chat. We talked about the new house, brothers (her and mine), and different things in a new craft book we got and then we talked about the cats. Didn't realize the time until it was 2pm and we had not had lunch. Had to take MIL to the chiropractor, she bought more gas for my car and took me to a late lunch. When driving home, we saw a fire near home and found it was in our neighborhood park. Clean A/C filters and vacuumed out the A/C coils. House is HOT!!
waiting for TheWriteAlex to get here. We are going to dinner and then to Baltimore Deaf professional Happy Hour afterwards with my brother, his girlfriend and another friend. Hubby will go after he gets off work
crap I can't sleep impossible weird I am surprised!
Took the kids to the park and the nearby pool...made a few friends with some deaf mothers while I was there. Nice, restful day. But of course, I got a sunburned face. Damn my German genes, LOL.
Took the kids to the park and the nearby pool...made a few friends with some deaf mothers while I was there. Nice, restful day. But of course, I got a sunburned face. Damn my German genes, LOL.

That's why mine stay in the closet. :laugh2:

I am mostly German as well, but I never used to burn until within the last 10 years. The Midwest ruined my skin type.
Ha, KB. All I have to do is walk from my home to my car and i can feel the sun rays piercing in my skin. Sensitive, fair skin! I'm crazy to be around the pool these days! ;)
Oh..whenever she escapes when we aren't home, she always waits for us on the front porch. Silly dog!

Laughing - well, that sounds pretty smart of her, actually!! She could make her grand getaway but she's smart enough to know she's better off at home. :lol:

Last night my husband went outside onto our front deck (French doors from the great room open onto the deck) just to look at the night sky. He didn't realize it but Casey snuck out the door right with him. Hubby came back in, sat down at the dining room table, started doing some computer stuff. Pippin started barking like a crazy dog and running to the door, and we couldn't figure out what in the world was going on. Hubby walked over to the door, and there's Casey, sitting outside, nose pressed against the glass, looking all lost and forlorn and wanting to be with his family.

Poor baby. He's lucky his "brother" sounded the alarm. :lol:
Had a nice dinner with TWA and a fun evening at BDPHH...met some really cool people. I think TWA liked Federal Hill in Baltimore. .K
I have finished scanning the 50 pages of the property insurance papers for this loan, and now I have finished scanning in MIL's 2009 taxes and 2010 taxes. Have a few bank statements and will need to scan them and we have more coming to scan. At least the big files are done.
Before I was taking strepsils for sore throat and panadol 500mg and also vitamin C. (that when I had sore throat and colds/headaches since Friday for headaches, colds and sore throat happened on Sunday)

Right now I'm on antibiotics amoxycillin 500mg prescription (started it on Wednesday evening). As I have asthma, I have to take extra puff of preventer inhaler, so I did get extra reliever inhaler from drug store just incase if asthma becomes out of control and have a spare reliever inhaler if one did ran out.

It is going to be a longer battle... as I'm still having chest coughing thick mucus, sometimes blocked and running nose and sore throat, chills and most of all I have no appetite on foods as I haven't ate any thing for 5 days so I'm living on drinking orange juice, sprite and water.

My doctor gave me other tips:

* Gargling salt water 3 times a day.
* use vicks rub... add it to hot water in bowl and put towel over your head and breath in slowly and out for 10 minutes, 3 times a day.

Thanks a ton!...My chest is better and when I go to bed, I elevate the pillows so that I don't lay flat down, plus I use Breathe Right Strips for my nose, along with a low-speed fan for fresh air....Asthma runs in my family also and I do have it but it's not too bad and have an inhaler if need be. Change my A/C filters twice a month also.....

I'm back to taking long walks and tring to psych myself to start jogging again in late evenings, as long as the air quality is good. With all the wild fires we had recently, our air quality was horrible. And have a treadmill at the gym....

Hope you're back to 100% soon!
Have now gone to the grocery store. Had just a little bit of money to spend. the gift card from hubby's boss did not come, they did not get enough contributions. The food pantry we went to was out of food. MIL was unable to help due to the fact that the August social security checks will be late, so we checked mother's banks accounts and found exactly $32 to spend. We did it, but we will have smaller meals than usual and there's nothing for lunch for Sunday or Tuesday. Luckily, my check comes in Wednesday.
Went to the annual family picnic for everyone involved in this summer's production (Kiss Me Kate). We "move up" to the open-air theater at Longwood Gardens on Monday & begin a week of rehearsals w/cast, chorus, sets & props, costumes, etc all together for the first time. And the weather will be typical - hot & humid. The good thing is that rehearsals are in the evening so the sun won't be beating down on us.
Have now gone to the grocery store. Had just a little bit of money to spend. the gift card from hubby's boss did not come, they did not get enough contributions. The food pantry we went to was out of food. MIL was unable to help due to the fact that the August social security checks will be late, so we checked mother's banks accounts and found exactly $32 to spend. We did it, but we will have smaller meals than usual and there's nothing for lunch for Sunday or Tuesday. Luckily, my check comes in Wednesday.

Kristina, just wanted to let you know I'm reading and sympathizing. Nothing much to "like" in that, but I'm glad you found the $32! A little bit can go a long way, can't it, when you really need it.
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