What did you do today?

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I have now downloaded a freeware program to merge PDF documents. So, after going to hulu to watch Switched at Birth, I will start scanning documents like crazy for this mortgage loan. I have to have all documents and pages from MIL's 2009 and 2010 tax returns. There's at least 30-40 documents with each tax return, then there's all the bank statements, and other things they have to have. Ye Gawds!! I will be BUSY!!
"Writer's block"? is that how writers define it? because I'd get that many every few pages of writing a novel lol.

I checked out their forum--why do I have this addiction?--and it's pretty cool. Some of the members have reached the 50,000 words (175 pages) in their novel from last year's and the previous years. Dunno how it works, but wow I like the way their website tells the newcomers to "build up without tearing down", "to forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create", and "all about quantity, not quality" when writing a novel.

Fun actually. "Day 1 12:00:01-Day 30 11:59:59" I wonder if some of the participants finish 50,000 words within the first week and then brags about it in the forum lol
Not usually - if they brag about it they are usually told to shut up and go use the remaining three weeks for revision. :giggle: Besides if they finished 50,000 words in a week flat they have a lot of time on their hands meaning they never leave their laptop and they are up the entire week. When I tried it in 2008, I would write 800-1,000 words at a time then sit back and stare at it and try to sum everything up to that point in my head then decide where the story should go from there until I got to the next point at which I had writer's block. If you want to get uber serious - you must read hardcore novels of various genres, carry a notepad and pen with you and jot down sayings and ideas from everyday life, and you dedicate yourself to a daily word push and you willingly submit your works to the forum for proof-reading, editing, revision, and suggestions from other forum members and expect to get flamed at least once a week. Some actually force themselves into 'self-bannination' so they have no other choice but to sit and write. It's not uncommon for these folks to spend 18 hours a day sitting and writing, especially if it's their main source of income. I would have loved to have become a professional writer but it's very very hard to make a full-time living at it. Many members also have their own blogs which they may or may not receive money from. Many use WordPress instead of Blogger, as WordPress is seen as more professional.

Sometimes I wonder if I could ever become the next J.K. Rowling - single mother wrote her stories down on napkins and what not while raising two kids.She had her novel turned down repeatedly until one publisher decided to take the risk and bam! Now look at her - she is not going to hurt for money at all for the rest of her life.
Not usually - if they brag about it they are usually told to shut up and go use the remaining three weeks for revision. :giggle: Besides if they finished 50,000 words in a week flat they have a lot of time on their hands meaning they never leave their laptop and they are up the entire week. When I tried it in 2008, I would write 800-1,000 words at a time then sit back and stare at it and try to sum everything up to that point in my head then decide where the story should go from there until I got to the next point at which I had writer's block. If you want to get uber serious - you must read hardcore novels of various genres, carry a notepad and pen with you and jot down sayings and ideas from everyday life, and you dedicate yourself to a daily word push and you willingly submit your works to the forum for proof-reading, editing, revision, and suggestions from other forum members and expect to get flamed at least once a week. Some actually force themselves into 'self-bannination' so they have no other choice but to sit and write. It's not uncommon for these folks to spend 18 hours a day sitting and writing, especially if it's their main source of income. I would have loved to have become a professional writer but it's very very hard to make a full-time living at it. Many members also have their own blogs which they may or may not receive money from. Many use WordPress instead of Blogger, as WordPress is seen as more professional.

Sometimes I wonder if I could ever become the next J.K. Rowling - single mother wrote her stories down on napkins and what not while raising two kids.She had her novel turned down repeatedly until one publisher decided to take the risk and bam! Now look at her - she is not going to hurt for money at all for the rest of her life.

Wow "You'll never succeed if you never fail" just thought of that quote weeks ago with a counselor, but I'm sure it's hidden somewhere on the internet, but still.

When I tried it in 2008, I would write 800-1,000 words at a time then sit back and stare at it and try to sum everything up to that point in my head then decide where the story should go from there until I got to the next point at which I had writer's block

Good strategy! I might have to do that... I mean what other strategies is there?

If you want to get uber serious - you must read hardcore novels of various genres, carry a notepad and pen with you and jot down sayings and ideas from everyday life, and you dedicate yourself to a daily word push and you willingly submit your works to the forum for proof-reading, editing, revision, and suggestions from other forum members

Yup probably something I would do if I wanted to get serious. I'd look at sentence structures and word usages and write notes down. I don't like proof-reading though. Why not edit your paper on the way? :hmm:

People ask to be banned? lol talk about dedication and risk of being humiliated should they come back with nothing worthy of a paper.

Interesting about J.K. Rowling. I got a question. The thing with following her as a role model and the "idea" of being rejected, yet keep trying until you finally get it? What is that called?
Will yesterday I banged my head really bad on the freeze door and now my head and TMJ hurt like HELL!
I went shopping!:D I am getting ready to do Zumba
I'm just catching up in here and am astounded at how much I've missed!

Shel, did you find your dog that escaped? Hope he came back home!

LoveBlue, how is your daughter doing? My husband had a ruptured ear drum, years ago. It healed just fine in about two or three weeks, I think. I hope your daughter's ear heals well too.

Dixie, loved that info about the writing site! You are a good writer. I know it's hard to make a living at it, but "hard" is not "impossible." Do you write more fiction or do you do non-fiction, journalism-type things?

My news - kinda modest seeing some of these other things, but still... I swam 1600 yards this afternoon, in the outdoor pool at the Y. Took an hour and a half to do it. I'm not speedy, but I've got good endurance! That is the high for the season, so far.
I'm just catching up in here and am astounded at how much I've missed!

Shel, did you find your dog that escaped? Hope he came back home!

LoveBlue, how is your daughter doing? My husband had a ruptured ear drum, years ago. It healed just fine in about two or three weeks, I think. I hope your daughter's ear heals well too.

Dixie, loved that info about the writing site! You are a good writer. I know it's hard to make a living at it, but "hard" is not "impossible." Do you write more fiction or do you do non-fiction, journalism-type things?

My news - kinda modest seeing some of these other things, but still... I swam 1600 yards this afternoon, in the outdoor pool at the Y. Took an hour and a half to do it. I'm not speedy, but I've got good endurance! That is the high for the season, so far.

I can go either way. However, when I am writing for academic purposes, I catch myself writing with a more journalistic approach. I have had professors tell me that when they pick up my writing, they can't put it down. They don't feel like they are slogging through another boring paper. Dr. Clair told me the last paper I turned in for her, she had to actually look for something to grade on because the paper was almost too perfect. She also knew it wasn't plagiarized because my writing style is distinct and consistent. I also received the English Award during high school for my writing.
Wow, congrats!! That's a nice honor.

I don't know if you could stand working for the government as a writer, but there are writing jobs available (in virtually all agencies). Might be something to consider. You have a unique knowledge base and you write well. Those two qualities are a strong starting point.
Wow, congrats!! That's a nice honor.

I don't know if you could stand working for the government as a writer, but there are writing jobs available (in virtually all agencies). Might be something to consider. You have a unique knowledge base and you write well. Those two qualities are a strong starting point.

Thank you.

The reason for working for the government is for practical reasons. It's more stable with more pay and better benefits. You are correct, all agencies have writing jobs, but many times you will need to have the educational background that is required for that position. However, if I get on, I plan to use the 'extra income' to put myself through school to finish my degree so that I can get promotions within the government. This means a chance at a better life for my daughter and myself.
Where are you now in terms of your degree? You have some college credits, don't you?

If you can get on with the gov't, sometimes they will pay for you to finish your degree, if it's related to the job.

I was a gov't worker for nearly 25 years. Pay is good, pension even better, as compared to what's available in the private sector these days.
Where are you now in terms of your degree? You have some college credits, don't you?

If you can get on with the gov't, sometimes they will pay for you to finish your degree, if it's related to the job.

I was a gov't worker for nearly 25 years. Pay is good, pension even better, as compared to what's available in the private sector these days.

I like two more years and I would be finished with my degree. Working for the USDA wouldn't be bad. It's something I know, and I wouldn't be all that uncomfortable.
LoveBlue, how is your daughter doing? My husband had a ruptured ear drum, years ago. It healed just fine in about two or three weeks, I think. I hope your daughter's ear heals well too.

She's still noticing a difference in her hearing. She goes back in <now> 5 weeks to have it checked and to get a hearing test. This eardrum has healed on it's own in the past (previous rupture was about 10 years ago).
I hope it's ok.

My husband ruptured his when he, the innocent Brit knowing almost NOTHING of American baseball, was playing catcher in a ball game organized by a bunch of Americans. He knew he had to catch the ball and toss it back to the pitcher, and someone told him about watching 1st base in case someone attempted a steal, but oddly enough, no one pointed out to him that he had to keep an eye on 3rd base.

So the hitter comes up, knocks an impressive hit into center field, and the runner on 3rd comes charging up, and jammed his knee into my then-boyfriend's ear, and knocked him over. That ruptured the ear drum.

He was very relieved, and very fortunate, that it healed up properly. I honestly don't remember exactly how long it took, but inside of a month, as I recall.
Today, went to the deaf center with my ASL teacher for their Wednesday afternoon social meets. It was really nice to sit and chat with people of all ages for a few hours. I don't understand why some people say the Deaf community is unfriendly...they're not! They're really welcoming and made me feel right at home.
I went shopping!:D I am getting ready to do Zumba

Shopping? :barf: Imma last person want to go shopping.

Anyway, I just finished cutting this huge beech tree that fell b.c of very high winds few yrs ago. I started on the tree back in April. The tree was rotten and snapped off almost at bottom.

Now,Im waiting for pork chops, it is in oven. :naughty: It's been a very good day so far.

I woke up and watched USA women soccer kicked ass. Wooooot Woooot
boom loud on noise I am laugh :lol: OMLA almost on broken fan I am almost scared fine!
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