What did you do today?

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I am pretty lots of difficult to code html complication not easy! I am very tired bit stress hard work pressure not easy I am difficult! tough on my sites positive!
I had my spirits lifted. :)

Nothing special, it was just a very, very nice day.

Took mum to a "hearing therapist" who went over her "goals" for communication

who got her to do a air conduction audiogram(mild hearing loss with 1 moderate freq)

who told us she cant hear consonant sounds and suggested she have diagnosis audiological assessment i said "ok" she was telling mum they cost $50 umm mine cost $400(included a CAPD test).And when I suggested a "Consonant phonemes" speechreading CD i got the line about the diffidence between profound deafies and mild hh. So much for the "tools"(her word) of communication.

Then I went to a "hey your back in town" catchup with a support agency. Was great
Drop off my girls at two different summer camp places
Load the hays
Clean mini swim pool before my grils come home.. Today very hotty!!
In noon time, closed all windows and air condition on!
Change my bed and girl's beds"s sheets
Pick up my girls
Water at the veg and flower gardens
Well so far, I've taken my neighbor out to the Chinese Restaurant, picked up my meds and I'm making soup for tomorrow's lunch. I'll be cleaning out the grill in an hour and then I will grill chicken breasts.

Shel...first it was that darn "hacking cough"...now for 4 days, it's sore throat and sinus, fever and headaches....are you sending me "smoke signals" from Maryland?...Dunno what the heck it is, but my son caught it also, and his sinus' were so dry, he was blowing blood. He's fine and dandy now...but it takes so much longer for me to get back to feeling "good".....All I want to do is crawl back into my bed...
Shel...first it was that darn "hacking cough"...now for 4 days, it's sore throat and sinus, fever and headaches....are you sending me "smoke signals" from Maryland?...Dunno what the heck it is, but my son caught it also, and his sinus' were so dry, he was blowing blood. He's fine and dandy now...but it takes so much longer for me to get back to feeling "good".....All I want to do is crawl back into my bed...

Get some rest when you can. :hug:
my sister pain back pain worst because baby still 38 weeks I am surprised!
Just got home and now I'm heading out AGAIN. *dies* I hate rush hour. It's going to take me forever...
8:00 doctor appointment with both kids lasted until 12:00 p.m.!!! Then I had to rush off and do other errands until 4:30 ...I picked up my daughter's birthday cake and when I got home, I tripped and dropped the cake all over my feet. :(
Went to 2 libraries for our weekly run, made lunch, read a book. While sitting on the couch, with both feet on the floor, something happened with my right ankle. This is the side that is numb. My foot is swollen as is the ankle and it feels like someone took my foot and lower leg and just twisted it around a few times. Ah well, not the first time it's happened, just painful.
8:00 doctor appointment with both kids lasted until 12:00 p.m.!!! Then I had to rush off and do other errands until 4:30 ...I picked up my daughter's birthday cake and when I got home, I tripped and dropped the cake all over my feet. :(

Went to 2 libraries for our weekly run, made lunch, read a book. While sitting on the couch, with both feet on the floor, something happened with my right ankle. This is the side that is numb. My foot is swollen as is the ankle and it feels like someone took my foot and lower leg and just twisted it around a few times. Ah well, not the first time it's happened, just painful.

That's like an artery blockage. It isn't good to neglect it.
That's like an artery blockage. It isn't good to neglect it.

Actually, when I sent to the doctor the last 3 times, it was all related to my neuropathy and fibromyalgia. But thanks anyway. He says not to worry, take Tylenol, elevate and ice it. Did and done it. No relief, but I will make it.
I heard it banned co.cc I am surprised I research interesting!
Actually, when I sent to the doctor the last 3 times, it was all related to my neuropathy and fibromyalgia. But thanks anyway. He says not to worry, take Tylenol, elevate and ice it. Did and done it. No relief, but I will make it.

Ok, but you might want to check with another doctor. Congestive heart failure, and artery blockage are more likely to cause that.

Accumulating fat around the middle is also an indicator of congestive heart failure.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Worked all day today.
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