What did you do today?

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July 4th party as always. fat and full. hamburger, steak, bbq chicken, clams, corn, and some. Saw NYC firework from my condo.

For the past few weeks, it's been incredibly busy. This weekend - I have dinner party and Intrepid Museum cuz of ASL-provided tour. ugh I'm so burnt out that I'm canceling DC trip for the next weekend. I need me-me-me weekend. I don't even have time and energy to clean up my apt. :dizzy:
Finally made an appointment at a clinic for women... And it's tomorrow! :eek3:
Had a nice lunch date at Sweet Tomatoes today.
Tried to have a multi-video chat late last night/early this am with 3 others, but it didn't seem to work. got up early to get hubby off, then did my usual morning chores, took hubby his lunch (he forgot it), went grocery shopping, made lunch, heard the appalling news about Casey Anthony trial and here I am. Still have to sweep up the driveway (too hot) and deal with dinner.
Woke up with a sore throat, burning eyes, and major headache. It was so hard to go to work today but I made it through the day. Then, I had to take the kids to the dr for their annual physical. I kept saying over and over in my head, "Just bear with it...just bear with it..just bear with it." Now, I am home and in my pjs and happy about it.
Woke up with a sore throat, burning eyes, and major headache. It was so hard to go to work today but I made it through the day. Then, I had to take the kids to the dr for their annual physical. I kept saying over and over in my head, "Just bear with it...just bear with it..just bear with it." Now, I am home and in my pjs and happy about it.

Damn. I hope you're not coming down with the flu or something. I hope you feel better soon.
Watching the news and outside - yet ANOTHER huge storm/tornadoes coming through. Man, we've had so many this year I'm ready for this to be over with! :)
Nothing.....I havent been outside,yet.... I dont plan to,either....life is great :)
Huge long day of grocery shopping, Home Depot for wood, eating out with a family group, dessert at McDonald's.

Tripped over a yellow sign that warns of wet floors. My husband confessed he actually tripped over it first knocking it into my path! :lol: But he courteously untangled me from it and we just kept moving! Grace in public.
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