What did you do today?

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Well - today I read a book, read some more, and some more, then spoke with contractor, repaired my son's frames for his glasses until we could get him some new ones, went to Sam's Club, tried to explain minor changes and such to hubby about the floor plan, and now I am here.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend for this weekend! I won't be here for this weekend, so I'll see you later! Cheers~

that is pretty figure out pretty complication! I do best think myself wisdom and responsibility
Today, there was a spontaneous game of softball, Deaf women and men together. So much fun. And really happy that even though I'm still learning ASL, they were so friendly and welcoming (excepting my coach, I hadn't met any of them before). Looking forward to the next game!
Amazingly, I watched the whole 10 minutes and it was interesting. This could become a home maintenance series. Although that is a huge effort to keep your brushes clean.

Hoping for the woodworking series by autumn. :)

interesting! surprised!
Applied the 3rd coat of primer to the walls and now, there is no sign of the green paint so the walls are ready to be painted with color.

Then, I took a nice nap.

Picked up my son and then got Subway sandwiches for everyone.

My daughter and I watched "Cujo".

Now, I am back on AD.

Nice day. :)
Did you get scared by 'Cujo'
I figure out see pretty think so best research find out on downtime hosting my sites downtime!
Thanks for the positive feedback - if anyone has something they want explained feel free to criticize me - I am a big boy ;)
interesting about the part where you bang brush on boots and the dipping technique. I cleaned brushes pretty much the same way you do it but didn't know about using hard comb to clean it. cool.

You can get the "comb" at just about any hardware store. It is a wire brush. DO NOT get the tiny wire brushes, you want a big thick one like in the video.
oh I am surprised again crazy communication to my fb personal she think so date me OMG 44 inbox!
Who? You know the person?

I Know my best frineds grow AG Bell long time she knew me I remember I was 13 or not sure I remember, she know me! I am pretty surrpised old classmates I am very interesting! It is sound long time ago :lol: she knew me I am surprised!
she is broken ex boyfriend
I Know my best frineds grow AG Bell long time she knew me I remember I was 13 or not sure I remember, she know me! I am pretty surrpised old classmates I am very interesting! It is sound long time ago :lol: she knew me I am surprised!
she is broken ex boyfriend

Good at least it is not a stranger. :)
Worked and then went to a small pool party. Got home to discover that my dog has escaped again and my AC had stopped working. The house was at 85 degrees...not good at all.
Took my daughter to the ER last night.

She was at a pool party and got smacked with a waterlogged squishy ball...right on her ear. She then noticed that her hearing wasn't right so she asked me to take her to the ER to get it checked out.

ER was very busy (love holiday weekends) and we had to wait quite a while, but I'm glad we went. Her eardrum was ruptured.
Meet with useless youth worker(she works with troubled teens normal teens) who had no clue about group homes or supported employment but was trying push these services on me.
Took my daughter to the ER last night.

She was at a pool party and got smacked with a waterlogged squishy ball...right on her ear. She then noticed that her hearing wasn't right so she asked me to take her to the ER to get it checked out.

ER was very busy (love holiday weekends) and we had to wait quite a while, but I'm glad we went. Her eardrum was ruptured.

Ouch...will it heal by itself?
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