What did you do today?

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Are they pricey?

Yes. I went and bought one today for the video I will film later. The 2 inch tapered brush cost $15.

I know you can get a cheap set of brushes (as in plural) for under that - but don't use those.

However, if cleaned and stored properly, you can get years of use out of it.

Never let paint dry in the bristles, and most importantly, do not submerge the full lengnth of the bristles into the paint. All you need is about an inch of the bristles submerged in the paint.
Are they pricey?

if you're going to reuse it handful of times.... I'd say it's well worth it. It ranges from $8-20 depending on size. But clean it properly. I will wait for Steinhauer's next video on cleaning it properly. I'm probably doing it wrong.
I think remove negative I consider positive I am very happy, I am very pretty block my ex gf whoot I won I am become single!
I will make the cleaning video first. Lots of "tricks of the trade" over the years will be explained.
kind of trick of the trade?

It means trade secrets. I used to be a house painter by trade. I don't do it anymore except for friends. I used to be flown to different projects across the country to paint houses. I have worked on small houses and houses worth millions. I painted Jean Claude Van Damme's house in Atlanta, as well as the private home of the owners of Bloomberg & Bloomberg. It doesn't matter whose house, the technique remains the same.

That was years ago. Painting is a lot like riding a bike - you never forget how.
if you're going to reuse it handful of times.... I'd say it's well worth it. It ranges from $8-20 depending on size. But clean it properly. I will wait for Steinhauer's next video on cleaning it properly. I'm probably doing it wrong.

$8 to $20 isnt too bad considering if it can be reused a handful of times. I was thinking like the $50 range...that would be pricey for me.
:ty: for video, Steinhauer
I haven't painted in a long time.

Just got back from dog training class. Puppies - basic stuff - Sit, Down....had some puppy obstacles out for babies to learn about.
$8 to $20 isnt too bad considering if it can be reused a handful of times. I was thinking like the $50 range...that would be pricey for me.

$50!? :eek3:
Sat near the pool soaking the sun to get more tanned, did a zumba class, lost my hearing (ear wax) , fixed dinner and now relaxing :)
I figure out my mind! I am very pretty happy people proud of me! I am very positive straight! whoot I am very strong my role focus life! positive change my mature I am strong mature! btw I wait for my sister soon baby I am exciting :)
Went out and bought a new monster vacuum. With 5 cats, we could not keep up with the cat hair. Now this mega-monster-sucker is really doing it! :)
I have bug ticket on Facebook bug! issues not work!
Big Canada Day celebration today-Woodbine Park/Toronto . Invited to the 9.00pm " Vinyl 95.3 disco dance" -- my granddaughter-Kiera. Even my son and his wife are coming also. Perfect end of the day-Fireworks at Ashbridges Bay.-next door.

Tomorrow is her seventh birthday-another party.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I watched videos of myself when I studied abroad in Italy, apparently I was hilarious. I'm ashamed.

One of the videos, I was explaining to someone what a boob is... It means the necklace thingie where it attaches to the other string. I was pretending, "Hey, I see your boob!" When I meant her necklace boob. :lol:

You studied in Italy! Cool! where exactly? I spent grade nine in Florence :)
Well - I slept great for a change, so I had a good breakfast, read for a while, then ran errands (bank, Burger King, grocery store and McDonald's(MIL got BK, we got McD's)), came home again, went online, sat through a terrific thunderstorm, then back out to the grocery for the weekend stuff, and am now back here again. Will fix dinner soon.
You studied in Italy! Cool! where exactly? I spent grade nine in Florence :)

Ah, I spent my summer in Siena, Italy during my 2nd year of college. I went to study the language and art history. It was a great experience.
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