What did you do today?

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had to call boss at data entry job among other coworkers due to my truck crapping out at gas station.. I had gone into the store to get something on the way to work but when I tried to start up the truck nothing... tried after a few mins again.. nothing.. had to text and got the boss to come plus other coworker to come to try to boost the battery.. finally had to get the truck towed where there was a problem with terminal for battery/connector area or so I believe so.. all fixed now but had to cough up 80 bucks.. geez.. also was advised to take truck in for tuneup and checkup to clear up any more problems later.. will speak with my 3 brothers and get their advices on where to go for best tuneup and checkups since they know much better than I do regarding truck stuff lol...
I watched videos of myself when I studied abroad in Italy, apparently I was hilarious. I'm ashamed.

One of the videos, I was explaining to someone what a boob is... It means the necklace thingie where it attaches to the other string. I was pretending, "Hey, I see your boob!" When I meant her necklace boob. :lol:
Worked today and was planning on painting after work but I ended up taking a nap that wasnt 20 mins long but 2.5 hours long. JJust decided not to paint today..need the break.
crap I adjust to pretty complication improve changelle lots of better smooth! it is very glad of clam down!
I made a "How to hold a paintbrush" video today - it will be posted soon - it was my first attempt at filming and editing a video - but I will continue to do this so I will only get better .... I hope :lol:
Ok, here is the video - I will keep my eyes out for Red Overalls, white gloves and a Mario Brothers hat ;)

Ok, here is the video - I will keep my eyes out for Red Overalls, white gloves and a Mario Brothers hat ;)

That was pretty detailed! It's going to take us a whole summer to get through painting a wall though.
I am going to attempt another film tomorrow - it will be instructions on how to cut in with a brush. Then some follow up videos on how to clean the brush, and store them. That is important information, especially when paying for $20 brushes ;)

The Zibra brush I was using to show in the video is ruined - improper cleaning let paint dry in the bristles. I will explain all that later.
Just learned from Steinhaur's video on how to hold the paintbrush properly. Will do that tmw. I had been holding it wrong.

thanks a bunch!!!!
Ok, here is the video - I will keep my eyes out for Red Overalls, white gloves and a Mario Brothers hat ;)


very good that you showed the difference between 2 paintbrush handles. I can attest to the fact shown in video that you will get tired after just 30 min of painting when using plain flat handle. I hold the brush just like what you did. HUGE HUGE difference. You can see the ugly streak if holding it improperly.

My favorite brushes to paint with is foam brush, 2" brush, and 4" brush.
I am going to attempt another film tomorrow - it will be instructions on how to cut in with a brush. Then some follow up videos on how to clean the brush, and store them. That is important information, especially when paying for $20 brushes ;)

The Zibra brush I was using to show in the video is ruined - improper cleaning let paint dry in the bristles. I will explain all that later.

ah... ZIBRA. I was trying to catch what you were fingerspelling. Kinda too fast for me.
That was pretty detailed! It's going to take us a whole summer to get through painting a wall though.

you can always use either spray paint or airbrush but it won't be as nice as doing it old fashioned way.
ah... ZIBRA. I was trying to catch what you were fingerspelling. Kinda too fast for me.

Zibra has the best brushes out there .. hands down. They have window sash brushes too.
I am pretty don't remember on my memory refresh lost my friends I Notice it few people I am surprised interesting
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