What did you do today?

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Ok, but you might want to check with another doctor. Congestive heart failure, and artery blockage are more likely to cause that.

Accumulating fat around the middle is also an indicator of congestive heart failure.

In actuality I have seen 5 doctors about his, 2 in Missouri and 3 here in FL. The 2 in Missouri were Family Practice and and the 3 here are Internal Medicine, Neurologist and Rheumotologist. All have said the same thing. I have no heart issues and have nothing blocking any arteries. The pain is there, but nothing is doing it. It is just pain. I know at one point,I was sitting in the exam room and the doctor was looking at the muscle in my thigh and all of a sudden, the muscle just rippled and moved. They ran tests and could not find the reason. This is what I have been going through since I was 16 with my right leg. That's 31 years of this type of pain. Some days it is just worse than others. IT is mostly gone now, but I have a different type of pain in the leg as well that is always there.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Worked all day today.
doing what?
I exciting go to see haircut :)

buy hair clipper. save time and gas money

Again,NOTHING!....i been farting on my sofa all day long. Yes I have my own sofa. Life is great! My Indians took 2 games to one against the stinkin' Yankees. Imma going to sleep in 'til one p.m. like usual. :)
I am struggling to find an oil price in my state on the internet. I called a local oil heating company for the website, and she gave me one, but it is only focus on her company. Screw her. I wanted to compare other prices. What is the name of the website that I could look it up like a national oil heating house website and select a state for the price?

Oops, I mean it's for my hot water like sinks and showers. It would be so strange if I say a heating house in the middle of hot summer. Excuse me, ha ha.
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I am struggling to find an oil price in my state on the internet. I called a local oil heating company for the website, and she gave me one, but it is only focus on her company. Screw her. I wanted to compare other prices. What is the name of the website that I could look it up like a national oil heating house website and select a state for the price?

Oops, I mean it's for my hot water like sinks and showers. It would be so strange if I say a heating house in the middle of hot summer. Excuse me, ha ha.

lol you forget it on water shower! :lol:
Not enough to mention really. I have been reading a book with constant interruptions, checked out things online, went out to lunch and took a drive along the beach again. Back home and here I am. I think I will do a few ASL lessons online before fixing dinner.
Not enough to mention really. I have been reading a book with constant interruptions, checked out things online, went out to lunch and took a drive along the beach again. Back home and here I am. I think I will do a few ASL lessons online before fixing dinner.

You probably need a massage therapist before you go to bed. lol
I am tried on struggle on upgrade window 7 odd slow on 10 minute odd!
Have now finished another 2 lessons on lifeprint.com
I wait for patient long on 49 jeez I am surrpised!
napped at my work. woke up. had a meeting with Financial Aids Associate Director which I like cuz she's a cute gal. younger than me, I believe.

She asked me if I know ASL and I said yes. chit-chatted about it cuz she's very interested in learning more ASL. She started basic ASL cuz of her deaf friend and she also has a deaf uncle in India. Told her that I'll let her know of any upcoming deaf events since she wanted to experience it

so far - 3 colleagues at my work know a few ASL. cool. :thumb:
Nearly wrote 1,000 word essay in about 1 hour and half total, including 15 minutes for revising. However I had about a hour of research beforehand, but still.

Beat that! Heh, hopefully I'll be writing 1,000 words essays with ease.

Inb4 someone-say-they-wrote-a-novel-within-a-week (Do they??) lol.
Nearly wrote 1,000 word essay in about 1 hour and half total, including 15 minutes for revising. However I had about a hour of research beforehand, but still.

Beat that! Heh, hopefully I'll be writing 1,000 words essays with ease.

Inb4 someone-say-they-wrote-a-novel-within-a-week (Do they??) lol.

Yes, but you might try writing a novel within a month which is more feasible. There is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and you can start at 12am on the first day, and have it submitted by 11:59pm on the last day. If it's a winner, it gets published. I think the site is National Novel Writing Month
Yes, but you might try writing a novel within a month which is more feasible. There is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and you can start at 12am on the first day, and have it submitted by 11:59pm on the last day. If it's a winner, it gets published. I think the site is National Novel Writing Month

THat is interesting. I'd imagine (and maybe boring lol) movie out of this. "Day one.. 12 A.M."
"Day 7... 50 pages in." "Day 22... 400 pages in." and finally "Day 30... 11:54 P.M 900 pages in."

Fun fun, but I'd pass because those who participate... I bet they been writing essays and novels since 8 years old, so they're better off deserving it more than me lol.

@deafbajagal, homework. It was actually 750 words minimum essay on using Cause/effect as a dominant rhetorical strategy. My subject choice was dorms and apartments, so it was fun researching and learning and then write it as if I'm writing a guide on what is what and which is better. lol
THat is interesting. I'd imagine (and maybe boring lol) movie out of this. "Day one.. 12 A.M."
"Day 7... 50 pages in." "Day 22... 400 pages in." and finally "Day 30... 11:54 P.M 900 pages in."

Fun fun, but I'd pass because those who participate... I bet they been writing essays and novels since 8 years old, so they're better off deserving it more than me lol.

@deafbajagal, homework. It was actually 750 words minimum essay on using Cause/effect as a dominant rhetorical strategy. My subject choice was dorms and apartments, so it was fun researching and learning and then write it as if I'm writing a guide on what is what and which is better. lol

No, a lot of them haven't been writing since they were 8. But they just put a lot of effort into what they do. Besides the whole point isn't quality writing, it's just quantity writing. It's just getting participants to write regardless of whether or not the story is actually decent for major publication. If I participated, I would probably come up with the characters before hand then flesh them out a bit more. Once I have the specifics down, then when it's time to start - I could start writing the actual novel.

I used to do a daily word push - up to 1,200 words per day in free writing. It really helps with your writing skills and abilities to edit as you go some. Sometimes I would get it done in about 30 minutes. Other times I might spend an hour and a half if I ran into writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write. But I would force myself to do it anyway. I fell out of practice when I started going back to Uni in 2008.
Well - we used the money mother set aside for my birthday dinner and bought some groceries. Also, I dealt with auto finance company on the phone and chatted with another person about a possible job working at home. I did not feel what he wanted me to do was legit, so I said no and explained my reason.
No, a lot of them haven't been writing since they were 8. But they just put a lot of effort into what they do. Besides the whole point isn't quality writing, it's just quantity writing. It's just getting participants to write regardless of whether or not the story is actually decent for major publication. If I participated, I would probably come up with the characters before hand then flesh them out a bit more. Once I have the specifics down, then when it's time to start - I could start writing the actual novel.

I used to do a daily word push - up to 1,200 words per day in free writing. It really helps with your writing skills and abilities to edit as you go some. Sometimes I would get it done in about 30 minutes. Other times I might spend an hour and a half if I ran into writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write. But I would force myself to do it anyway. I fell out of practice when I started going back to Uni in 2008.

"Writer's block"? is that how writers define it? because I'd get that many every few pages of writing a novel lol.

I checked out their forum--why do I have this addiction?--and it's pretty cool. Some of the members have reached the 50,000 words (175 pages) in their novel from last year's and the previous years. Dunno how it works, but wow I like the way their website tells the newcomers to "build up without tearing down", "to forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create", and "all about quantity, not quality" when writing a novel.

Fun actually. "Day 1 12:00:01-Day 30 11:59:59" I wonder if some of the participants finish 50,000 words within the first week and then brags about it in the forum lol
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