What did you do today?

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So far, I have cleaned and prepared my grill for lighting later this evening. Figured out how much laminate wood flooring I will need and all for the new house. Getting ready to move some stuff to storage. The rain finally quit and the pavement looks dry.
So far, I have cleaned and prepared my grill for lighting later this evening. Figured out how much laminate wood flooring I will need and all for the new house. Getting ready to move some stuff to storage. The rain finally quit and the pavement looks dry.

Me thinks the weatherman really made a "goof" in predicting the weather this weekend...so far, it's a beautiful day, cloudy off and on....thinking it's gonna rain late evening. Told the boys it might rain...but they would not take umbrellas to the concert...(looks "nerdy"...huh?)....but anyhow, they've misplaced a thousand of them this year....besides, a little rain might wash off some of that Axe they're wearing....smelled like a "perfume factory" when we all got into the car!
My son used to used the Axe body wash, but developed an allergy to it. Also, it would set his asthma off. Luckily he is using something else for himself, but the smell sets my allergies off.

I've had a bad reaction to Avalon bubble bath. I don't use any of their products anymore as I'm prone to skin rashes and skin allergies.
right now, we are flying over PFH's home. My day will be mostly spent in the airplane. FUN! NOT!
I did Zumba this morning, walked the dog and now relaxing at condo. I am about to clean up soon :)
Just got home from two different malls. Got the "rare" dresses for the bridesmaids and my Bride is a very happy girl now. I should be her maid of honor considering the help I do for her and she lives across the country! :lol: Mailing the dresses out tomorrow along with my sister's HS graduation gift.

Also got my ring cleaned and inspected at one of the malls while I was at it. It was due for inspection anyway.

Was a pretty productive day and I predict tomorrow to be another productive day. I can't stand the humidity though!
Just got home from two different malls. Got the "rare" dresses for the bridesmaids and my Bride is a very happy girl now. I should be her maid of honor considering the help I do for her and she lives across the country! :lol: Mailing the dresses out tomorrow along with my sister's HS graduation gift.

Also got my ring cleaned and inspected at one of the malls while I was at it. It was due for inspection anyway.

Was a pretty productive day and I predict tomorrow to be another productive day. I can't stand the humidity though!

Thanks also for the tip about your ring inspection...I've lost a stone in one of my own rings *sigh*...
Today is very sunny and pretty. It's going to be hot later today cuz my AC broke! :P I will have to contact my landlord today.

that is great you lucky contact to landlord wish be new owner ! :) good lucky!
Yes, CBT for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. When you concentrate on your breathing, you don't think about the anxiety and it goes away. When you concentrate on how anxious you feel, you just get more anxious.
that is correct, they teach me lots of experience manage how emotion and health
good experiment on help encourage to development to more experience hard work I effort to study 50 pages serious I am willing study homework anxiety worth advise, add extras on tutorial!
Woke up extra early this morning, drove my mom to work, studied for a test, went to school, went to a dentist appointment, went to pick up a couple friends, went to Tim Horton's for lunch, went back to school, and now I'm here. :D
that is correct, they teach me lots of experience manage how emotion and health
good experiment on help encourage to development to more experience hard work I effort to study 50 pages serious I am willing study homework anxiety worth advise, add extras on tutorial!

good thing you didn't good google the other CBT. :shock:
I slept in until 12:30, I had no school today :D But I basically stayed inside cleaning my room up and studying for about 3 1/2 hours of chemistry since my finals are coming up next week. After June 8th, i'm officially a senior in high school :D:D:D

But all i know is that I do NOT want to go back to school this week. I rather go back to school next week where its only 3 days of school and just basically doing exams just to get the year over with.
Hang in there! Not long now.

For me: wasted the a.m. online. In the afternoon, did some very essential weeding in the garden, played with the dogs, went to the beach. Modest dinner at home. Now watching "The Bachelorette" and trying not to gag. She has to be the most boring woman they have ever had. There are some cute guys, though, for a change.

Flipping back and forth to MLB to catch up on baseball scores. Not looking good for my boys in Boston.
After dinner, we were going to play a game, but MIL really ticked me off, so I spent 2 hours completing Soduko puzzles. Still trying to calm down. Thinking I will sleep in my car outside just to get away.
Your MIL really sounds like a piece of work.

I love Sudoko too.

She is, but I know most of it is the inoperable brain tumor. She's now questioning whether or not to get the loan for the construction. She is the one who offered. Her reasoning for questioning now, is she just remembered a conversation hubby and I had about maybe moving back to Missouri. Now, this conversation was over 1 year ago. For the last 3-6 months we have been mostly trying to figure out how we can stay here. then she up and offers to sign over the property for her 2nd lot and the garage and offers to get the loan, using her house as collateral for us to have the money to convert the garage. I did not ask at all, and hubby swears on a stack of Bibles that he did not ask, but now, she is uncertain that we can make the payments and is thinking we are planning on moving back to Missouri. We explained that we could not return to Missouri as we no longer had our home and hubby would not be able to get his old job back. She listens to the advice of her nosy neighbor before believing her own family. She's now questioning whether the building will look like a home. Yes, it has a flat roof, but so do a lot of new homes in this area. Yes, it is a mostly squared up rectangle shaped building with no front porch, but so are a lot of the newer homes in this area. Yes, there will be a front yard with a lot of concrete. Well, helloooo, this was a 3 bay garage for heaven's sake. The driveway starts out as a single lane, then opens up for all 3 bays. We are not tearing out any of that concrete since we still have to park there and the kids use part for the basketball hoop.

I did a monthly budget plan and showed her where we could make the projected payments. I even estimated the electric and water to be very high and put the estimated mortgage to be $60 more than it really will be. She's concerned for the 2-3 months where hubby doesn't work full 40 hour weeks. I understand her concern, but in with this budget, I also made allowances for a savings account to help cover those months. Also, my mother is also going to start contributing to the monthly bills.

Ah well, I know it will get somewhat better. While she will never change, we will get a house that will mean that I will not be dealing with her 24/7.

*taking deep breaths and thinking happy calming thoughts*
laundry done.... took my daughter outside to play with wagon, water table, sprinkler ball then off we went to my parents for foods on grill and my daughter enjoyed playing with more of water sprinklers :) relaxing at home as well.. going to bed in a little while.... back to work tmw am. boo hoo!
She is, but I know most of it is the inoperable brain tumor. She's now questioning whether or not to get the loan for the construction. She is the one who offered. Her reasoning for questioning now, is she just remembered a conversation hubby and I had about maybe moving back to Missouri. Now, this conversation was over 1 year ago. For the last 3-6 months we have been mostly trying to figure out how we can stay here. then she up and offers to sign over the property for her 2nd lot and the garage and offers to get the loan, using her house as collateral for us to have the money to convert the garage. I did not ask at all, and hubby swears on a stack of Bibles that he did not ask, but now, she is uncertain that we can make the payments and is thinking we are planning on moving back to Missouri. We explained that we could not return to Missouri as we no longer had our home and hubby would not be able to get his old job back. She listens to the advice of her nosy neighbor before believing her own family. She's now questioning whether the building will look like a home. Yes, it has a flat roof, but so do a lot of new homes in this area. Yes, it is a mostly squared up rectangle shaped building with no front porch, but so are a lot of the newer homes in this area. Yes, there will be a front yard with a lot of concrete. Well, helloooo, this was a 3 bay garage for heaven's sake. The driveway starts out as a single lane, then opens up for all 3 bays. We are not tearing out any of that concrete since we still have to park there and the kids use part for the basketball hoop.

I did a monthly budget plan and showed her where we could make the projected payments. I even estimated the electric and water to be very high and put the estimated mortgage to be $60 more than it really will be. She's concerned for the 2-3 months where hubby doesn't work full 40 hour weeks. I understand her concern, but in with this budget, I also made allowances for a savings account to help cover those months. Also, my mother is also going to start contributing to the monthly bills.

Ah well, I know it will get somewhat better. While she will never change, we will get a house that will mean that I will not be dealing with her 24/7.

*taking deep breaths and thinking happy calming thoughts*

I've always wondered how are you going to finance the whole home construction thing because I recall about your financial difficulty situation on number of occasions.

But I see that you got it all squared away. I can only hope that ya'all don't listen to whatever MIL says especially on financial-related subjects because like you said... she has inoperable brain tumor.
I've always wondered how are you going to finance the whole home construction thing because I recall about your financial difficulty situation on number of occasions.

But I see that you got it all squared away. I can only hope that ya'all don't listen to whatever MIL says especially on financial-related subjects because like you said... she has inoperable brain tumor.

MIL does forget a lot of things. Our latest financial burden is basically due to lost hours at work. Before, it was kids eating too much or too much GameStop purchases. Well, GameStop purchases are now limited to no more than 1 every 3 months and they are cutting back on the in between meal munching. We are all working together to really tighten the belts and it's worth it to them knowing why we are doing it.

Between MIL and mother, the forgetfulness is something else. More often than not, I am writing notes all over the place about what went on daily just to remind them.
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