What did you do today?

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Weather looks perfect! Enjoy your visit :)

It was gorgeous. While sitting outside at my dad's as the sun went down, it got chilly. Everyone had to put on sweatshirts!?
Thinking how amazed I am at how some are so judgmental. :(
I am bit high easy exciting wait for cool positive!
beautiful is very good awesome :) great! weather because hottest outside! sweat!

Today is very sunny and pretty. It's going to be hot later today cuz my AC broke! :P I will have to contact my landlord today.
Waiting on the boys to finish up their morning chores before taking them downtown for a rock concert...there's the "sweet" smell of Axe body spray....baby powder and Axe deodorant..(haha)...dreading the drive and the traffic, but luckily, my friend will pick them up so I won't have to drive at night/late evening...Sometimes, I think that boys are just as "fussy" as girls about "smelling cool"...even dressing cool....
Waiting on the boys to finish up their morning chores before taking them downtown for a rock concert...there's the "sweet" smell of Axe body spray....baby powder and Axe deodorant..(haha)...dreading the drive and the traffic, but luckily, my friend will pick them up so I won't have to drive at night/late evening...Sometimes, I think that boys are just as "fussy" as girls about "smelling cool"...even dressing cool....

:lol: I know the feeling three boys of my own, and they love using the Axe body spray. I hate it when they try to use it as a room air freshener for their bed room. UGH too overwhelming.
Going on a hunt for more bridesmaid dresses. I already got my dress, but other bridesmaids procrastinated so much that the dress sold out in their area. Grr, so I'm going to check out my local store and purchase the dresses for them.
Going on a hunt for more bridesmaid dresses. I already got my dress, but other bridesmaids procrastinated so much that the dress sold out in their area. Grr, so I'm going to check out my local store and purchase the dresses for them.

Oh that's sucky. I remember you posted the pix and I thought it was cute!
really, my cousenllor told me CTB

I forget name CTB I can help you advise to breath your mind

changelle on face by face people , I can do it , cooll emotion breath happy! bit anxiety high fear sometimes I notice person stares me I am not comforable I focus on myself handle

Yes, CBT for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. When you concentrate on your breathing, you don't think about the anxiety and it goes away. When you concentrate on how anxious you feel, you just get more anxious.
Yes, CBT for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. When you concentrate on your breathing, you don't think about the anxiety and it goes away. When you concentrate on how anxious you feel, you just get more anxious.

It's not always easy in practice though, when someone is staring at you!
Oh that's sucky. I remember you posted the pix and I thought it was cute!

Yep, it's a gorgeous dress. The Bride still wants the other bridesmaids to get the same dress I got. The wedding is only few months away so I'm going to look and see if there's any dresses available in their sizes then I'll grab them to keep the Bride happy. :lol:
Today, my husband had to drive me all the way to the border (3 hours away and back) for me to go through immigration, cross over the border, walk around some, come back through immigration just to get another stamp in my passport so I can stay with him and the kids for yet another 3 months. Then the whole visa renewal process will start again.
Today, my husband had to drive me all the way to the border (3 hours away and back) for me to go through immigration, cross over the border, walk around some, come back through immigration just to get another stamp in my passport so I can stay with him and the kids for yet another 3 months. Then the whole visa renewal process will start again.

I think you get citizenship here if you marry a citizen. Can't you do anything like that in Thailand?
So far, not much. Going out to lunch soon. What a great day to be off work.
I think you get citizenship here if you marry a citizen. Can't you do anything like that in Thailand?

:wave: Bott, I can but it is complicated and extremely expensive, plus I need to be fluent in Thai language. This way, it may be a tad more bothersome, but at least it is much less expensive and with requirements I can meet. :)
It's not always easy in practice though, when someone is staring at you!
Just think about blowing them to the next county with your breathing. Huff Puff Puff, Huff Puff Puff. :giggle:
I do the breathing when I'm having some type of medical exam or procedure done that might be a bit uncomfortable/painful.
When someone keeps staring at me, it makes me a little "uncomfortable" also....wondering if there is toilet paper hanging from the back of my pants...or I've got food sticking to my face, or someone if calling my name when my back is turned, etc., etc. ....
Gotta admit, it's rude...

It happens a lot when people are waiting in line at the Walmart or the grocery store....But if there is no reason for someone to keep staring at me or anyone else...there have been times when I'll say..."what are you staring at...4 eyes?...Like what you see?"

No excuse for an adult...As for kids, I just smile and say "Hi"!...That usually makes them "blush" and then they will find someone else to stare at...but if the staring comes back to me, I'll say..."Hi again"!
Waiting on the boys to finish up their morning chores before taking them downtown for a rock concert...there's the "sweet" smell of Axe body spray....baby powder and Axe deodorant..(haha)...dreading the drive and the traffic, but luckily, my friend will pick them up so I won't have to drive at night/late evening...Sometimes, I think that boys are just as "fussy" as girls about "smelling cool"...even dressing cool....

My son used to used the Axe body wash, but developed an allergy to it. Also, it would set his asthma off. Luckily he is using something else for himself, but the smell sets my allergies off.
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