What did you do today?

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So far, I have given MIL yet another bed bath, gotten her up and walking with walker. Took her from her bedroom on one side of house and through the living room to the kitchen at other side and back to bedroom. Currently she is sitting in the living room going through her mail. Also, I have gotten a lower insurance rate by changing companies yet again. I am now "Lizard" covered. :giggle: Had to go and cancel the other coverage. Now, I think I am going to the Town Hall to double check some building codes.
Bought a new iPhone !! So far, LOVING IT !!

2 questions if anybody knows the answers:

1) what's a reasonable turnaround (wait) for texting to start working? Email is working -- that started within a minute of activation. Texting still hasn't. I can send out, but can't receive (friends have gotten theirs from me.) It's been 4 hours. Is that normal? The rep at the store thought about 2 hours ...

2) When looking at the AD forum in the browser, text is tiny until I manually adjust it. It seems awkward. I tried AD mobile, but I can't figure out how to click on the "last read post" after "New Posts" -- it just goes to the beginning of the thread and I've already read the old posts. Or is that just how AD mobile is set up?

Thanks! :)
Bought a new iPhone !! So far, LOVING IT !!

2 questions if anybody knows the answers:

1) what's a reasonable turnaround (wait) for texting to start working? Email is working -- that started within a minute of activation. Texting still hasn't. I can send out, but can't receive (friends have gotten theirs from me.) It's been 4 hours. Is that normal? The rep at the store thought about 2 hours ...
any minutes now...

2) When looking at the AD forum in the browser, text is tiny until I manually adjust it. It seems awkward. I tried AD mobile, but I can't figure out how to click on the "last read post" after "New Posts" -- it just goes to the beginning of the thread and I've already read the old posts. Or is that just how AD mobile is set up?

Thanks! :)
since you're on iPhone - no need to use mobile version. Go to regular site. Mobile Version is for people with antiqued phones :lol:
just got a new haircut style... well actually my very old one from over 10 years ago - "thin on the side, long on the top"...
Field trip to the Capitol Building in DC and it was crazy because the Prime Minister of Israel was there and there were all kinds of protests going on outside. It was exhausting but it was neat to see the inside of the Capitol Dome.
Today ... I cleaned two houses, went to lunch and got stuck in a sudden downpour/thunderstorm... stopped at a couple stores... went to see Bridesmaids (excellent) then back to my friend's house to shower and do some laundry as well as watch some Doctor Who... then dinner at Jimmy John's with a couple of friends. Now just relaxing before I turn in for the night.
Made a stupid mistake and am paying for it big time. Family wanted Frosty's from Wendy's, so I had them get me one. Well, I knew better since I am allergic to dairy and now I had the pain to tell me never to do this again.
Made a stupid mistake and am paying for it big time. Family wanted Frosty's from Wendy's, so I had them get me one. Well, I knew better since I am allergic to dairy and now I had the pain to tell me never to do this again.

*hand you toilet paper w/ triple ply*
Worked, talked to a friend, watched Maddie play her softball game. I'm planning on going to bed early tonight as tomorrow I really need to get on the ball with things.
Forget the early bedtime, seems as if my stomach still can't take on a full meal. I have not eaten properly in over a week due to being sick. I'm not upchucking - it's coming out the other way. If I do eat my stomach is in pain and it feels like it's turning into knots. I have no other symptoms. No fever, no aches, no chills, nothing. Just this 'poopy' thing. I've been existing on a steady diet of Gatorade, Sprite, and nicotine for the most part.
Forget the early bedtime, seems as if my stomach still can't take on a full meal. I have not eaten properly in over a week due to being sick. I'm not upchucking - it's coming out the other way. If I do eat my stomach is in pain and it feels like it's turning into knots. I have no other symptoms. No fever, no aches, no chills, nothing. Just this 'poopy' thing. I've been existing on a steady diet of Gatorade, Sprite, and nicotine for the most part.

Try some Ensure or other nutrition drink.
Was going to go to the beach today, but then found out that it costs 12 dollars to go to the freaking beach. Forget it.

Going to a local park again to lie on the rolling hills and tan myself.
Hunting for apartments in Washington, DC...
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

I am at work and ts raining a lot outside.
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