What did you do today?

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Turned out that there are two art festivals going on right now. I really enjoyed my day despite the heat! I'm now wearing a sundress.

Think I'll have to get my car's AC fixed... Eventually. I have been telling myself that for three years now. "I'll get it fixed..." And I never do. :lol:

Sometimes its inexpensive to get it recharged. But I wouldn't trust a blonde doing it to her own car.
worked while in zombie mode...I am so disfunctional now
Ran a bunch of errands in my car with A/C that does work. Then took MIL to the hairdresser in her car with no A/C. Also, at the beauty shop, they rearranged the chairs in the lobby and there was nowhere I could sit with my rollator and not have it in the way. So, I spent the 2 hours outside on the walk in the 92 degree heat with no wind. Owner came out and asked what was up, I explained and he was livid that they did not make accommodations to me. He says he will have it fixed before I come in next Saturday.
sprayed my hair with hot pink hair dye, put on studded gloves, studded and rhinestone on leather bracelets, put on purple and glittery silver eye makeup. I decided to wear my homemade bat brooch with my black tanktop and gray shorts and black flip flops. I don't think anyone is going to miss me. :giggle:
sprayed my hair with hot pink hair dye, put on studded gloves, studded and rhinestone on leather bracelets, put on purple and glittery silver eye makeup. I decided to wear my homemade bat brooch with my black tanktop and gray shorts and black flip flops. I don't think anyone is going to miss me. :giggle:

You should have done all that when you went to renew your license. Were you able to get your license last week?
You should have done all that when you went to renew your license. Were you able to get your license last week?

Got it yesterday. My dad was driving me to the DMV. If I had gone looking like that, I would have been kicked out of the car. I'm not joking.
I ate lunch at a fine restaurant out on the key. If you are familiar with the city of Miami, I am talking about The Rusty Pelican. What great food; and what a beautiful view of the city by the sea.

This is the view from where I sat:

Took 3 ridiculous exams and a rather easy exam (that caught me off-guard) in 1 week. Had 2 Math exams I had to study for and 1 history exam I spent 7 hours straight (My instructor lets us use the book!). Passed them all and got B in Math, History and A in English from 2 weeks ago.

SPANISH! I found out about this great spanish learning website (studyspanish.com) and studied for a day before a simple exam on Pronouns and sentences. I was slacking in that class before and thought I had it after a day of studying. Got the exam and ended up being the last student to finish the exam. Not sure if I did well on it and still waiting for my grade.

Finished with Math for the year and need 1 more English, 2 sciences, 1 history and I think I'd be done with General Ed. requirements. Haven't decided my major yet, but I been looking at Business managing and some Freelancing.

Gosh I don't really like anything besides riding dirt bikes and playing games and surfing on here. I need to buy a magazine or a beneficial book. I feel insecure. :(
I was just going about my nightly walk around the neighborhood when a cop car drove up next to me and demanded I show him some identification. I did and he ran it through his dash computer. It was a clear of course then the scum pig told me to leave. WTF! I hate Miami. (It's a fucking jungle down here. A beautiful hell is what this town had become)

Talk about profiling. I am steaming. Now I feel like a victim.

:thumbd: :wtf: :asshole: :mad:
sprayed my hair with hot pink hair dye, put on studded gloves, studded and rhinestone on leather bracelets, put on purple and glittery silver eye makeup. I decided to wear my homemade bat brooch with my black tanktop and gray shorts and black flip flops. I don't think anyone is going to miss me. :giggle:

Cooked breakfast, started the homeless project for the morning, attended Asian Heritage Fest, attended "uncorked" a wine fest that benefits Save the Bay, had a frozen mocha from Ghirardelli, went to FW for a crab roll. Now beer time!
sprayed my hair with hot pink hair dye, put on studded gloves, studded and rhinestone on leather bracelets, put on purple and glittery silver eye makeup. I decided to wear my homemade bat brooch with my black tanktop and gray shorts and black flip flops. I don't think anyone is going to miss me. :giggle:

Were you getting all dolled up for the Rapture?:P
Wirelessly posted

I slept most of the day, this allergy is aweful! I never had allergies before, this one is insane!
You've got a lot going on all of a sudden.

Today, I will be resting so hopefully, I will return to normal. Yep, got a lot...end of the school year activities, field trips, my upcoming trip to AZ, and friends. However, I am not going through any hardships or crises for myself so that's good. Just busy busy that's all. Cant wait until summer when my days beome slower-paced. :ty:
I'm sorry to hear that. :hug: That's one big fine mess that your friend has gotten everyone around her into.

Oh thanks...not down nor depressed because of my friend. I just think this whole thing is ridiculous but I am not letting this negatively impact my daily life. :) I just feel awkward with one of them now and debating whether I should confront her or not.

Just tired and so much going on. At least I got to relax and watch softball on TV last night. :)
Going in a few minutes to see the Kansas City Royals and St. Louis Cardinals game. I will have the best of both worlds, since it won't matter to me who wins! :)
Well - I had a busy morning and it still goes on. We took MIL back to the ER this morning. Yesterday, after the errands she & I did, when she got home, she was getting undressed to relax in her night clothes (no working A/C) and when taking off her socks, she got one off with no problem, but when moving her leg to get the other off, she heard this massive *pop!!!* and her knee was in excruciating pain. She can not put any weight on it, and last night she could not bend it at all. This morning it was able to bend, but she was afraid something happened to the joint and it is a knee replacement joint. So, back to the ER we went and they all know her by now very well. She had x-rays done and nothing is broken or out of place. She has very bad arthritis and the ER doc recommends that she be placed in a wheelchair now. He will send the recommendations to her PCP and we will see. Problem is, her house is old enough that the doorways are not wide enough for a wheelchair. We will see what happens from here. Later, we are going to Olive Garden for son's birthday dinner.
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