What did you do today?

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Well - I had a busy morning and it still goes on. We took MIL back to the ER this morning. Yesterday, after the errands she & I did, when she got home, she was getting undressed to relax in her night clothes (no working A/C) and when taking off her socks, she got one off with no problem, but when moving her leg to get the other off, she heard this massive *pop!!!* and her knee was in excruciating pain. She can not put any weight on it, and last night she could not bend it at all. This morning it was able to bend, but she was afraid something happened to the joint and it is a knee replacement joint. So, back to the ER we went and they all know her by now very well. She had x-rays done and nothing is broken or out of place. She has very bad arthritis and the ER doc recommends that she be placed in a wheelchair now. He will send the recommendations to her PCP and we will see. Problem is, her house is old enough that the doorways are not wide enough for a wheelchair. We will see what happens from here. Later, we are going to Olive Garden for son's birthday dinner.
Sounds like you should make the garage an accessible house for your MIL and you guys stay in her house.
I did my usual Sunday errands . Laundry and cleaning. Since I only have 1 day off a week I don't have much choice. And since it takes me a while to clean(clean...play with my pets....clean...go on the computer....clean.....put the bike comp on the handle bars...clean ....go play with the pets again...etc)it takes me all day. LOL *Sigh* I DO NOT have fun on Sundays, LOL(except for playing with my pets)
Sounds like you should make the garage an accessible house for your MIL and you guys stay in her house.

Her house is not big enough for us and the garage is too much space for her. We are making the garage handicap accessible since my legs are getting weaker and weaker and I may possibly need a wheelchair soon.
We got all 5 cats down in the basement (which is completely underground) and kept watch over the news. Tornados all over the area. It's finally bypassed us, there is much damage but nothing within a few miles of us. So all is safe for us, thankfully. Made for an interesting afternoon.
Went to McDonald's for breakfast and free WIFI and downloaded apps for my iPod touch.

Then took a long walk and went to the mall with one of my daughters this afternoon. Got a Zombie button to put on my backpack at Hot Topic.
Again we're working on the patio...mixed concrete. One of my sons is still out there, we take turns in this heat!. Got it all roped off as no one can enter for 24 hours (via Patio), to let it dry and settle....Fixed BBQ & mac and cheese for dinner, made a few trips to the store....this heat is unbearable (almost).
Again we're working on the patio...mixed concrete. One of my sons is still out there, we take turns in this heat!. Got it all roped off as no one can enter for 24 hours (via Patio), to let it dry and settle....Fixed BBQ & mac and cheese for dinner, made a few trips to the store....this heat is unbearable (almost).

meanwhile here there is a chilly breeze.... A little too chilly
I went to church, came home, pissed some people off from church via facebook, thought about it and I have concluded that I said what needed to be said. I then went to my Aunt's house for Sunday dinner and to visit with my family as I've not been to Sunday dinner in about 3-4 weeks seems like. I was sick last week and I think the weeks before I was in Dover with a friend.

I came home, visited with my friend over the phone, then gave my DD a bath and I will be going to be shortly.

I've also realized that these one-day weekends go by WAY TOO FAST!!

AlleyCat, I am very sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. :hug:

Juli-terp-to-be, I wish you the best of luck with your casting call and that I hope you hear back from them soon.
I had an early start to the day today. I am usually an early-riser as it is, but today as well as getting up at the usual time 5 am -ish, I had to type up a proposal outline for a development project to be ready to present by 8 am in town at a breakfast meeting. We were told about our 'homework' only the night before at a dinner. We didn't get home from the dinner until 11pm. Meeting this morning was over by 11am. Long morning. Had to do the banking for hubby today also. Came home to supervise the kids in their schoolwork. Life with wearing many hats - never a dull moment.
PASSED SPANISH!!! Passed all my classes once again! B in History, Psychology, Spanish and A in English!

Major stress is gone now. I was anxiously waiting for my Spanish and Math grade and all went well. Oh boy... damn I need to keep going to find that "future"! *deep sigh* :)
PASSED SPANISH!!! Passed all my classes once again! B in History, Psychology, Spanish and A in English!

Major stress is gone now. I was anxiously waiting for my Spanish and Math grade and all went well. Oh boy... damn I need to keep going to find that "future"! *deep sigh* :)

Congratulations on your good grades. All the best for your future Mudkipz :D
PASSED SPANISH!!! Passed all my classes once again! B in History, Psychology, Spanish and A in English!

Major stress is gone now. I was anxiously waiting for my Spanish and Math grade and all went well. Oh boy... damn I need to keep going to find that "future"! *deep sigh* :)

Good job!! :aw:
Yeah it feels great now. I feel I learned a lot especially when I wrote about 200 words I didn't understand what they mean when I read my history book. Studied three times for hours on different exams and it paid off. I get out what I put in. It worked for me and was doing the exams with confidence.

Pretty much no excuses now on passing the rest of the General Ed. requirements. Just gotta study and organize my time and rest would take care of it.

Yesterday I prescribed to some magazines, Business and money-managing ones, so should get me going on learning a thing or two. Found out about Khan Academy, really great site that gives excellent overall education... for free. Problem is the teachings are in videos, so one got to put closed captions on or something. There's exercises that gives you "points" and badges and you can be your own coach helping others with their subjects on the site. Pretty cool.
I worked half of the day today and got off at 11 am. I'm off work tomorrow. I will be running some errands a bit later today.
Let's see, Had to do the CNA bit with MIL and clean her up and change the bed with her in it. Gave her a bed bath as well. Then son and I had to go to the storage place and rearrange stuff to fit more in. We now have a plan and will put more in tomorrow. Came home, cleaned MIL up again, made lunch and then had to give MIL all fresh stuff again before the visiting nurse came, who is here right now.
Cleaned up much of my living room last night and my kitchen as well I roasted chicken and carved it and now I'm making chicken soup out of the bones. I feel a little exhausted.
Wirelessly posted

Mudkipz said:
PASSED SPANISH!!! Passed all my classes once again! B in History, Psychology, Spanish and A in English!

Major stress is gone now. I was anxiously waiting for my Spanish and Math grade and all went well. Oh boy... damn I need to keep going to find that "future"! *deep sigh* :)

Great job!
PASSED SPANISH!!! Passed all my classes once again! B in History, Psychology, Spanish and A in English!

Major stress is gone now. I was anxiously waiting for my Spanish and Math grade and all went well. Oh boy... damn I need to keep going to find that "future"! *deep sigh* :)

Muy bueno!
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