What did Biden mean?

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Obama and Biden say that the government, thru taxation and redistribution, should force wealthier Americans to "share the wealth" with poorer Americans.

Is this familiar? "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs".
I have no problem with the state giving limited support to people who really need it because of circumstances beyond their control (like getting laid off), but socialists want to go way beyond that and the demands for increased entitlements never seems to end. If you look at Obama and Biden's charitable givings over the years from their tax returns, it's very small*. I have a problem with people who are stingy with their own money wanting to forcefully take money from others to spread it around. Why don't they spread their own wealth around? That's true compassion.

* For those wondering how small, Obama was around 1% while making around $250,000 and then bumped it up to around 5 or 6% once he got up to 7 figures. Biden's been around 0.1% for the past 10 years now making around $200,000 to $300,000 a year.
Why do you have to reach back into the 1970's in an attempt to pull up radicals from over 35 years ago? First Ayers, and now Alinsky. If you knew anything about the 1970's you would know that there were many, many radicals living within the United States during that period of time, and they were citizens of the United States who were fed up with getting constantly shafted by the American polical system and its elected officials. It was a very politically aware era, especially when it came to the younger generation. I would love to see people become as politically aware and involved as they were in the 1970's, instead of basing their vote on minor issues that attempt to remove civil rights. People that campaigned for civil rights were labled "radicals". People who attended the Selma March were labled radicals. People that protested the Vietnam War as ammoral were labled "radicals". People that fought for equity in education were labled "radicals". Yet these "radicals" were responsible for some of the greatest and most beneficial change this country has ever seen. BTW...Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on Saul Alinsky.

History repeats itself. Yes, first Ayers and now Alinsky -- oh, wait a minute, it is not " now " Alinsky, but it is " now " Obama. History runs all the same over and over. I don't think Obama will make this world any better. I believe that he is Marxist. I am still bringin' history back in despite of any one of you who may be don't like it.
So what if this country does become a socialist country? Why is that so bad?

You don't know ? I guess, maybe you need a gel in your both eyes to see a little bit further like an eagle's. :cool2:

It's just more useless fearmongering that will not help people learn to get along.

Know what ? There'll never be gettin' along. There's ALWAYS problems we will face ahead after IF, Obama is elected - it doesn't matter if you chose to vote Obama.
Know what ? There'll never be gettin' along. There's ALWAYS problems we will face ahead after IF, Obama is elected - it doesn't matter if you chose to vote Obama.

"Gel" in my eyes? What in the hell are you talking about?

Let's not go there. I have things that I could say but I will not say.
Obama and Biden say that the government, thru taxation and redistribution, should force wealthier Americans to "share the wealth" with poorer Americans.

Is this familiar? "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs".

That shows you don't understand economics at all.

Ever heard of progressive taxation? It's VERY fair and benefits the WHOLE society. Obama wants the progressive taxation that clinton had.

Obama's policy is socialist at most and we've already had socialist policies for the past several decades. We now know that if we cut taxes too deep for the rich, our economy suffers and our infrasturture stagnate.

The top 1% controls at least 50% of people's money - yes, you heard it... the top 1% has at least 50% of the money in USA!

The rich lives very well and they can AFFORD to pay more taxes without compromising their quality of living. It's a fair system for ALL of us, even for the rich.

When we have the rich help the middle class, the whole society benefits and beomes stronger and their investments pay off well in the long run. It's already proven during the 1950's when the rich were taxed at 91% and it paid for interstate highways and nuclear research that ended our World War II.

Apparently, you don't want the rich to sacrifice for this country. You're just a greedy person that only thinks about "money" rather than putting love and care for this country.
Remember, Obama, Clinton, and Biden are wealthy and they're going to pay more taxes for us!

That's how much they care for us! McCain? Nope.
"Gel" in my eyes? What in the hell are you talking about?

Well, if you don't get it what I mean, then never mind.

Let's not go there. I have things that I could say but I will not say.

Remember each person is entitled to chose who he/she wants to support or vote. But, again I will say this -- both of these candidates' decisions/views will NOT resolve anythin' once either one of them is elected.
Money is worthless anyway or it will be once the economy bottoms out.

It's just paper.
Remember each person is entitled to chose who he/she wants to support or vote. But, again I will say this -- both of these candidates' decisions/views will NOT resolve anythin' once either one of them is elected.

No, do tell me what you mean by the gel thing. I'm curious to know because I consider that a personal insult.
No, do tell me what you mean by the gel thing. I'm curious to know because I consider that a personal insult.

No, Brad. FYI, it is not a personal insult. It's like you need an eyeglasses.
See how McCain wants the rich to save MORE money while Obama increases the tax for the RICH while giving MORE tax cuts to the middle class:


So, if you make under $66K a year which most Americans do, you'll get at least TWICE more tax cuts if you have Obama!

Clintons are millionaires and they're going to pay about 702,000 a year but do you hear them complain? Nope. They CARE about America!
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History repeats itself. Yes, first Ayers and now Alinsky -- oh, wait a minute, it is not " now " Alinsky, but it is " now " Obama. History runs all the same over and over. I don't think Obama will make this world any better. I believe that he is Marxist. I am still bringin' history back in despite of any one of you who may be don't like it.

History is repeated only when we don't learn from it. Please learn something from the history of the last 8 years. I would prefer not to repeat it.

You believe that he is Marxist, but can you come up with any single point that ties him to Marxist beliefs in any way?
I have no problem with the state giving limited support to people who really need it because of circumstances beyond their control (like getting laid off), but socialists want to go way beyond that and the demands for increased entitlements never seems to end. If you look at Obama and Biden's charitable givings over the years from their tax returns, it's very small*. I have a problem with people who are stingy with their own money wanting to forcefully take money from others to spread it around. Why don't they spread their own wealth around? That's true compassion.

* For those wondering how small, Obama was around 1% while making around $250,000 and then bumped it up to around 5 or 6% once he got up to 7 figures. Biden's been around 0.1% for the past 10 years now making around $200,000 to $300,000 a year.
Good points.
What did Joe Biden mean by this remark?

"Mark my words," Biden told donors at a Seattle fund-raiser Sunday night.

"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.

"Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

"And he's going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it's not going to be apparent initially; it's not going to be apparent that we're right."


I agree with Joe Biden. It is important to mention that Obama, who is having lack of experience in foreign policy, will be provided with best advices, options and support by a man with great and deep experience in foreign policy named Joe Biden along with a bunch of foreign policy and international crisis experts. Obama will gain invaluable and learned experiences on crisis to crisis cases.

Also it will have to include both Democrats and Republican leaders from both the House and Senate for consultations and discussions if necessary.

When JFK faced the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had to depend on advisors, LBJ, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Adai Stevenson to provide him options and advices to deal with the crisis which nearly led to the nuclear war.
McCain said, "I know how to win wars" which is nothing but a loaded phrase - the terrorist networks have always attacked US after elections... remember the WTC bombings when Clinton became the president, remember the 9/11 attack when Bush became the president? McCain has a history of misjudgments and he voted for the Iraq war thinking that it's connected to 9-11 and he dismissed bin Laden before 9-11 happened.

Who do you want a president if that should happen? A calm, cool, well-prepared President or an erratic hothead?

The choice is pretty clear.
McCain said, "I know how to win wars" which is nothing but a loaded phrase - the terrorist networks have always attacked US after elections... remember the WTC bombings when Clinton became the president, remember the 9/11 attack when Bush became the president? McCain has a history of misjudgments and he voted for the Iraq war thinking that it's connected to 9-11 and he dismissed bin Laden before 9-11 happened.

Who do you want a president if that should happen? A calm, cool, well-prepared President or an erratic hothead?

The choice is pretty clear.

Hear! Hear! Hear!
Hear! Hear! Hear!

No, my friend.... you know nothing. I know everything. I know how to prevent the terrorist attacks like it happened to those Presidents, my friend. Because I was the POW and the Navy. Did I mention that I was the POW? So yea I know how to do this, my friend.

No, my friend.... you know nothing. I know everything. I know how to prevent the terrorist attacks like it happened to those Presidents, my friend. Because I was the POW and the Navy. Did I mention that I was the POW? So yea I know how to do this, my friend.


And let me just mention this....I was a POW!

Ummm....isn't the objective not to get captured? Just askin'.
Good points.
Thanks. I made them myself. :)

I think there needs to be more emphasis on personal charitable giving in this country as opposed to handing over that responsibility to government. Whereas government programs have often been wasteful, ineffective, and even counterproductive, bad charities cannot survive forever because sooner or later, people will figure out they suck and stop giving them money. Even if one rejects that generalization of government vs. charity spending, there is evidence that charitable giving helps not only the end recipients, but the givers as well.

Yes, Money Can Buy Happiness . . . - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com

I don't take seriously socialist-thinking people who are stingy with their own assets (i.e. Obama and Biden). I do take seriously (or at least respect) socialists and liberals who are charitable with their own time and money (i.e. Clintons), even if I disagree with their socialist leanings.
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