Well, Most of situation in Iraq war has been with Bush's family and went more worse after invasion of Iraq in 5 years ago, Al Qaeda isn't existing in Iraq until invasion occurred, Iran is other story and we don't have enough position to make war against Iran because Iran is 2x or 3x bigger than Iraq and Iran has nuclear weapon, that's very dangerous then we have no choice but only better to left it until majority of other countries would commit into future WWIII.
I want to show you something. it's not real picture. For Example: It's Jihad's plan to attack. It would be happen to our America.
That's reason about Obama don't support Iraq war because of most situation has goes with Bush's family and we are feel like getting over with war in Iraq, however Iraq would still have civil issue like anywhere in Africa. Obama want migrate some of troopers to Afghan to knock Al Qaeda out, also I support Afghan war because of 9/11 and Al Qaeda need going to be defunct organization.
Yeah, Because of Saddam Hussein's charged of murder to humanity. He is involve with Al Qaeda terrorist. I am glad it's all over. USA troops found many nuclear weapons in Iraq's under sands. I do support Afghan War too. It's very poorest country. Osama Bin Laden is still under cave. I think it's good idea for Air Force to drop the bomb on ground. Remember Al Zarwskari??? He got killed by Air Force dropped 1,000 pound bomb. He was on WORLD MOST WANTED for terrorist and murder people with beheaded. It's terrible! I watched this video. It's head off. Iraqi people are so happy that he dead. Because they are afraid of terrorist. It's very dangerous zone.
Remember about Vietnam, we don't learn any mistake from Vietnam war because we don't win to save South Vietnam, that's very sad and had war for about more than 10 years, also we still get memories of Vietnam war too.
Yeah I know that. It's very sad. Remember Mia Pow. It never forget. It still memories of 911, Iraq, Vietnam WWI and WWII
For my views, China can knock Iran off due most populous and strength of military service.