What are you thinking about?

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I'm thinking how busy I am going to be on a day I'm off from work *groan* :D

I have to carry lotsa boxes to help my friend move... great! ;)
Think about what am i gonna do for Memeorial day (monday) *think* mmmm

I do have think about someone in my mind right now :naughty: not my roommate it's new guy :-X :giggle:
Think about what am i gonna do for Memeorial day (monday) *think* mmmm

I do have think about someone in my mind right now :naughty: not my roommate it's new guy :-X :giggle:

Ooh, details, who is the new guy?:giggle::P :hmm:
I'm thinking PIZZA!!!!!! I'm starving :D (I know, it's not saturday... LOL)
I am thinking how can I make more money and get health insurance? I am not happy at Wal-Mart, Tyson won't hire me, and given the more stringent hiring practices of ConAgra - its unlikely I will be able to go there. At this point in time, I may have to drop out of school again unless I can find something that pays better, and I wont have to work multiple jobs just to finance school, which takes time away from being with my DD. I have my own bills to pay, so taking out student loans and working just part-time is out of the question.

I am just extremely frustrated.
I am thinking how can I make more money and get health insurance? I am not happy at Wal-Mart, Tyson won't hire me, and given the more stringent hiring practices of ConAgra - its unlikely I will be able to go there. At this point in time, I may have to drop out of school again unless I can find something that pays better, and I wont have to work multiple jobs just to finance school, which takes time away from being with my DD. I have my own bills to pay, so taking out student loans and working just part-time is out of the question.

I am just extremely frustrated.

1. finish school because in the end - it pays more
2. when you take student loans out, you can defer it for a while after finishing school. it's a very low interest rate though.
3. doesn't your school offer student health insurance plan?
4. what about jobs within university?
Nothing wrong with pizza during the weekdays. That's actually sounding pretty good right about now...:hmm:

LOL... I know... but saturday is my pizza-day. I helped a friend moving today so I was waaaaay too tired to cook, so pizza it was. Mushroom pizza... yum!

You should get one too :giggle:
1. finish school because in the end - it pays more
2. when you take student loans out, you can defer it for a while after finishing school. it's a very low interest rate though.
3. doesn't your school offer student health insurance plan?
4. what about jobs within university?

1. but it takes money to go to school, my plan is to finish my degree and not be in debt up to my eyeballs. Taking out student loans doesn't jive with that.
2. deferring loans causes your interest rate to accrue, it goes from a 4% loan to about a 10-15% loan by the time you graduate if you defer payments for that long.
3. No, all they have is the student health centre which is limited to students residing on campus.
4. there are no jobs available within the university, I have looked on their page.
I am thinking if I scared someone off:P
15 minutes and I'll be watching Ellen!
I'm thinking that I should take a nap and cook my dinner at 8 or later so I don't fall asleep while cooking my trout.
I'm thinking that Tyson did not call today therefore I did not get the job. I'll be shocked beyond belief if they call tomorrow. But something tells me this is yet another letdown in a lifetime of letdowns. Maybe after 5 years at Wal-Mart I can go on National TV and say I've worked for Wal-Mart this long because no one else would hire me.
I am thinking on how much I am looking forward to the 4 day weekend and hoping that everything will work out so I can go to PA for another girls' night out. :)
I need a girls night out. Haven't had one of those in ages. But I have no girl friends to run around with.

Maybe I need to start a young ladies group at my local church when I get the ability to start going back on a regular basis again.
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