What are you thinking about?

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I need a girls night out. Haven't had one of those in ages. But I have no girl friends to run around with.

Maybe I need to start a young ladies group at my local church when I get the ability to start going back on a regular basis again.

Yea, u can do that. I used to have girlfriends here in MD but either they moved or they have a lot of problems in their lives and cant hang out much anymore.
I need a girls night out. Haven't had one of those in ages. But I have no girl friends to run around with.

Maybe I need to start a young ladies group at my local church when I get the ability to start going back on a regular basis again.

Yea, u can do that. I used to have girlfriends here in MD but either they moved or they have a lot of problems in their lives and cant hang out much anymore.

When we, girls, get together, we misbehave! :giggle:
Wish I could right now but with split days off from work during the week and working weekends while everyone else works M-F 9-5 isn't exactly conducive to that.
Wish I could right now but with split days off from work during the week and working weekends while everyone else works M-F 9-5 isn't exactly conducive to that.

For almost 3 years, I had no social life cuz I was working two 40 hour jobs...40 hours during the week and 40 hours on the weekend. I know what u mean.
For almost 3 years, I had no social life cuz I was working two 40 hour jobs...40 hours during the week and 40 hours on the weekend. I know what u mean.

Ouch! How will you make up your own fun time after three years?
Ouch! How will you make up your own fun time after three years?

I haven't had a single social night in over a year, between work school and parenthood, who has the time or the energy to socialize when your'e just trying to survive.
Thinking that all this rain is starting to get depressing. We needed the rain! But to get it all at once! :roll:

It will be like this for the next few days. Good thing my little car is and AWD. Because I have been mud bogging on the dirt road to get to and from home. Pretty soon I will have to take the canoe out.
Thinking that all this rain is starting to get depressing. We needed the rain! But to get it all at once! :roll:

It will be like this for the next few days. Good thing my little car is and AWD. Because I have been mud bogging on the dirt road to get to and from home. Pretty soon I will have to take the canoe out.

On my FB, my friends from Florida are making lots of comments about the rain.Is it really a lot? The same thing is happening with my Arizonan friends...only they are so excited about the rain there! :lol:
Thinking that all this rain is starting to get depressing. We needed the rain! But to get it all at once! :roll:

It will be like this for the next few days. Good thing my little car is and AWD. Because I have been mud bogging on the dirt road to get to and from home. Pretty soon I will have to take the canoe out.

We had the same problem a couple of weeks ago. One town nearby clocked in nearly 5 inches of rain in 24 hours. The roads were flooded for about two weeks. We went from drought to drowning in no time.:eek3:
I'm thinking about if I should have a cookout Monday or not? :hmm:
I'm thinking how can I be so stupid!! They say replacing a toilet seat is very easy, well hell I had some trouble with removing the toilet seat, I tried everything! a screwdriver, a knife to unscrew the bolt. It wouldn't even unscrewed! What I didn't realized that there was a nut underneath the toilet seat that was connected to the bolt. :Oops:
We had the same problem a couple of weeks ago. One town nearby clocked in nearly 5 inches of rain in 24 hours. The roads were flooded for about two weeks. We went from drought to drowning in no time.:eek3:

With the low pressure system hanging out in the Gulf of Mexico.

They feel all this rain will be a drought buster!

The pond in our front yard is filling back up.

we have gotten in the past few days about a foot of rain. On and off.

Ditches here are starting to over flow. It is starting to remind me of 2004 when we had all the Hurricanes in Florida.

But if it stops raining, I am sure the thirsty ground will soak it all up in no time. Due to the drought we have been experiencing.
I'm thinking how can I be so stupid!! They say replacing a toilet seat is very easy, well hell I had some trouble with removing the toilet seat, I tried everything! a screwdriver, a knife to unscrew the bolt. It wouldn't even unscrewed! What I didn't realized that there was a nut underneath the toilet seat that was connected to the bolt. :Oops:

You are not the only one.... :rofl:
I'm thinking how can I be so stupid!! They say replacing a toilet seat is very easy, well hell I had some trouble with removing the toilet seat, I tried everything! a screwdriver, a knife to unscrew the bolt. It wouldn't even unscrewed! What I didn't realized that there was a nut underneath the toilet seat that was connected to the bolt. :Oops:
Dont you know there's always a nut under the toilet seat with a man in the house?! :giggle:
On my FB, my friends from Florida are making lots of comments about the rain.Is it really a lot? The same thing is happening with my Arizonan friends...only they are so excited about the rain there! :lol:

Yup... Rain, Rain, and more Rain. Is what the weather man is saying.

Many places already had over a foot of rain. and we are expecting more rain throughout the Memorial Day weekend.

Of course! On the weekend that we are planning on moving.
1. but it takes money to go to school, my plan is to finish my degree and not be in debt up to my eyeballs. Taking out student loans doesn't jive with that.
2. deferring loans causes your interest rate to accrue, it goes from a 4% loan to about a 10-15% loan by the time you graduate if you defer payments for that long.
3. No, all they have is the student health centre which is limited to students residing on campus.
4. there are no jobs available within the university, I have looked on their page.

Have you checked into work study?
Its evening, I am thinking of my comfy bed and ready to hit the pillow :)
I'm thinking I've got some reading I need to get done! G'night, all.:wave:
Have you checked into work study?

I did, but they have it set up where its first come first served for low-income students and on top of that there are very few work-study positions at the university. At my school just because you're eligible for it, doesn't mean you'll get put in a position for it.
I am been trying to read a book, "Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor by Kris Carr." My mother told me that the lecture was very good, and she bought the book for me. Kris talked about alkaline balance that help to stay away from a cancer.

Now, I don't feel like to read it because my house is almost full of mess!

I could not believe that I just found a tick walking on the floor in my bedroom because of my dog. I burned it. Whew! I gotta vacuum my room now. She will have to sleep with her sister dog in other room and shut my door before I go to sleep. (I already checked on their skin for ticks so far no tick.)
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