What are you thinking about?

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I am thinking about my grandparents who are not doing very well at the moment... I have been seeing them and helping them out around the house... sooo depressing. *sighs* :(
I am thinking about how pissed off I am at my cat! I live on a 2nd floor apt, and usually let Barnaby out on the balcony so he can watch the birds. Been doing this for a couple of months. Last night, he chooses to make the great leap to outside!!! Just before my 6:30am flight to DC for the weekend!!! I searched him for hours last night and this morning. I gave up and started putting stuff in my car to go to the airport. JUST as I was going to close the door, BAM! Barnaby pops outta nowhere all dirty......

Anyway, it's all good now. I'm boarding in 15 minutes. Have a good weekend, y'all!
I am thinking about how pissed off I am at my cat! I live on a 2nd floor apt, and usually let Barnaby out on the balcony so he can watch the birds. Been doing this for a couple of months. Last night, he chooses to make the great leap to outside!!! Just before my 6:30am flight to DC for the weekend!!! I searched him for hours last night and this morning. I gave up and started putting stuff in my car to go to the airport. JUST as I was going to close the door, BAM! Barnaby pops outta nowhere all dirty......

Anyway, it's all good now. I'm boarding in 15 minutes. Have a good weekend, y'all!

dddddaaaaammmmmnnnnnnnn that little rascal! it's just his secret plot to make you miss your flight. have a safe trip!
Glad the kitty is home safe and sound!

Glad also that today is Friday !!! Happy Memorial Weekend, everyone!
IT'S TGIF!!!!! Thinking about going out for walks today... cause its beautiful outside and full of sunshines. Yay!!!
I'm hoping that Tyson calls me today. If they have not called by the time I get to work this afternoon, consider it another passover....... right into file 13.
I am thinking I am glad I didn't cancel taking a long weekend off because our plans changed.

I am enjoying my Friday off and looking forward to our Anniversary this weekend.
Dinner and Movie (Angels and Demons) for sure, and whatever else we can think of :)
I did, but they have it set up where its first come first served for low-income students and on top of that there are very few work-study positions at the university. At my school just because you're eligible for it, doesn't mean you'll get put in a position for it.

I see. I just thought it was worth a shot to mention it.
there this nasty news in nz, about some cat-killer (they used cat-hater its just eupheism to downplay how serious this is), using anti-freeze poisoning some dozen of cat over the last 6 months, all those cats from same area had to be put down.
I hope the bastard will get caught and lets ram down the fucking anti freeze into their mouth with a funnel, see how they fucking like it. it leaves the cats, loss of appetite, shaking, eye diluted badly, partly paralyised and having fits.....

Cruel bastards or bitches
I think the cat killer should be put in a cage with 100 feral cats and get clawed to death.
there this nasty news in nz, about some cat-killer (they used cat-hater its just eupheism to downplay how serious this is), using anti-freeze poisoning some dozen of cat over the last 6 months, all those cats from same area had to be put down.
I hope the bastard will get caught and lets ram down the fucking anti freeze into their mouth with a funnel, see how they fucking like it. it leaves the cats, loss of appetite, shaking, eye diluted badly, partly paralyised and having fits.....

Cruel bastards or bitches

Wow. That's bad...
I am thinking that it's the perfect timing to relax all weekend long after having a 2 hectic weeks. :)
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