What are you thinking about?

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I am thinking.....

I need to pack for my trip to Salt Lake
The kids bathroom looks cute done up in frogs
My poor Reba has a broken bone in her hock and has to be turned out for it to heal..sad
Brayden is ready for the bus to come
I have a ton of laundry to do...
Today will be a busy day!
Thinking about whether I should go to the movies tomorrow night or Wednesday night...

LOL... :roll:
I am thinking about how I wished my schedule was regular enough so that I could workout, but alas currently working 32 hrs per week with split days off, and being on the job hunt for a more permanent full-time job is not conducive to creating a stick thin me. Bleh.
Thinking about all the rain we are getting..and how the grass in the yard is growing before my eyes!
Im thinking how I need to find something better.
I'm thinking few more days left of University then it's over but exams is coming up and it is unbelievable how fast this year has been as it is nearly half way.
Tomorrow had better be useful.
I am thinking how awesome to be reunited with my classmates from grade school wow! Even a crush send me a friend request:giggle: He's married :( Oh well, its all good!
I'm thinking few more days left of University then it's over but exams is coming up and it is unbelievable how fast this year has been as it is nearly half way.

I was thinking the same... about how fast this year is going by.

Also thinking I have to work tomorrow. Going to get some zzz's
I am thinking I just became a postwhore. I now have 5,000 posts. woohoo. Im going to bed.
I am thinking Dixie is now in good company!:lol: BTW..congrats, Dix!
Congratulations! 5k post
Just one more day off work and then I'm 4 days off! 4 days baby!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Seriously cannot believed she had to busted a crazy man masturbating in the broad light by Redbox at Walgreens... Traumatizing! but thank god that he hasnt followed me home!? :eek2:
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