What are you thinking about? Part IV

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A car parked in front of the zumba dance studio was a car with two NE Patriot flags:shock: It's not even football season, hey , the person has a good choice in NFL :)
The idea of it didn't thrill me. I also would have had to pay $60 for the ticket, $65 for the limo, and then about $150+ for the tux.

The tux cost more than the tix and limo?
Nope. :cool2: People are well aware of my thoughts on the "institution of marriage". I don't need a piece of paper and an extravagant ceremony to prove my love for someone.
Um, OK. How about a piece of paper and a simple ceremony?
Um, OK. How about a piece of paper and a simple ceremony?

I will be having the ceremony without the paper.......but there will be cake! Probably some seafood too. :)
I figure out pretty tried sigh! downtime on my servers! back up!!

If I may have your attention for just a moment. After reading your responses about weddings and ceremonies I just wanted to say this. The marriage certificate that you apply for is important it provides protection to the person you are making this commitment to. Insurance, legal things that may pop up, etc. I see you saying it's just a piece of paper and I agree but it holds the promise of protecting each other and tells the other, you mean so much to me I want you protected if I am not here to do it. Now the ceremony, for me I would want outdoors, any minister or justice of the peace is fine because I would like to speak to the person I am commiting to in my own words, and would hope he tells me how he feels as well, then it just a matter of signing the docment. Whats the big deal....you can have a huge party after or just be alone..so many choices....I often wonder why men especially are so against "the piece of paper". If you are sure you love someone then be a man and tell them, and make it real with a simple signature...the real trick to all of this is looking at things realistically and not pretending you are going to change the person or ignoring "red flags". I am thinking I might have met someone who wants to commit to me and that would be wonderful,
but I want both of us to clear away the pain of past mistakes and the cruelty ppl can do to someone they claim to care for.... Please remember the most important things in any relationship are honesty, trust, reality, communication and Love..sometime we all mess up and that is where Forgiveness comes in. smile..life is too short to waste even a day alone...share the beauty around us. and remember the body is just the vessel that holds your spirit...dont be so quick to share yourself with another you are not sure see's things the way you do...Midnight♥♥
" what's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?"
( TY Elvis Costello)
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of another kickboxing training session :)
How I have kitty "terrorists". :lol:

time to blitz them.. hehe with catnip!!! LOL kidding...

Gonna be mosey to baseball game tonite.. hehe cant wait for action.. ahh.. think abuot buying a Subway sandwich to wolf down on before the game.. hehe..
crap hot outside on seem serious high hottest house! I prepare to soon to pretty think good idea swimming :lol:
Thinking about the 30 plus hours of sun I will get in the next 3 days. Will be on rollercoasters and waterslides all day tmw and Monday.
The tux cost more than the tix and limo?

Yes. The cost of the limo was split between 10+ people, and the prom tickets were cheap due to fundraising. Most people spent more money on clothes than anything else. I thought that was typical.
Thinking that I need to look for a new job... But I probably won't.
time to blitz them.. hehe with catnip!!! LOL kidding...

Gonna be mosey to baseball game tonite.. hehe cant wait for action.. ahh.. think abuot buying a Subway sandwich to wolf down on before the game.. hehe..

I did blitz them yesterday with catnip :lol:

Maybe I'm seeing the after-effects of that today !! :lol:
high anxiety again no seems on pop caffience increase I was very pretty sound stress anxiously odd conflict to my mind!

fail on my anxiety not work perfect impossible!
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