What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Thinking that suspending a 5-year old from daycare is not the answer to his recent outbursts.
Thinking about leaving for camping at teh campground where the demo derby will take place tomorrow.. will leave after the news on tv is done for me tonite and be there so I can get set up with camping gear and also help out if needed for other stuff to do before tomorrow's demo derby to start.. what fun and gonna relax for a while.. hehe..
Thinking that suspending a 5-year old from daycare is not the answer to his recent outbursts.

Dunno...when one of my boys was 7...he got banned from riding the Church bus...no kidding....
Really? What did he do?

Some bad language that he picked up somewhere...and could not sit still on the bus...and pulling girls ponytails. and hair bows...basically, just a pain in the butt! He got another pain in the butt when the Church bus monitor told me what he had been doing for several Sunday's on the bus...he's 14 now, and still remembers it, and of course...(so do I!) HAHA
Sharky, it's nice to see that you're already supporting your city's beloved Jets. ;)
Thinking about having an early bedtime tonight. I need sleep. Wish I could play my "astral sounds" CD, but can't hear it anymore. IT is very relaxing and always put me to sleep.
Thinking about having an early bedtime tonight. I need sleep. Wish I could play my "astral sounds" CD, but can't hear it anymore. IT is very relaxing and always put me to sleep.

Can you recall it in your mind? That might help? Just wondering.
Can you recall it in your mind? That might help? Just wondering.

Parts of it I can. It was a 4 hours cassette tape. A friend copied his 2 cassettes onto 1 long one for me about 20 years ago. Problem with the remembering is, I keep trying, but others sounds in my head take over. Right now, I have deep booming bass drums pounding and then a piccolo doing nothing but endless trills.
Parts of it I can. It was a 4 hours cassette tape. A friend copied his 2 cassettes onto 1 long one for me about 20 years ago. Problem with the remembering is, I keep trying, but others sounds in my head take over. Right now, I have deep booming bass drums pounding and then a piccolo doing nothing but endless trills.

Jeez...I feel for you, Kristina, I realllllly do....Ricky Martin's version of "Please Love Me Forever" with those haunting melodies...just won't quit!...every night at bedtime....Friend suggested I drink a couple of "stiff ones" before going to bed!...(Not gonna happen)....If I did, I'd probably be singing right alone with Ricky...and wake up everybody in the house :giggle:
I get the next 2 nights without hubby sleeping with me. He's working third shift security tonight and tomorrow night has a 12 hour overnight in security. plenty of room for me and the 2 cats.

Oh, the bass drum is beginning to recede, but the piccolo is going strong. We have added a snare drum now as well as the roar of airplane engines. Man I wish my brain would shut up once in a while. Brings new meaning to "silence can be deafening".
I get the next 2 nights without hubby sleeping with me. He's working third shift security tonight and tomorrow night has a 12 hour overnight in security. plenty of room for me and the 2 cats.

Oh, the bass drum is beginning to recede, but the piccolo is going strong. We have added a snare drum now as well as the roar of airplane engines. Man I wish my brain would shut up once in a while. Brings new meaning to "silence can be deafening".

Ha, ha I can relate to that. My mind wont' shut up. :P
I'm thinking the human mesquitos are buzzing around me tonight!:laugh2:
I get the next 2 nights without hubby sleeping with me. He's working third shift security tonight and tomorrow night has a 12 hour overnight in security. plenty of room for me and the 2 cats.

Oh, the bass drum is beginning to recede, but the piccolo is going strong. We have added a snare drum now as well as the roar of airplane engines. Man I wish my brain would shut up once in a while. Brings new meaning to "silence can be deafening".

The "piccolo"....can't remmy what it sounds like...give me a clue?
High pitched than a flute, but like a flute. Think "Yankee Doodle Dandy".

Oh...yeah...now I remmy it...think I'd rather stick to the melodies....:giggle:....try hard to "drown the piccolo" out, Kristina...don't "Put another nickel in the Piccolodian".....:giggle:...(know its not funny)...maybe a drum solo might do that?...or a Patrotic song....when the "military" songs start singing...it's all I can do not to jerk up in bed and SALUTE! :giggle:
went to adventure landing in jacksonville fl. i tried out few things :lol: and did half pipe or full pipe with tube i fall out of the tube LOL!! but there is another ride of course my bf dare me go there lmao :P but then i got scratched up. it is a ride it go around circle then drop in middle of pool. it was fun but i dont think i would that again. I got scratched up. that hurts!
went to adventure landing in jacksonville fl. i tried out few things :lol: and did half pipe or full pipe with tube i fall out of the tube LOL!! but there is another ride of course my bf dare me go there lmao :P but then i got scratched up. it is a ride it go around circle then drop in middle of pool. it was fun but i dont think i would that again. I got scratched up. that hurts!

I take my boys there often...the one on Blanding is closer to us, but the one at Jax Beach is more fun...they will be going more often now that school is out next week for the summer.
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