What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Thinking about a horrible thing I said to someone years ago. I still feel bad about it.

Aw. One of my Facebook friends, a girl I had known in high school, recently apologized for something mean she had said to me all those years ago.

I vaguely remembered it, so I knew what she was talking about. It was nice of her to apologize, and interesting that it had weighed on her mind all these years.

Have you ever thought of apologizing? Or making amends somehow in your own heart, if you no longer know where this person is?

I like the concept of offering penance, each in our own way. It's a cleansing thing to be able to acknowledge wrongdoing, regret it, apologize either in person or in our own hearts, and resolve to do better in the future.
Thinking that I am glad I don't have a unibrow.
I learn it translate on language spanish que means what! whoot first step!
i'm thinking WOW! my pool is finally opened and ready for me to start swimming laps every morning. My brother and some friends got everything working and are testing for chemical balance and tell me I can use the pool in 3 days..Yay! I am also thinking how different my body is now...laying in bed for almost a yeah, no activity sucks..but I have started back at my walking as I mentioned so if I crank everything up I should get back to my personal best pretty soon. I am also thinking about an out of town trip I am taking next month...can't say where, but it is going to help me make a big decision in my life. yeah..smile..and looking at my motorcycles thinking how much I miss riding..don't know if I will ever be able to ride again..sigh..but you know I will not give up trying..lol..Peace and Happiness to all..Midnight♥♥

Our pool too! Two days ago, when we took the cover off, it was a disgusting mucky swamp. Yesterday, after chemicals, it was a slightly less disgusting swamp. Today, more chemicals, sort of almost cleanish water, muck has sunk to the bottom. Tomorrow, pool guy comes to do more scrubbing and cleaning and removing muck.

Unfortunately then we have to leave for a couple weeks, but at least when we come back, it should be nice and clean and inviting. I love doing those laps in the morning, too.
I wonder if it's ok for diabetics to undergo this. :hmm:

I don't see why not. It involves no meds, no nothing. Just a simple piece of thread wrapped around your brow hairs. I wish I could explain the process better.
you love children kids! I know you good children! great

You are right. My granddaughters provide a lot of love and fun in my life, and I am interested in other people's children too.
I wonder if it's ok for diabetics to undergo this. :hmm:

Like AlleyCat said...no reason that people with diabetics cant do it.

I have never done it but I am the same as Jillio..have sparse eyebrows. A few pulls here and there and I am good to go for a few months. Dont need threading.
I have seen it too. It's called threading. I'm trying to think of something akin to it -- I can picture it, but I can't think of the words !!

All I can imagine is looping a thread around an eyebrow hair and yanking!:lol:
I don't see why not. It involves no meds, no nothing. Just a simple piece of thread wrapped around your brow hairs. I wish I could explain the process better.

I'm going to have to watch for a booth so I can bring myself up to date on these things.:P
All I can imagine is looping a thread around an eyebrow hair and yanking!:lol:

That's exactly it, although it's around several hairs.

The advantage is that it gives a nice smooth line. I've never done it myself, but it does look intriquing.
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