What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I guess I will be going to my friend's house after all. She just texted me and said her window fell down off the track and she wants me to see if I can fix it. I'll be a redneck for sure by the time all of this is over with! This heat is killing me!
I am pretty sound hard pretty tired low tired wow! I am very pretty sound I didn't notice it tired! feeling I ma work out hard work i didn't give up because difficult!
I am exhausted and I haven't done much today and tomorrow is going to be just as bed. Can't sleep when hubby is not there. I worry all the time.
I am exhausted and I haven't done much today and tomorrow is going to be just as bed. Can't sleep when hubby is not there. I worry all the time.

Will worrying make something happen or not happen?
I am pretty tough not easy I am pretty headache difficult! might to cause affect sleep medication headache!
How much I'm loving some of these small projects we're getting done around the house. My SO has suddenly become domestic !! :lol:
Will worrying make something happen or not happen?

It is a habit I picked up from my father that I have not been able to break for myself. My father worried so much, he ended up basically giving himself a heart attack that killed him.

My husband did not get much sleep to prepare for this night and last night at work. I worried that he would fall asleep on the job. (no one else is there and it's just security, but he has to make rounds every hour.) The plant is not in a good part of town and there are drive by shooting most every night. There are drug dealings just around the corner all the time. Also, he does not see well at night.
I was very pretty relax! I figure out best hard to effort to striaght to Hinda I suspect odd!
no sense my ffriends Hinda inda is not understand! I don't know!
It is a habit I picked up from my father that I have not been able to break for myself. My father worried so much, he ended up basically giving himself a heart attack that killed him.

My husband did not get much sleep to prepare for this night and last night at work. I worried that he would fall asleep on the job. (no one else is there and it's just security, but he has to make rounds every hour.) The plant is not in a good part of town and there are drive by shooting most every night. There are drug dealings just around the corner all the time. Also, he does not see well at night.

you worried on your father?! pretty sound sad! issues on he is problem cause on sleep!
you worried on your father?! pretty sound sad! issues on he is problem cause on sleep!

I don't worry about my father anymore, I learned to pick up his habits of worrying. My father died in 1991. I worry about my hubby when he works at night.
I don't worry about my father anymore, I learned to pick up his habits of worrying. My father died in 1991. I worry about my hubby when he works at night.

I understand I am guess I notice my father is not long time

of course my grand said not worried me I am independant :) Hope be hear

I know you sometimes worried on your hubby worried

normal on anxiety sometimes

I was experience worried on my father worry on 1 or 2 weeks

I was 8 or 12yrs

that is not easy !
emotional and worried health value family!
I'm a "worry wart" myself....but have gotten much better thru the years. My boys are always reminding me..."Mom, I'm a teenager now....not a baby"....Still, I make it a point to always be at home whenever they get out of school or activities....Even my doggie...if I don't see her around, I go looking for her (and she usually is under my bed)...hiding, I guess...or just trying to get away from me...:giggle:
weird on my feeling stranger on medication bother my pants odd
fluxetione drug I am pretty sound feeling pants
Thinking that in the last year or so, I seem to be on AD less often because everytime I log on, I see that I missed out a lot of action when before, I was always very involved with what's happening. At least I still come in here. Cant believe I have been here for 5 years this Sept. Wow!
I am pretty sound anxiously and nap 2 hours I was very stress too much difficult! I was very rest I am very relax! I think so better smooth relax wake up almost night serious!
Thinking that assholes need not to come to AD and put people down just because they had shitty education growing up.
I think I can guess who that is. :P

Fuck them. I had enough of people putting me down growing up and I dont need that here on AD especially when I have done nothing to them. It turns me off big time. I totally lost all respect for that person right now.
Thinking about what I shall do tomorrow. I got invited to a Pride Parade, but I also have obligations here as well. Hopefully, I can try to wiggle my way around things. Unfortunately, no matter which way I go, I'll still feel guilty. :(
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