What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I am one of those people who goes back and crosses every t and dots every i. :P ;)

I understand. A bit of the perfectionist in myself, as well. Just not re:spelling and grammar around here. This is my kick back time.:lol:
Yep. :P It was at least 95 degrees inside before it got fixed.`

Came back from nice and cool weather in Phx to be hit with the heat and humidity like a ton of bricks last night. Today, I felt so sick but I still went jogging outside to burn off all the Mexican food I ate. It will take about a month of doing that.
I understand. A bit of the perfectionist in myself, as well. Just not re:spelling and grammar around here. This is my kick back time.:lol:

If I were to correct other people's grammar as relentlessly as I correct my own, I would be the most hated woman on this forum :P It took me a long time to relax and not be such a grammar nazi towards myself here at AD.
Thinking I cant wait until TheWriteAlex moves here so we can hang out. I could use a new friend who understands what it is like growing up orally. Many of my freinds here grew up with ASL or SEE (later on became ASL). My group of girls in PA havent really been making an effort to keep in touch with me except for my best friend so I am done with working to maintain contact.

Don't forget he is also the guy who messed up your house while you were in AZ. ;)
Get a pic of that one!

Is he playing T ball this year?

Yea and I try to get pics but by the time I am ready to take a shot, the coaches tell him to pay attention. Oh well.
Yea and I try to get pics but by the time I am ready to take a shot, the coaches tell him to pay attention. Oh well.

Maybe you can sneak up on him soon! I used to crack up at my son's T ball games.
I wish be rid the my mind emotion positive cool be positive change mood i try focus best hard work!
I am thinking the whole construction thing will actually go through. :dance2: The surveyor was here today to finally get their stuff done. The A/C guy came by to talk units and such, the septic tank people came by to measure and the mortgage company called and will have everything ready by the end of the week. Tomorrow morning we are meeting with the contractor again. The grey cloud for the day? Hubby called an exterminator to see about spraying after we get the garage empty before construction starts since the garage doors let in a lot of critters. This guys claims we have termites and hubby explained that it was tented just a little over a year ago, but the exterminator claims he can't "see" any evidence of the tenting. I told hubby to talk with his mother and find out when the tenting was done and what they may have to say. MIL called her company that did the tenting and they are coming out in the morning to do their own inspection, if there are any live termites, then they will tent again for no charge. They promise to do it after we get everything out and to do it quickly so as to not to delay construction. They really think this person was just drumming for business and is seeing evidence from the previous termites. *keeping fingers crossed*
Maybe you can sneak up on him soon! I used to crack up at my son's T ball games.

We all crack up at the kids. They are just sooooooo CUTE!
I try best effort best attention show my mind figure, coflict to anxiety not good health! coffee high anxiety affect I misake Once caregivging good point 1 cup! she told me instead tea good health! that is sound great! she help me support solve! I am happy group home support to me I am glad of my bit anxiety of course I am very sometimes I am very patietent and forever not perfect worlds people suffer pain illness, I am value to faith and struggle on defend to strong your empower on mind!
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