What are you thinking about? Part IV

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well - time for the final cleaning of the litterbox for the day and then off to bed. Fan in bedroom died, so I am sleeping on the couch. Which cat will join me I wonder. Usually it's Sammy, but Tinkerbell has been glued to my side for the last 3 days.
I am thinking about the news I received today and it wasn't good. In the end of things, I won't be working for USDA.

Now I'm back to square one as to what to try for next. I don't have the means or the support to resume my studies at Uni, but yet I know that I'm going nowhere as long as I stay on the farm or in poultry processing.

I wish I had a nice trust fund or something that would allow me to go to school full time until I finished my degree, but alas, I don't.

What's sad is that the only way I'm ever going to get to move up on the financial totem pole is if I have that degree in my hand as proof that I'm worth something. Right now as it stands - I'm worth nothing to any company or agency, thus no one is even going to consider hiring me without that degree.

This is going to be much much harder than previously thought. *Sigh* Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I won't amount to much more than a chicken farmer in the long run and to quit wasting my time, money, and energy on this education pipe dream I've got.

I wanted to make my family proud, but I guess that won't happen. It would be nice if just once I could be good enough for something good to happen to me.
I am thinking about the news I received today and it wasn't good. In the end of things, I won't be working for USDA.

Now I'm back to square one as to what to try for next. I don't have the means or the support to resume my studies at Uni, but yet I know that I'm going nowhere as long as I stay on the farm or in poultry processing.

I wish I had a nice trust fund or something that would allow me to go to school full time until I finished my degree, but alas, I don't.

What's sad is that the only way I'm ever going to get to move up on the financial totem pole is if I have that degree in my hand as proof that I'm worth something. Right now as it stands - I'm worth nothing to any company or agency, thus no one is even going to consider hiring me without that degree.

This is going to be much much harder than previously thought. *Sigh* Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I won't amount to much more than a chicken farmer in the long run and to quit wasting my time, money, and energy on this education pipe dream I've got.

I wanted to make my family proud, but I guess that won't happen. It would be nice if just once I could be good enough for something good to happen to me.

Get Pell grants and take student loans. Go full time. It will be worth it in your future.

Low income should allow you to mostly get grants to cover everything.
Get Pell grants and take student loans. Go full time. It will be worth it in your future.

Low income should allow you to mostly get grants to cover everything.

And have an overage to help with living expenses.
And have an overage to help with living expenses.

That's the hard part - is getting the overage to where you can make rent on what's left every semester and work part-time.

It would be nice if my friend in Dover would offer to let me rent out her downstairs for $250-$300/month so I could be closer to Uni and I could go fulltime with the grants, loans, etc., and work part-time somewhere in Russellville-Dover area. But I don't think she will as long as her grandson stays with her frequently and I don't want to barge in on their family - thus why I haven't even bothered asking about it. :(

Besides June 1st is the deadline for scholarships and grants I believe. If I resume this fall, I will have to wait until next year before I can apply for the Pell Grant and scholarships.

Also adding: I have discussed this somewhat with my parents and neither of them are supportive of the idea going back to school fulltime, much less at all. I just wish I had the familial support that I see other people having. If my brother decided to go back, they would be all over it. But because it's screwball me, they don't support it. I think it's because they don't believe I will ever actually finish.
That's the hard part - is getting the overage to where you can make rent on what's left every semester and work part-time.

It would be nice if my friend in Dover would offer to let me rent out her downstairs for $250-$300/month so I could be closer to Uni and I could go fulltime with the grants, loans, etc., and work part-time somewhere in Russellville-Dover area. But I don't think she will as long as her grandson stays with her frequently and I don't want to barge in on their family - thus why I haven't even bothered asking about it. :(

Besides June 1st is the deadline for scholarships and grants I believe. If I resume this fall, I will have to wait until next year before I can apply for the Pell Grant and scholarships.

You can go ahead and apply. Just fill out your FAFSA online. The school should automatically place you in the running for anything you are eligible for. Also, there are always students that turn down what they are offered. Just email the Bursar and let them know that you are interested in any funding that has not been allotted. Those deadlines are just for getting preference. Those who complete the FAFSA by the deadline are first in line for funding. But that doesn't mean that the funding has all been allotted. Pell Grant funding comes from the government. If you are eligible, the school does not have a deadline for awards.
Uh, then why do we have rain forecast for every day until June 4? Can I give your number to the weather people? :)

Sure!! It's been beautifully sunny here. We could use a little rain.

Nice thing about being here (beaches of NC): it's often like Camelot, where it rains only over night.

We get some whoppers of north-easters in the fall, but right now, overnight rain is more common than rain in the daytime. Pretty sweet system. :lol:
Sure!! It's been beautifully sunny here. We could use a little rain.

Nice thing about being here (beaches of NC): it's often like Camelot, where it rains only over night.

We get some whoppers of north-easters in the fall, but right now, overnight rain is more common than rain in the daytime. Pretty sweet system. :lol:

Should hit 80 degrees this Saturday in Washington (state) where I live. First time to 80 degrees this year. I'd rather it be blazingly hot so I can go for a nice swim in a lake or good swim hole. It has been rather a cool spring so far. Something on the order of 5 to 7 degrees cooler than average.
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
Thinking of opening up photoshop and making me a gory avatar.

I am thinking creepy
I'm sorry to hear the USDA did not work out. Now, I encourage you to do something about starting study again. This is what you wanted to do, so go for it. Forget about your folks and their stinky attitude. You have friends who believe that you can do, and should go for it. If there's a will, then there's a way. My mum got her degree despite we were poor, and she had to work 2 or 3 jobs. No student grants, but she did it.
You, on the other hand, have options like other posters mentioned.

Good luck!
I am thinking about the news I received today and it wasn't good. In the end of things, I won't be working for USDA.

Now I'm back to square one as to what to try for next. I don't have the means or the support to resume my studies at Uni, but yet I know that I'm going nowhere as long as I stay on the farm or in poultry processing.

I wish I had a nice trust fund or something that would allow me to go to school full time until I finished my degree, but alas, I don't.

What's sad is that the only way I'm ever going to get to move up on the financial totem pole is if I have that degree in my hand as proof that I'm worth something. Right now as it stands - I'm worth nothing to any company or agency, thus no one is even going to consider hiring me without that degree.

This is going to be much much harder than previously thought. *Sigh* Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I won't amount to much more than a chicken farmer in the long run and to quit wasting my time, money, and energy on this education pipe dream I've got.

I wanted to make my family proud, but I guess that won't happen. It would be nice if just once I could be good enough for something good to happen to me.

I am thinking about the news I received today and it wasn't good. In the end of things, I won't be working for USDA.

Now I'm back to square one as to what to try for next. I don't have the means or the support to resume my studies at Uni, but yet I know that I'm going nowhere as long as I stay on the farm or in poultry processing.

I wish I had a nice trust fund or something that would allow me to go to school full time until I finished my degree, but alas, I don't.

What's sad is that the only way I'm ever going to get to move up on the financial totem pole is if I have that degree in my hand as proof that I'm worth something. Right now as it stands - I'm worth nothing to any company or agency, thus no one is even going to consider hiring me without that degree.

This is going to be much much harder than previously thought. *Sigh* Maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I won't amount to much more than a chicken farmer in the long run and to quit wasting my time, money, and energy on this education pipe dream I've got.

I wanted to make my family proud, but I guess that won't happen. It would be nice if just once I could be good enough for something good to happen to me.

Keep pushing yourself. You're a very smart gal and I know you can do great things. Go back to school, get that goddarn degree! Life likes to throw curve balls, but they happen for a reason. Have to let go of your original expectations and open your mind to a new opportunity.
My son played second base, and I played 3rd when I was a kid! Gotta love the infield.

Some games are like that. Your team can do everything right, and still the luck falls to the other team. Dang it!

Ten years old...what a great age. My great neice that lives with me is ten.

yeah I feel you that one. I did play 2nd base at the most of time.. sometimes SS or 3rd base if someone has been absent. Sure i missed playing softball in my time. lol Its important for my girl to keep going on with softball then she would play better and better. Thanks. :D
Dixie..dont stop.. keep going on... and work hard.. I'm sure ya will figure something out and it will go in your favor.. dont give up ok? I would hate to see ya give all this up for nothing later on... do it anyways and it will be worth the gamble later on.. that why I am going to college and working part time and living in a place where I can pay rent with no problem (low rent amount due to income pecentage and more) so it works to my advantage for a while.. I plan on staying at my current apt for a bit while till I find something better with a better job and good pay then I can do what I want to do.. ya will do well and provide well for yourself and your daugther... as for your folks, they need to be gobsmacked for not supporting ya well enough..geez....
Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. This afternoon I plan to look online for some options as I have just seen an ad about my university that is offering accelerated degrees with work experience possibly counting for credit. I may send some emails and make some phone calls to see what I can find out. In the meantime, I've checked my finances and I might have just barely enough for one semester as part time, but I also need to get new tires for my truck. I may put the tires on and take out a loan and possibly a grant if possible so I can try to take some classes online again if possible.
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