What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Dixie, I'm sorry your news was disappointing. School sounds like a good other option now. I hope you can get some FAFSA (rather than having to get a loan ??)
Sure!! It's been beautifully sunny here. We could use a little rain.

Nice thing about being here (beaches of NC): it's often like Camelot, where it rains only over night.

We get some whoppers of north-easters in the fall, but right now, overnight rain is more common than rain in the daytime. Pretty sweet system. :lol:

And to note that the Beaches in N.C. are "so clean"....especially Wrightsville Beach....and BTW...I'm a native of Wilmington, N.C. and have been to every beach in that area. At one time, I lived closer to Surf City Beach but Wrightsville Beach was my fav.
I did some poking around on the ATU website until I found the 'Accelerated Degree Program' that I had seen advertised on TV.
Arkansas Tech Accelerated Degree Program

Upside is they include Agri Business - which I can likely get all 12 hours credit hours applied towards that degree based on work experience in various parts of the poultry business. I just have to prove that the knowledge I gained from the work experience is college level.

Downside is my English Ed dgree is not a part of this degree plan. UGH. Decisions decisions.

Here's what they have straight from the page:
Concentration areas include:

Agricultural Business
Criminal Justice
Early Childhood Education
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Information Technology
Public Relations

According to what they say, it can be done in as little as 18 months - if I had 60 credit hours for undergrad study.

It sounded good, but I'm thinking I will need to go the traditional way.

Wonder did you ever try to check voc rehab to see if they are able to help with your tuition if you plan to return to school?

Wonder did you ever try to check voc rehab to see if they are able to help with your tuition if you plan to return to school?

I recall trying to do this some years ago, but at the time they did not offer any financial assistance from what my VR counselor told me at the time. It would be nice if I could get the WIA to work for me on this one. But I need those last 14 hours of credits to get my 60 hours of undergrad study in. I could get those credits in one semester if I were allowed to go full-time on student loan/grant. I'll be calling my friend in Dover tonight and try to talk to her face to face and see what she says about the renting-out-her-basement idea so I can move out from my parents and get the blessing and support I need to pursue my education full-time and work part-time. Yes, I know I will be in debt up to my eyeballs when I graduate, but seems like my idea of 'no-debt upon graduation' isn't going to work the way I had hoped. I'm just tired of working for peanuts and I want to do more than just work peon jobs within the poultry industry. I know I would make a heck of a supervisor as I can walk into any poultry processing plant and do any job from live-hang, through Evis, through Further Processing/Debone, through pack-out, to shipping and making boxes and shipping combo bins for the product. As a person that has worked on the line - a good supervisor is one that can actually do every job in his or her department and treats their workers with respect. I have worked under supervisors that couldn't do lickety-split and it was horrible.

But my heart is in English Ed I believe. It just sounds like something I would do for a living - being an English Teacher.
I recall trying to do this some years ago, but at the time they did not offer any financial assistance from what my VR counselor told me at the time. It would be nice if I could get the WIA to work for me on this one. But I need those last 14 hours of credits to get my 60 hours of undergrad study in. I could get those credits in one semester if I were allowed to go full-time on student loan/grant. I'll be calling my friend in Dover tonight and try to talk to her face to face and see what she says about the renting-out-her-basement idea so I can move out from my parents and get the blessing and support I need to pursue my education full-time and work part-time. Yes, I know I will be in debt up to my eyeballs when I graduate, but seems like my idea of 'no-debt upon graduation' isn't going to work the way I had hoped. I'm just tired of working for peanuts and I want to do more than just work peon jobs within the poultry industry. I know I would make a heck of a supervisor as I can walk into any poultry processing plant and do any job from live-hang, through Evis, through Further Processing/Debone, through pack-out, to shipping and making boxes and shipping combo bins for the product. As a person that has worked on the line - a good supervisor is one that can actually do every job in his or her department and treats their workers with respect. I have worked under supervisors that couldn't do lickety-split and it was horrible.

But my heart is in English Ed I believe. It just sounds like something I would do for a living - being an English Teacher.

Interesting, maybe just check with VR again in 2011 to see what they have offers that they might change the rules or options. It won't hurt to check with VR again.
Tomorrow morning is going to be rough around here. Son, hubby and I were going to take more loads to the storage place, but now I'm not sure what to do. Seems they are replacing a pole in the back yard area where 4 property lines meet. To move the lines, they will have to shut all power off for 4 hours or so. Also, we are expecting temps to be at least 92 by 9am. At least I will have breakfast out of the way, but now, I have to figure out lunch. Son suggested me making a pasta salad this evening and having it ready for then. Not a bad idea. It's just that with the heat and no way to cool off, we don't want to me moving all these boxes. Bummer. Contractor wanted to come by Saturday and chalk out the floor plan to give us a rough feel of the rooms.
How frustrating it is sometimes to make phone calls with a relay :( (My SO ended up doing it for me, bless him!)
Say with that heat you're not going to feel much like having a hot meal for dinner. You may try making a chef salad instead. That might be easier on everyone so your not having to cook and add more heat to an already hot house. From what I understand your MIL will not allow you to run the A/C unless it's above 95 in the house and will not allow you to open windows?
I got an forwarded email. I like it.

An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.
At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. 'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.'

The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?' 'That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them.' For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.'

Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

SO, to all of my cracked pot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path! And send this to any or all of your Cracked Pot friends within 5 minutes and see what happens!

Don't forget the Cracked Pot that sent it to you!!
I did some poking around on the ATU website until I found the 'Accelerated Degree Program' that I had seen advertised on TV.
Arkansas Tech Accelerated Degree Program

Upside is they include Agri Business - which I can likely get all 12 hours credit hours applied towards that degree based on work experience in various parts of the poultry business. I just have to prove that the knowledge I gained from the work experience is college level.

Downside is my English Ed dgree is not a part of this degree plan. UGH. Decisions decisions.

Here's what they have straight from the page:
Concentration areas include:

Agricultural Business
Criminal Justice
Early Childhood Education
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Information Technology
Public Relations

According to what they say, it can be done in as little as 18 months - if I had 60 credit hours for undergrad study.

It sounded good, but I'm thinking I will need to go the traditional way.

I love that in the space of one day, you got bad news, you felt down about it, you picked yourself up, you started researching more options!

THAT is a strength. Not everyone does that for themselves. You are picking yourself up already and looking into things. Keep it up, and you will eventually see daylight, I promise you.
I am too much on headache crap I am wonder might to dry hot my brain hot! I am afraid often!
Say with that heat you're not going to feel much like having a hot meal for dinner. You may try making a chef salad instead. That might be easier on everyone so your not having to cook and add more heat to an already hot house. From what I understand your MIL will not allow you to run the A/C unless it's above 95 in the house and will not allow you to open windows?

Well - I will have the electric on this evening. It's tomorrow morning that it will be off, from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Dinner tonight and making the pasta salad will be no problem. Breakfast will be done before they shut it off and then we have the pasta salad for lunch. MIL has said that she will be buying pizza for dinner tomorrow night, but I can't eat it, so I may make a run to Whole Foods and get something for me.
Can't eat pizza??? Why???? That would be a horrible fate for me! (1/2 Italian here; cannot imagine a world without pizza.)
Can't eat pizza??? Why???? That would be a horrible fate for me! (1/2 Italian here; cannot imagine a world without pizza.)

I am allergic to dairy. I cannot have cheese, milk or butter. I have to have the dairy free versions. I drink almond milk, cook with rice milk and my ice cream is coconut milk. I use dairy free butters, the soft spreadable is from Smart Balance and the stick is from Best Life. I have yet to find a dairy free cheese that tastes good.
I love that in the space of one day, you got bad news, you felt down about it, you picked yourself up, you started researching more options!

THAT is a strength. Not everyone does that for themselves. You are picking yourself up already and looking into things. Keep it up, and you will eventually see daylight, I promise you.

Thank you. I just woke up and realized this morning that not having the job opportunity that I had hoped for doesn't really change things all that much. I still have a job. It's not like I woke up NOT having a job period. Bills are still being paid, my needs are still being met, what I have got to be depressed about?

However, I haven't made a final decision yet, but I hope that I will make the right one in the coming months as to whether or not I will resume full-time, part-time, or even at all in the Fall semester. I plan to get tires put on my truck, which will get one thing out of the way for sure as far as immediate expenses go.

I didn't get a chance to talk to my friend today as I forgot she was going to be out of town most of the day at the specialist in LR as well as having physical therapy this afternoon and of course it's church night, so she would have been booked solid. Not a good day to bring up the subject. Hopefully, I will be able to talk to her tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I'll have to get into Martha Stewart mode as a friend of mine from Tyson just recently had a breast removed due to cancer and they are having a bake sale for her on Friday to try to raise money to help with medical expenses. I'm not sure what I will make, but pumpkin roll usually goes over very well. :cool2:
I'm thinking those hearing folk and their hangers on can be some nasty little people.
thinking how many would attend for my birthday gathering in August - most of my friends are from interstate :shock:
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