What are you doing right now? Part II

Reading threads. Can't sleep with stuff running through my head.
Making plans for today and tomorrow. This Saturday and Sunday is the last one of 2014, so a good time to make something happen. That, and it's supposed to be mild today, so a bike ride is called for today. :P
Rotated my queen size mattress earlier. Always fun to do by oneself.
Someone needs to invent a bed frame and box spring that has a turn table in the middle that can be mechanically lifted to rotate the mattress. :p
Getting set for departure to Rogers Park in about an hour. I have a friend who needs help setting up a printer that runs on WiFi, and I'm supposed to meet him at 2. The thing is, I have a nearly 2 mile walk to get to his place from the Morse Red Line.
getting pissed off.been visiting hospital and hospital last place want to be if you ill
In Rogers Park, just east of Ridge, and wondering if my friend is home. I may have arrived just a little too early.
Just got done installing the new printer my friend has. Took a while to figure it out, but I did manage to do it. I also noticed his laptop needed updating, so I did that, too. Also updated software he had out of date, and installing the printer software, currently in progress. Should be done with that before long.
Finished with the printer, laptop, and also getting the print service set up on his Nexus 7 (Something I didn't know it had), and I leave my friend a happy person, and will return back next weekend to finish up what's left.
Finished with the printer, laptop, and also getting the print service set up on his Nexus 7 (Something I didn't know it had), and I leave my friend a happy person, and will return back next weekend to finish up what's left.
I love wireless printing. We can use any computer or tablet at home on all our printers, upstairs and downstairs. I can also print from my phone. Very convenient. :)
I love wireless printing. We can use any computer or tablet at home on all our printers, upstairs and downstairs. I can also print from my phone. Very convenient. :)

Yes, which I just witnessed for the first time ever. Convenient indeed. I think that's my next step when I move out-- one of these. Have you heard of the Epson printer series? That is what I just got done with.
Yes, which I just witnessed for the first time ever. Convenient indeed. I think that's my next step when I move out-- one of these. Have you heard of the Epson printer series? That is what I just got done with.
Yes, I've heard of Epson. I have HP and Dell printers.
Yes, I've heard of Epson. I have HP and Dell printers.

Those two I've heard of. Epson I hadn't until today. Put it this way-- it was a good learning experience getting to set that up. Kinda neat, too. Interesting, as well.
Now waiting for the #81 Lawrence bus to Broadway, where I will transfer to the #36 bus for my local Target. Then I might take either the #36 or walk on Wilson to the #151.
salt? never knew it can be used for this process.

Well the salt worked just a little bit. The wine stain is still big and nasty. Hubby is trying other cleaners now but it does not look promising. If I ever get new carpet, red wine will not be allowed.
Well the salt worked just a little bit. The wine stain is still big and nasty. Hubby is trying other cleaners now but it does not look promising. If I ever get new carpet, red wine will not be allowed.

Or get maroon carpet! :P
Had a great night with the family and my roommTe in DC. Now watching sad stories on "Intervention"
We had to use a room-size area rug in our family room for several years to cover up burn holes. A hot log rolled out of our wood stove and melted the carpet. :(

We have new carpet in that room now. :)

Thank goodness that your house didn't catch on fire!!!!!

I can't wait u til we replace that nasty carpet upstairs!!!!!
We had to use a room-size area rug in our family room for several years to cover up burn holes. A hot log rolled out of our wood stove and melted the carpet. :(

We have new carpet in that room now. :)

I never heard of that happening , you were lucky you did not have a fire.
I had a friend that kept wet fire wood under a woodstove and I went to her in the morning she and her child were still sleeping and the fire wood under the wood stove catch on fire . I had warn my friend it was not a good idea keeping wet firewood under the stove, the wood was on a wooden floor and could really burns the house down b/c there was no fires department within miles on the mountain . And if there was they could had been able to used the road b/c it was not wide enough .
Remembering what it is like waiting for my daughter to get home. She met up with friends from high school. I know she is having a blast but I kind of wish she would have stayed in and spent her last night here with me. Her visit went by way too fast.