What are you doing right now? Part II

We had to use a room-size area rug in our family room for several years to cover up burn holes. A hot log rolled out of our wood stove and melted the carpet. :(

We have new carpet in that room now. :)

When we use to use our fireplace we always had a hearth rug in front of it covering the carpet. It caught a few hot embers once, saved my carpet.

Luckily the red wine stain is on older carpet. Need to get hubby on board with replacing it soon. Big job to pack up everything and move all the furniture to get the carpet installed. Of course then I would want to paint everything too. Already have plans to extend my hardwood floors into the hallway and front entrance to the house.
Today is the 28th.... time to start thinking about how I will use my time today and on the 31st. I definitely am going to the Pier that night, no question about it. Just need to figure out what time is appropiate to be there.

Also am starting to develop plans to visit the Oakton and Skokie Yellow Line stops and Old Orchard Mall on Jan 5th. That will officially kick off my travels around the region. Should be a fun year. :P
When we use to use our fireplace we always had a hearth rug in front of it covering the carpet. It caught a few hot embers once, saved my carpet.

Luckily the red wine stain is on older carpet. Need to get hubby on board with replacing it soon. Big job to pack up everything and move all the furniture to get the carpet installed. Of course then I would want to paint everything too. Already have plans to extend my hardwood floors into the hallway and front entrance to the house.
Hope you can get him on board lol.

When my parents first moved here there were a number of stains on the carpet (including I think either red wine or spaghetti sauce). Think they got the previous owner to pay for the cleaning. The carpeting was already not the best so they replaced the entire downstairs with ceramic tiles about 10 years ago...maybe more as I have pics of the nephew crawling around on the new floor lol. They said it was the best thing they did. Upstairs still has carpeting- don't know or remember if they replaced it up here or not.
On my way to find breakfast..... and breaking in my new gloves while I'm at it.
At home wondering what the plan is for today with my husband. Probably nothing.
When we use to use our fireplace we always had a hearth rug in front of it covering the carpet. It caught a few hot embers once, saved my carpet.

Luckily the red wine stain is on older carpet. Need to get hubby on board with replacing it soon. Big job to pack up everything and move all the furniture to get the carpet installed. Of course then I would want to paint everything too. Already have plans to extend my hardwood floors into the hallway and front entrance to the house.

Did the salt treatment get all of the stain? Also, rinse out all salt residue because salt is corrosive.
Finalizing my plans for the 31st, for which I will leave at 9:30 PM for the Pier (due to a possible long wait for the #29 State bus), and can expect to be back home very late. Also making plans for paying my bills this Friday, as well as food shopping on the 1st.
Did the salt treatment get all of the stain? Also, rinse out all salt residue because salt is corrosive.

No it did not, maybe 1/2 of it. Vacummed really good then tried another cleaner, scrubbed, let that dry and vacummed again. If I have to have a stain like this, luckily it is in a very good spot. Definitely need new carpet in the very near future.
No it did not, maybe 1/2 of it. Vacummed really good then tried another cleaner, scrubbed, let that dry and vacummed again. If I have to have a stain like this, luckily it is in a very good spot. Definitely need new carpet in the very near future.
Scrubbed? On, no! Never scrub.
What?? We have a machine that scrubs carpet with cleaning solution and I think brushes kind of like a vacuum cleaner.

Why not scrub?
Hand-scrubbing with a brush or towel damages the fibers of the carpet, and makes them more porous and absorbent for staining. It also results in making the fibers more fuzzy and can leave depressions.

If you have a machine that's made for cleaning carpets then it probably has the right kind of brushes that aren't too abrasive.
Hand-scrubbing with a brush or towel damages the fibers of the carpet, and makes them more porous and absorbent for staining. It also results in making the fibers more fuzzy and can leave depressions.

If you have a machine that's made for cleaning carpets then it probably has the right kind of brushes that aren't too abrasive.

I didn't know this.

I think our machine actually does kind of leave it more fuzzy.

I should make a note of this, but as long as I keep rescuing dogs, (probably until my dying breath) I may still need the machine. :lol:
. . . as long as I keep rescuing dogs, (probably until my dying breath) I may still need the machine. :lol:
Understood. :lol:

OUT urine remover is something you might want to check out. If a pet has an accident, pour it on the spot until it's thoroughly soaked down into the padding underneath the carpet. Let it work for two-three days--no blotting or cleaning required. Active enzymes break down the urine. Walmart carries it in its pet department. It won't take out the stain but it will remove all the odor.

To avoid staining, blot up as much of the urine as possible immediately. Then use the OUT for the odor.
Scrubbed? On, no! Never scrub.

We did soak up as much as possible, poured salt on the stain, put a towel over it, a piece of plywood then heavy weights and let it sit for a few days. About half of the stain came out. Daughter saw this solution online.

I'm not super upset because we do need new carpet. It's just a big job and neither of us have much energy right now. I have a HUGE coffee table in the middle of my family room which somewhat covers part of the stain.

Silly, but kind of nice having carpet your not super worried about. I let my kids bring their dogs over etc. After I get new carpet I'm sure I will be more restrictive.
We did soak up as much as possible, poured salt on the stain, put a towel over it, a piece of plywood then heavy weights and let it sit for a few days. About half of the stain came out. Daughter saw this solution online.

I'm not super upset because we do need new carpet. It's just a big job and neither of us have much energy right now. I have a HUGE coffee table in the middle of my family room which somewhat covers part of the stain.

Silly, but kind of nice having carpet your not super worried about. I let my kids bring their dogs over etc. After I get new carpet I'm sure I will be more restrictive.

Have you given any thought to a hard flooring with area rugs as something easier to clean?