Well, that was awkward!

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bush is shame! lol he is embrassment:laugh2:
What would you call it then? Personally, I think it was more than a faux pas though I never thought it grounds for impeachment. That seemed a bit extreme.
I don't think Hilary agreed to part of her marriage.
I would call it a serious lapse in judgment.

One of my biggest concerns when all this came out was if Clinton had bad judgment in this situation, how can we be assured that his lack of judgment doesn't impact us as a nation?

It is much more serious than a faux pas on many levels.
WHAT!!! So you don't think he was aware of the rules of etiquette that one does not disrespect the Oval Office? After all it is called the OVAL OFFICE, not the oral office!
Clinton's affair is not really relevant to the oval office. It could have been any man in a position of power who exercised bad judgment and it could have been any place.
I could walk into your office and sit on the top of your desk. I would be disrespecting you, of course.
But if I walked into the Oval Office and sat of The Desk that would be a disrespect of the Office itself. The Office holds a special place in the hearts and minds of all Americans (excepting yours).

Just outta curiosity - would you object to a president sitting with their feet on the desk in the oval office?
I would call it a serious lapse in judgment.

One of my biggest concerns when all this came out was if Clinton had bad judgment in this situation, how can we be assured that his lack of judgment doesn't impact us as a nation?

It is much more serious than a faux pas on many levels.

While I agree that it was much more serious than a faux pas, I would imagine that it mainly affected his personal relationships with his women and their sos. If he was a constant liar about other things, yes, that would be reason to be concerned.

If I'm not mistaken, his adminstration had a budget surplus. We were also on track to pay off debt by 2013 but then we got sidetracked by the Bush adminstraton and the recession so it will be a while longer..

I think he did well on foreign policy.

I'm afraid I can't say the same for Bush.
Clinton's affair is not really relevant to the oval office. It could have been any man in a position of power who exercised bad judgment and it could have been any place.

Just outta curiosity - would you object to a president sitting with their feet on the desk in the oval office?

I think rolling7 made clear using the word "I" as if you had done that and that you're not the president or that's your desk to begin with. We already know Obama did that...propping his feet up on that desk in the Oval office. So did Ford.
I think rolling7 made clear using the word "I" as if you had done that and that you're not the president or that's your desk to begin with. We already know Obama did that...propping his feet up on that desk in the Oval office. So did Ford.

Doesn't answer the question.
There wouldn't be any objection, at least from me. Pretty sure Rolling7 would feel the same way. We'll see.
People get found out.

I would have supported the impeachment of Clinton had he engaged in criminal behavior....
Lying under oath was the crime with which Clinton was charged, not adultery.
Well i'm afraid that's a bit unreasonable.

You find it a bit unreasonable....so be it.
If I"m a stockholder in this company you are speaking of, I want the C.E.O. fired. The company is being opened up to a lawsuit. Like another post said....everything has a way of being found out.
People get found out.

I would have supported the impeachment of Clinton had he engaged in criminal behavior. I can think of one president who had to resign. His name is Richard Nixon. If I'm not mistaken, the Watergate scandal was criminal in nature.

You seem to be equating criminal behavior with adultery. I would not consider defaulting on a loan a firing offense unless you're in the banking or mortage business. Dunno what their stance is on this.

As for breach of laws, being arrested for drunken driving isn't always a firing offense. I had a co-worker who had to go to jail on the weekends for drunken driving many years ago. On the other hand stealing from your own company is grounds for firing people.

Do you consider Clinton's lie to the grand jury to be a criminal act?
"From the Time Capsule: Dominique Strauss-Kahn Meets Barack and Michelle Obama -- Daily Intel"

Here's one on the "well, that was awkward" front that gives Obama some props. Dominique Strauss-Kahn (IMF Managing Director recently arrested for assualt of a hotel maid) meeting the Obamas, back in 2009.

Mr. O is clearly saying "Down, boy, down!!"

Michelle is laughing, with that laugh that women do when they really mean "One step closer and I'm decking you, you idiot."
Clinton's affair is not really relevant to the oval office. It could have been any man in a position of power who exercised bad judgment and it could have been any place.

Are you even an American? If you are you would not have made your statement. Show some respect for things that belong to ALL Americans.
Just outta curiosity - would you object to a president sitting with their feet on the desk in the oval office?

Yes, I would and I would also object to any C.E.O. of XYZ Company doing it.
These folks are not there for their ego, they have a wide responsibility and need to set an example.
Are you even an American? If you are you would not have made your statement. Show some respect for things that belong to ALL Americans.

Who the heck are you to decide what is acceptable for an American to say? Last I checked, we still had freedom of speech in America. :roll:
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