Good, just came home from a hard workout at the gym. It was so exhausting that I fell asleep in the sauna room there. OOOPPS!
Grandma's are the best. I miss my grandma so much. She made the best fried chicken and strawberry short cake (my favs). Good memories.
More rashes! Hope that you feel better soon, SC!
Hi Sosie! It's been a long time since we chatted here on AD. Have fun on your trip and feel free to send me a PM anytime so we can catch up with each other.![]()
When I got up this morning the ground was white with snow. But it has all melted away.
It's not a rash. I've been experiencing alot of acne lately and I don't know why. I've always had clear skin, even back when I was a teenager. Now that i'm in my thirties it's suddenly flared up out of nowhere. It's quite frustrating but i'm determined to find out what's causing it and prevent further breakouts.
But thanks for your well wishes, sally.![]()
Just drop in to say hi!
I am going out for a horseback riding with my three girlfriends. So, have a safe holiday!![]()
maybe stress?