The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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It's not a rash. I've been experiencing alot of acne lately and I don't know why. I've always had clear skin, even back when I was a teenager. Now that i'm in my thirties it's suddenly flared up out of nowhere. It's quite frustrating but i'm determined to find out what's causing it and prevent further breakouts.

But thanks for your well wishes, sally. :ty:

Were those breakouts feeling like imflammable? I got breakouts all over my face last fall. It was unbelieveable. I am close to 40. I went to see my doctor and got the prescription. It cleared up almost all of them. :shock: It wasn't the first time. i got breakouts on my face almost every year. :mad2:
Were those breakouts feeling like imflammable? I got breakouts all over my face last fall. It was unbelieveable. I am close to 40. I went to see my doctor and got the prescription. It cleared up almost all of them. :shock: It wasn't the first time. i got breakouts on my face almost every year. :mad2:

No, not really..I mean, they don't really hurt or anything. They just feel like your average pimples. Could be hormonal too. It's definitely a head scratcher. :scratch: I'm 32 years old if that makes any difference.
Frisky, what did the dr give you? I haven't had any luck. I don't want to take accutane.

FWIW, yazmin helped my acne. I had to get off it when I turned 45.
Sorry, loghead. Want an listener and some virtual hugs?
LOL Sally! Sure, thanks. :)

I was in my free period class and my friend and I were studying for our international business quiz, where we were quizzing each other with questions from out notes. Next to us were two people who were having a discussion. With 15 minutes left in the class, the teacher announces to everyone that he thinks that a lot of people aren't doing any work and are not being productive, so he would be considering people to keep behind in detention after the bell for lunch went. I thought nothing of it because my friend and I were being very productive and were getting a lot of studying done. Then 15 minutes goes by and the bell rings, so he goes around telling people that they can leave. Then he comes up to my friend that I was studying with, tells him that he can go and leaves me and the two people who were having a discussion... which meant I had a detention. :confused: Just before my friend left, he had told the teacher, "I can vouch for [my name] because we were studying for the whole period." The teacher didn't really pay any attention and continued to go and tell other people they could leave. Well those of you who know me know that I don't let things slide very easily, and that I wasn't about to accept a detention when my friend and I were studying the entire period (and believe me, it was all studying... no goofing off). So I turn to the teacher while he's walking around the lab and I go, "Did you not hear him? He vouched for me... we were studying the entire period." So then he replies, "I don't care. I didn't see you doing anything." Then I replied, "Seriously? It was these two idiots [pointing at the people who had the discussion] over here who were having a conversation." He then replied, "I don't want to discuss this right now." I then said, "Well I do. I was studying for my business quiz for the entire period... I was not involved in their conversation, whether you think I was or not." We said a few more things on the subject, and then I started to get ready to leave and he goes, "We can discuss this later." To which, I replied, "No. I don't think we will, retard!"

I think that the last word that I had said was not necessary and that the sentence would have been fine with out it. My mouth was moving and I wasn't controlling what I said. But anyway, I felt bad for the last word I said because it was immature. However, I still think he was being an idiot by not letting me leave. I was very angry. I am now the first person to ever call a teacher a "retard" to their face. :lol: I didn't get in any trouble though. I think he was shocked that I, of all people, said it to him.

It just made me angry, especially since I wasn't a problem!
Frisky, what did the dr give you? I haven't had any luck. I don't want to take accutane.

Dr gave me a clindamycin phosphate topical solution. I had it before when i was a teenager. Most teens use this kind of medicine. It did help most to clear up my face. I have always had bad acne (skin) on my face.
That's so frustrating! The teacher was unfair. Maybe because he wasn't paying enough attention to monitor what was going on during class? If you continue to have problems with this teacher, talk to your counselor. Your counselor can advise you and speak to your teacher. Hope that it was an isolated incident and that it doesn't happen again!

Hugs to you!
Thanks, Frisky. Dr told me that topical Rx won't work. I'm against taking accutane because of risks and side effects. I'll continue to look for my miracle cure.
That's so frustrating! The teacher was unfair. Maybe because he wasn't paying enough attention to monitor what was going on during class? If you continue to have problems with this teacher, talk to your counselor. Your counselor can advise you and speak to your teacher. Hope that it was an isolated incident and that it doesn't happen again!

Hugs to you!

Thanks, Sally! :) Yes, if it does ever happen again, I will for sure go and do that. It just frustrated me for a good portion of the afternoon. And I think you are right about the fact that he was not really monitoring my area... he was too busy dealing with a couple grade 12s at the back of the lab.
oye loghead! yes you shouldn't call your teacher a "retard". It is disrespectful but of course.... you know that. Please do apologize to him when you see him again.
oye loghead! yes you shouldn't call your teacher a "retard". It is disrespectful but of course.... you know that. Please do apologize to him when you see him again.

I apologized to him later in the afternoon because I felt bad.

Pretty good. He told me that he accepted my apology and he admitted that he was not exactly sure who was being disruptive and who wasn't.

excellent! water under bridge. now you know next time - he will not ignore you and he probably respects you better now since you apologized to him like a real man - something that most kids at your age wouldn't do.
excellent! water under bridge. now you know next time - he will not ignore you and he probably respects you better now since you apologized to him like a real man - something that most kids at your age wouldn't do.

True! Thanks! :)
take me! I heart horseback riding. I might go to Las Vegas next week for some ATV and horseback riding at canyon. I'm also planning on another road trip to Virginia this weekend. oye oye.

Sure, take you and join me with my three girlfriends.
Hey, take me to Las Vegas and at Canyon. :giggle:
It sounds beautiful, Jiro.
We went to Western Massachusetts. It was beautiful scenery, like sunset, fall trees, and the river, etc. I took some pictures there. (I really enjoy pictures of beautiful sceneries... )
Have a good ride, Jiro!!!
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