The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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Sorry to hear about your experience today, Melissa. :(

Today I had a really stupid comment made to me. I was talking to someone at the end of biology class and I said, "Do you want to know something weird?" Before I could reply, a complete idiot that was in my general area decided to say, "That all fat people have hearing disabilities?" I was completely perplexed at the comment (and I didn't bother continuing what I was going to say)... and it made absolutely no sense. People were all quiet and giving him looks, and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. Then someone turned to him and went, "That was a dick move." Then someone else turned to him and said, "Yeah... that was not funny at all. There are just some things that you should never say." I didn't have to say anything to him, so it felt good to have a bunch of people backing me. :)

That's a new one to me. *scratching my head*

Glad everyone backed u up!
I is up studyin biology like a good schoolgirl.
wow, that was stupid of him Longhead, but that's good thing that you had many people to back up on you! :)
I'm off to make the same journey again, this time with a map and directions made by mother in felt pen..I have to ring her at each part to check-in.

I feels daft.
I'm off to make the same journey again, this time with a map and directions made by mother in felt pen..I have to ring her at each part to check-in.

I feels daft.

and the great journey begins..... :wave:
had a great app today and got a new phone :)
this morning - I woke up and saw my tongue's all black. WTF??????
Does that app happen to be a facebook app? Assume you got a blackberry?

No, app is appointment, just a short word for it, i havent got a blackberry, i decided against it! :P
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