The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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Of course you didn't write "and I just pooped." That is just gross and nasty. Internet courtesy is to wait an hour before declaring it.

:rofl: Isn't the Internet courtesy not to announce it at all? ;)
Ouch, that not good. That sounds like the CEO is separating the services to focus on one end rather than other things equality.

It looks like Canberra needs another Deaf Service place to be set up and have a Deaf person to run it as CEO and other Deaf workers and interpreters... so for that Deaf people would have a choice to go to either place to get supports/ emergency interpreter services for their needs.
Yes, that's right and our local interpreter service got shut down, two and half months ago, becuase of this man, all the interpreters are now with the Deaf services of NSW. We are fighting to set up a new services for the deaf and we need it. This man, doesn't sign at all, and has no history in the deaf side, hates us -- very bossy and such.
I hurt my knee running yesterday. My knee just gave out. :shock: Now, I'm wondering how long it will take to heal. :hmm:
I hurt my knee running yesterday. My knee just gave out. :shock: Now, I'm wondering how long it will take to heal. :hmm:

depends on what happened and the severity of it but if it's typical "runner's knee" - most likely at least 2 months
Yes, it's a ligament because it buckled. I will be switching to yoga and weight machines now. *sigh*
I hurt my knee running yesterday. My knee just gave out. :shock: Now, I'm wondering how long it will take to heal. :hmm:

OH NO!!!! That's what I get nervous about whenever I run because my knees always hurt during or after so since then, I have taken up mountain biking and swimming along with weighlifting instead of running. I got tired of my knees hurting all the time. I hope it is minor. :hug:
Thanks, shel. I think that it's minor. It hurts, though. :(

I'm trying to stick to weight bearing exercise for my bones. That's why I don't normally bike or swim (besides the fact that I suck at swimming!).

Sorry to hear that running doesn't agree with you either. I've never been a great runner. I just want to get some CV time in.

Today's only activity will be vacuuming and I think that I can handle that. ;)
I have minor issues at times with my left knee, it hurts when I was running up the stairs at work, I get a sharp jab in the knee.
Thanks, shel. I think that it's minor. It hurts, though. :(

I'm trying to stick to weight bearing exercise for my bones. That's why I don't normally bike or swim (besides the fact that I suck at swimming!).

Sorry to hear that running doesn't agree with you either. I've never been a great runner. I just want to get some CV time in.

Today's only activity will be vacuuming and I think that I can handle that. ;)

I used to be a runner in my late 20s and early 30s before my son was born. I put on like 70 lbs during my pregnancy and it never came off so whenever I tried to run with that much extra weight, it hurted my feet so I ended up with plantar fisces. Then I stopped working out to let my feet heal. Finally, they did so I tried running..again with the pain and then my knees too so I got too paranoid about injuring myself again. Maybe when I lose all of the weight, I will. I have lost 20 lbs so far but still need about another 20 to go before I feel comfortable running again.
Busy day today...

Picked up a pork-pie hat and a cashmere flat cap... got new black slacks.'

And next time, I will make sure I have loonies (Canadian $1 coins) and twonies ($2 coins) on me because walking 6 kilometers with 60 pounds of rice in the backpack sucks!

:P And yes, I could have called a cab, but I am too cheap to fork over $10-$20.
Whoo, hotel in NYC has been booked. Staying at the Pod Hotel in Mid East Mattahattan. (sp?)
LOL! Where did you get the rice, Souggy? What was it for?

Speaking of the loonie, some deaf Americans on AD near the border must be loving the amount of Canadian traffic in their malls. :lol: Once again, the Canadian dollar is just about at par with the American dollar. Hopefully our dollar won't go over the American dollar again, because that's not good for our own economy! :(
LOL! Where did you get the rice, Souggy? What was it for?

Speaking of the loonie, some deaf Americans on AD near the border must be loving the amount of Canadian traffic in their malls. :lol: Once again, the Canadian dollar is just about at par with the American dollar. Hopefully our dollar won't go over the American dollar again, because that's not good for our own economy! :(

I go through about 20-30lbs of rice a month. :p

Chinatown rocks for bulk food.
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