The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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I made my own new sig pic with my little brother's help. :D
Hey Jiro, glad your working on your bike ready for winter. I am sick with the flu :( just stuffy head and body aches no fun. I am keeping company here in AD :)
Healing thoughts to inspirbull and OB7. Hope that ya'll feel better soon! :hug:

I had the flu and I was sick for weeks. Not sure if it was swine but it knocked me on my @$$.
Ya, Thanks Sally Lou commiseration much appreciated I hope Ocean Blue gets well soon too
I change my avatar and signature whenever I get bored with it, too. It's fun to pic out new ones.

Awww.... you got rid of Alex's avatar. I'm offended ;) (and Alex too)

But truth is, Squidward is fun too... though I favor Garyyyyyy :giggle:
You like Garyyyyy because he says "Meow!" :giggle:
:ty: SallyLou and Inspirabull, I am feeling much better today but this hot weather doesn't help. I am on my way to becoming healthy again and getting plenty of rest and ready for Sunday football whoohoo Go Patriots!
OB7, I'm glad that you have something good to watch while you're recuperating.
I cant believe how cold it has gotten. Feels like winter weather but it is supposed to be back in the 70s by mid-week which is normal for this time of the year. At least we are getting the much needed rain, though.

Just relaxing this weekend after doing a major food shopping. My cousin and her mom will come over for dinner on Tuesday so I gotta get this house clean. Maybe
Is looking forward to thhe futureeeeee

I am not..dont want to get old! LOL! I am happy where I am. :) If I could just freeze time..I would stay in my 30s forever.
I would prefer 30's :lol:
I would prefer 30's :lol:

Worrying about erectile dysfunction already?

They got a magic blue pill for that. Enjoy life... to the "fullest."


A capture shot of the Matrix's famous scene of "red pill and blue pill." Morpehous is shown here with a red pill on his left hand, and a blue pill on his right.

Or you can take the red pill, be confident, live life as it is, and not have to worry about your non-existent sex life since you're no longer insecure.
I have had a very busy day and I'm pooped. :( And I'm also about to have cupcakes! :lol:
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