The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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Thanks JIRO.
I did not get into trouble :) promise

My grandfather (90) very ill and not bouncing back this time
Youngest Daughter just had her first, I am a Nana again :)
Finishing up ASL APPS, the limit at the local college before I need to decide the direction for my retirement career :)
and of course, work work work
TMI, sorry!!

pst pst ASLGAL! over here! I didn't want to hijack that thread. congrat on you being a nana! and sorry to hear about your grandpa. you're busier than busy bee, aren't ya? :lol:
I got my bedroom rearranged, by moving the TV and Videophone to the other corner. It wasn't too bad. I think I like it. It made me wonder if I could add in a bookshelf now that I have more space....? But I need to decided what I could do with my long desk first. Should I leave it as is, or replace into a different desk (there are two other desks I can use), or move it in a different position in the bedroom?

Let me go eat while I think about it because I'm hungry. I hope you all had a good day!
I worked out really hard for an hour. It felt good. :D
Those of you who are cold, come on down! It's a sunny 90 F here today.
Or move here...

Coldest temperature recorded was -14C (7F) in some 50 to 100 years ago... average winter temperature is 4C (40F) to 10C (50F.)

Today it's 13C or 55F with an overcast.
Hey OB7 - know any affordable hotel in L.A? (perferred near LAX)
I'm relax from Purple work. I was hungry to eat Taco Bell foods now and read AD news on my iPhone online. I'll return home soon.
OB, it's climate change. If you give it a few years, I may have beach front property.

What part of CA are you in?
Sound nice! Good price on rate.
Yeah, looks nice, reasonable price and it is near Time Sqaure! (Dont care about the noisy bs - since Im deaf :laugh2:) and its good for 5 nights at a good price.
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