The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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Sorry mate, I don't have any american accent to add with my own australian deaf accent, don't I? :laugh2:

It should not be any harder for you to add an American accent to go along with your ASL!! :lol:
I'll add the Texan accent...
HOWDY! How are yall doing this fine mornin'?!
I'll add the Puerto Rican accent...
"Hola todos, como esta ustedes?
Hi Violet and all. At least I am awake. :lol: Can't say much more at this hour.
Had a very stressful day, the bus driver didn't stop when I pressed the button so I ended up lost and late to my appointment, then lost on the way back to bus stop, walked round for 2 hours (at least it was sunny) and ended up taking a lift from an amusing older man. 4 hours stress for a 30 minute appointment...I'm so fed up of not being able to drive, and being 'directionally challenged'- I just can't seem to follow a map/directions, and get lost at the drop of a pin.
Had a very stressful day, the bus driver didn't stop when I pressed the button so I ended up lost and late to my appointment, then lost on the way back to bus stop, walked round for 2 hours (at least it was sunny) and ended up taking a lift from an amusing older man. 4 hours stress for a 30 minute appointment...I'm so fed up of not being able to drive, and being 'directionally challenged'- I just can't seem to follow a map/directions, and get lost at the drop of a pin.

I know exactly what you mean about being "directionally challenged" i kinda just try to memorize how i got to the place. in the first place and or important noticeable buildings.. its taken a lot of effort but i dont get as lost as i used to
Ah sorry you had a stressful day. hope tomorrow is better!:aw:
Melissa, please pardon my mothering, but it concerns me that you're getting in the car with strange men. Most of the people who offer a lift are probably kind people but you never know. I'm concerned about your safety.
I know, I got a much harsher response from my mother. I won't be doing it again. I had been trying to follow my map for 2 hours, asked more people for directions than I can count, and still couldn't find the place where the bus stop was, and my phone had ran out of battery so I didn't really know what else to do. This is supposed to be making me more independent (my therapists idea) but it just makes me want to call a taxi instead. It could have been prevented had I got off the bus at the right stop in the first place, so I'd know where to go back to, but I didn't, and getting lost just sends me into a panic- I feel really upset and stupid :-(
I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just concerned about your well being. Moms are like that. Protective and all.
It's ok- I didn't mean to be snappy about it. I already feel bad, it was meant to be a 5 minute walk between the place I was going, and the bus stop, and back, but it turned into a 3 hour trek. I had a map with me and went through it beforehand, I just feel like there's something wrong with me cos I just don't get it when it comes to directions, even though it was explained repeatedly and I thought I knew. I have to do it again tomorrow as well so I hope it goes mum's drawing a map for me with my coloured pens...

..having one of those 'days' (since Friday) where I just want to put my head under the pillow and tell the world to go away, I'm not playing anymore.

On the plus side I left a message with my audiologist about a checkup and hearing test, as she didn't get back to my email.

Hoping the evening (it's nearly 6pm here) goes better- my favourite for tea (spaghetti and meatballs!) then my parents are picking up an ikea bookcase I got from freecycle. They charge £35 to deliver when the bookcase is only £30, and my dad hates driving to ikea, so I didn't buy one new.

I could rant and wallow in self pity for a very long post but this isn't really the place for it.
*hug* *pat pat pat* Melissa - practice makes perfect, yes? I'm ok with direction and map but....... if you drop me in middle of Venice - oye.... forget about it!!! :lol:

Melissa - here's what you can do. a very simple navigational skill that Christopher Columbus used.. get any compass. cheap one will do the job. all maps have a compass symbol pointing where North is. I can understand how you feel when you don't know which 4 directions to go when you're looking at your map.

On the map - if you're supposed to go to this street that is west of where you are, simply look at the compass and go west.

Hope that helps!
mayne ill be insteadfumbling with my skills in ASL?
Sorry to hear about your experience today, Melissa. :(

Today I had a really stupid comment made to me. I was talking to someone at the end of biology class and I said, "Do you want to know something weird?" Before I could reply, a complete idiot that was in my general area decided to say, "That all fat people have hearing disabilities?" I was completely perplexed at the comment (and I didn't bother continuing what I was going to say)... and it made absolutely no sense. People were all quiet and giving him looks, and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. Then someone turned to him and went, "That was a dick move." Then someone else turned to him and said, "Yeah... that was not funny at all. There are just some things that you should never say." I didn't have to say anything to him, so it felt good to have a bunch of people backing me. :)
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