The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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Botts, how did I know you would know how to do this! :)

I love your signature! Such a sweet face.. :aw:
me been sad all day.

Me try include Byrdie's avatar in my signature--no luck. Me found more pictures even naked butt picture and want upload--no luck. :(

Maybe meant to be???

Put your cursor on Byrdie's avatar and right-click it. You will see the list - choose the one that says "Save picture as". I hope you can figure it out. And I am sorry about your uncle.

Or ask Alex to email you the avatar.
He probably gave you a decongestant, or antihistamine.

It dries you up and makes you sleepy. But does not relieve the pain.

If you are not happy with your diagnosis. Go get a second opinion.

Ear infections in Adults, usually do not cause fevers. :hmm:

That is not accurate. Adults can and have a fever when the ear is fully inflamed thats when you should be concerned. I have gotten ear infections numerous times. when it doesnt get better in few days I would develop fevers with ear pains thats when i go to dr and get antbiotics.
Is pek1 really banned? I wonder if it's because of his comments in the "What am I a two year old??" thread..:hmm:
Wow..he got under your skin, I presume.

Well, yes. I do have a bit of trouble making myself understood to strangers, and his attitude of how easy it all is grated on my nerves a little.

Yesterday at noon, while eating lunch, I took my notebook out and wrote out the two orders I am most likely to make at Wendy's as the cashier could not understand me and finally my husband gave my order.

If alone I will most likely need my notebook.

So his instructions of what we should all do really got under my skin since I face that frequently. (end of rant)
me been sad all day.

Me try include Byrdie's avatar in my signature--no luck. Me found more pictures even naked butt picture and want upload--no luck. :(

Maybe meant to be???

Hi Squirt,

I have emailed you a picture of Byrdie's avatar. Do let me know if you got it.

I'm sorry about your Uncle.
Just wanna to drop and say HI!!

Have a good day ADers! Behave! :giggle: Just kidding! HEHEHE!

Such a beautiful day outside! :)
I did see the doctor earlier today about my fever and the pain.

He looked at me, looked at my ears and said that they were swollen and that I have an ear infection. ( God I thought my ear infection days were over with!)_

He prescribed antiobiotics and they have kicked in but haven't alleviate the pain.

The only thing that the medicene is making me do is go to sleep and higher than a kite! However if I have an ear infection--it should be draining from the ear which mine hasn't.

My gut is telling me something else and I am going to trust what my gut says.

I think there is something else going on.

You know that feeling when you are sick and your gut is telling you something else that is different from the doctor? That's what I told my doctor and he said, "Oh never mind--you just have an ear infection." :hmm:

sighing - these words are haunting me. He seemed to have an inkling.....hard to believe it actually happened................:(
When his doctor said nevermind its an ear infection - thats when I would have gone to a different doctor.

A doctor unwilling to listen to his/her patients is a very dangerous doctor.
Got sent home from work...apparently I have pink eye. I thought it was allergies. Ooops...just wonderful.
When his doctor said nevermind its an ear infection - thats when I would have gone to a different doctor.

A doctor unwilling to listen to his/her patients is a very dangerous doctor.

That doctor probably costed his life!
Got sent home from work...apparently I have pink eye. I thought it was allergies. Ooops...just wonderful.

*scream like a girl, run away from you* you know - that's a reason why I disinfect my work desk/keyboard/mouse once a week. I do same for home. Having a pinkeye is pretty damn annoying. :mad2:
I caught that 20 years ago..I can still recall. It's pretty gross. Take care.

This is my 2nd time to have it...I got it 2 years ago from one of my students. This time, it looks like I got it from my son as he had it 2 weeks ago. My eyes hurt like crazy. I will be fine..just waiting for the dr to call for the time of my appt. Thanks! :)
*scream like a girl, run away from you* you know - that's a reason why I disinfect my work desk/keyboard/mouse once a week. I do same for home. Having a pinkeye is pretty damn annoying. :mad2:

I do disinfect...guess it is hard when I work with children and my son goes to a daycare. The chances increase big time for getting it.
I do disinfect...guess it is hard when I work with children and my son goes to a daycare. The chances increase big time for getting it.

ah..... yea... just like my friend. she was constantly sick and tired. Now that she doesn't work at daycare, she's back to "normal"
This is my 2nd time to have it...I got it 2 years ago from one of my students. This time, it looks like I got it from my son as he had it 2 weeks ago. My eyes hurt like crazy. I will be fine..just waiting for the dr to call for the time of my appt. Thanks! :)

Our whole family got that twice when the kids were little. It really sucks!!

But it is pretty funny that the teacher got sent home! :lol: (sorry)
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