The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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I have been out of town for the past 2 days and right now I'm in Indiana visiting my grandmother at the hospital. So, I'm using my sister's laptop w/ the wifi connection. (To pass the time and kill the boredom while everyone's yakking - the usual hearing family thing)

Anyway, She's been battling ovarian cancer for a while. It has progressively became a lot worse. She also has acute kidney failure (both kidneys have shut down) and her potassium level is way too high. The doctors have been trying to stabilize her potassium level.

When I saw her yesterday, she was not looking very well. She in fact was weak and fragile.

So, this morning she had to start on the dialysis to get her kidneys to function. Unfortunately, the dialysis is not helping her at all.

Today, We all were called in to come in the hospital because she is expected to die any time today. When I walked in her room earlier today, she looked a lot worse than yesterday and it hurts so much to see her like that way.

Everyone else are here too as well and been taking turns spending time with her. I have spent some time with her, holding her hand and things like that.


We all expected this to happen but yeah, she will be better off in peace with no more suffering and all that. But, still - Just thinking about it makes me so sad and there's no dry eyes at all. :(

Well, I'm gonna get going but just wanted to let you guys know what has been happening with me.

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, that's not too good news. It is really sad, indeed for sure. big hugs!
Is there any latest update on your grandma? Still praying about your family's well being.

Everyone - Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. That really means a lot.

Calvin - Thanks for asking. That was thoughtful.

The latest update is, She made it through another day but as each day goes by, she's becoming worse and worse. Right now, her skin has started turn yellow. Her leg has turned bluish-purplish. Also the fluid has been filling her up and she's been gurgling a lot into the chest. She's having a hard time breathing. They've been giving her morphine to keep her comfortable as much as possible. So, it won't be much longer. :(

Its been an emotional roller coaster. I mean, I'm ok with her dying as I know she doesn't need the pain and suffering but it hurts so much to see her like that way.
Everyone - Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. That really means a lot.

Calvin - Thanks for asking. That was thoughtful.

The latest update is, She made it through another day but as each day goes by, she's becoming worse and worse. Right now, her skin has started turn yellow. Her leg has turned bluish-purplish. Also the fluid has been filling her up and she's been gurgling a lot into the chest. She's having a hard time breathing. They've been giving her morphine to keep her comfortable as much as possible. So, it won't be much longer. :(

Its been an emotional roller coaster. I mean, I'm ok with her dying as I know she doesn't need the pain and suffering but it hurts so much to see her like that way.

I wish I had words of wisdom that would make everything better, Jolie. Unfortunately, I don't. This is one of life's difficult times. But I can offer you a :hug: to let you know that you are not alone in your struggles.
During this difficult time you are in my thoughts Jolie.

I am sure it is making it easier for her, knowing you and others are there by her side.
Im Sorry Jolie, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts
So long, your free at last! My sympathic to your family

It's a little after 8AM here and I been in the ER for the last 2.5 hours waiting to see the doctor.

Temperature hit 103 and my sweetie was nice enough to bring the lap top with him.....I'll keep you posted.
to lighten up the mood...... space shuttle's launching in about 9 minutes. LIVE feed here.
Everyone - Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. That really means a lot.

Calvin - Thanks for asking. That was thoughtful.

The latest update is, She made it through another day but as each day goes by, she's becoming worse and worse. Right now, her skin has started turn yellow. Her leg has turned bluish-purplish. Also the fluid has been filling her up and she's been gurgling a lot into the chest. She's having a hard time breathing. They've been giving her morphine to keep her comfortable as much as possible. So, it won't be much longer. :(

Its been an emotional roller coaster. I mean, I'm ok with her dying as I know she doesn't need the pain and suffering but it hurts so much to see her like that way.

HUGS jolie... I am sorry you're going thru this... it's not easy and I understand your 'roller coaster ride'... I'm not far if you need a friend-- ok?? :hug:
It's a little after 8AM here and I been in the ER for the last 2.5 hours waiting to see the doctor.

Temperature hit 103 and my sweetie was nice enough to bring the lap top with him.....I'll keep you posted.


It is just hard to believe. I am still in a state of shock. :cry:
me been sad all day.

Me try include Byrdie's avatar in my signature--no luck. Me found more pictures even naked butt picture and want upload--no luck. :(

Maybe meant to be???

It is just hard to believe. I am still in a state of shock. :cry:

Same thing here. :cry: Just a few days ago he was complaining about how he feels his ear infection was not an ear infection. That his guts told him it was something else.
Jolie I am sorry to see that your grandmother is not doing well. I'll be thinking of her and you as well.

Today I took my last final exam for the semester, and I'm quite confident that I have secured B's in both of my classes, which helps me out, as I am on a Pell Grant. I have to maintain a 3.0 GPA, thus far I have maintained at least a 3.50 GPA.

I know I did well on my finals as on my algebra final, I double checked my work before submitting it, and for my composition I was able to recall the reading material with ease as we had to identify the passage of literature and the context.

As I am rejoicing over that I am annoyed over my truck. I was driving home from work last night when the headlights went completely out. Thankfully I was able to text to my parents landline (I have text to landline on my phone plan), and told them I needed one of them to come to me and follow me home in case they go out again. My mom and I texted back and forth until dad got there and was able to follow me. We left my truck at the car shop overnight (I locked it up and kept the keys until this morning when I was able to talk to the mechanic). My mom lent me her car today to drive until I can get my truck fixed. I talked to the mechanic later this afternoon and he said it was likely the headlight switch and have ordered new one which will be in tomorrow morning. Crossing my fingers and hoping I will have my truck back by Wednesday. I don't mind driving my mom's, but I really prefer having my own vehicle.

Oh, and I'm taking the summer break from my studies. Woohoo!
me been sad all day.

Me try include Byrdie's avatar in my signature--no luck. Me found more pictures even naked butt picture and want upload--no luck. :(

Maybe meant to be???

Maybe the mods can help you retrieve the pictures, he posted here.

I do not really know.

anyone have any ideas?
Maybe the mods can help you retrieve the pictures, he posted here.

I do not really know.

anyone have any ideas?

Just right click and copy into your own pictures folder. Then go to PhotoBucket or TinyPic upload there and copy image location.
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