The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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Oh no. hope byrdie is getting better so soon!
Oh my god! I hope that Byrdie don't get swine flu.
I'm in the market for a new computer but lately i've seriously considered switching to a Mac. My wallet is gonna take a serious sucker punch for it. I wish they weren't so expensive. :roll:

you can do monthly payment. I want to get one too....
Me sad.

Update Byrdie in ICU/CCU, critical condition, temperature under control had late surgery at 8pm, suffer 2 heart attacks in surgery--remove lymph node why middle of infection in neck to see if cancer or not, infection may spread to brain wait and see. Infection in neck cleaned out Uncle byrdie in neck brace but keep eye make sure not spread. Not know infection cause yet.

Doctor not know what infection as test not back.

Grandma flying Spokane today from Seattle, us family go tomorrow Byrdie still 50/50.

:-o wow..... I cannot believe the situation suddenly went from him complaining about the pain to him being in ICU... :(
Dr find problem!

Uncle Byrdie got deadly form Group A Streptococcus.

Mom dad me brother fly tmw to Spokane. all family go.
Dr find problem!

Uncle Byrdie got deadly form Group A Streptococcus.

Mom dad me brother fly tmw to Spokane. all family go.

That is way better than cancer. I hope he can get well soon.
Dr find problem!

Uncle Byrdie got deadly form Group A Streptococcus.

Mom dad me brother fly tmw to Spokane. all family go.

Thank you for the information, Squirt. Large doses of antibiotics will help your uncle. It is wonderful that your family is going to be there for Byrdie while he gets well.
me forgot say he have no cancer.

group a streptococcus have.

BRB--me have look up streptococcus
thanks jillio

we fly from columbus to nashville to denver to spokane. long day tmw!
Squirt, have a safe trip....and I hope your uncle get a speedy recovery.. I'll look it up later when i get home. :) At least it is not a cancer...thank god!
me forgot say he have no cancer.

group a streptococcus have.

BRB--me have look up streptococcus

Ohhh... I'm sorry to hear that he has streptococcus, hope he will recover from it. Sent him our best wishes and hope he gets well soon. :)
Wow! I'm surprised about the Staploccus. He might have gotten the infection in his gum that might spread his neck - probably a tiny piece of meat that got stuck inside the gum. I think that it is going to be hard for him right now because of tons of antibiotic. He might be very tired and perhaps hollow dream or lucid dream due his heavy doses of IVs.

A few years ago, I had a gum infection that affected my heart valve from Staph aureous infection in blood as staploccus, and stayed in the ICU for 2 1/2 months. It's a very deadly germ. He might stay in the ICU for a few weeks. It does not mean that he is fine, not yet. He has a 50/50 chance right now. It's a good thing that his doctor found it. Let pray him that he fight against that bastard germ!

In fact, everybody has staploccus on the skin as long as it does not cut your skin. You should use the soap to wash off the germs, and use hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic cream if you have a cut on your skin. The doctors do not know where this staploccus come from. It spread everywhere nowadays. All you have to do is to just keep your body and teeth clean all the times.
the thread has been created just for byrdie situation. scoot over there and discuss away.
What the hell? Iam shocked about Byrdie! Pls let him be ok!
I am currently re-reading and reviewing my notes for my composition final on Monday.
I am little P'O at the moment.....

I was having a nice meeting/get together with a friend of mine who happens to be my client at the local cafe. We were sitting there enjoying our latte's, muffins, catching up with each other, etc when this individual came up to us and started to sign.

At first we were a little miffed because we were having a private conversation as well as that we didn't know this particular individual.

Found out that he was hearing and......he was an audiologist.

This audiologist had the audacity to tell the both of us that we need to have a cochlear implant!

I said, "If it's so great, why don't you get one?"

He said, "Well I'm hearing and I know what's best for you."

My friend told him that we were not interested and to please leave us alone as we were having a meeting.

The audiologist stood there and started to tell us that by having an cochlear implant--our economics would be great, we would hear, speak better, etc.

I looked at him and said, "Do you know what we do for a living? First of all--I am a lawyer and my friend here is a MSW for a non-profit agency. Oh by the way--we get paid more than what an audiologist would make."

Well he didn't like that answer and proceeded to tell me that I was a dumbass and proceeded to throw water on me.

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor.

He then slowly looked up at me and said, "Oh shit!" :)lol:)

I then said in my loudest voice for the entire cafe to hear, "Now you listen to me you little MF! We said we're not interested, you're being rude, and if you don't leave immediately, we are going to kick your ass out of here. Do I make myself clear?"

I let him down and he turned away and ran out of the cafe.

I have never seen anyone run that fast! :lol:

GOOD JOB!!:lol:
I have been out of town for the past 2 days and right now I'm in Indiana visiting my grandmother at the hospital. So, I'm using my sister's laptop w/ the wifi connection. (To pass the time and kill the boredom while everyone's yakking - the usual hearing family thing)

Anyway, She's been battling ovarian cancer for a while. It has progressively became a lot worse. She also has acute kidney failure (both kidneys have shut down) and her potassium level is way too high. The doctors have been trying to stabilize her potassium level.

When I saw her yesterday, she was not looking very well. She in fact was weak and fragile.

So, this morning she had to start on the dialysis to get her kidneys to function. Unfortunately, the dialysis is not helping her at all.

Today, We all were called in to come in the hospital because she is expected to die any time today. When I walked in her room earlier today, she looked a lot worse than yesterday and it hurts so much to see her like that way.

Everyone else are here too as well and been taking turns spending time with her. I have spent some time with her, holding her hand and things like that.


We all expected this to happen but yeah, she will be better off in peace with no more suffering and all that. But, still - Just thinking about it makes me so sad and there's no dry eyes at all. :(

Well, I'm gonna get going but just wanted to let you guys know what has been happening with me.
Awww I am sorry Jolie! She would not feel anymore suffer after she goes. :(

I have been out of town for the past 2 days and right now I'm in Indiana visiting my grandmother at the hospital. So, I'm using my sister's laptop w/ the wifi connection. (To pass the time and kill the boredom while everyone's yakking - the usual hearing family thing)

Anyway, She's been battling ovarian cancer for a while. It has progressively became a lot worse. She also has acute kidney failure (both kidneys have shut down) and her potassium level is way too high. The doctors have been trying to stabilize her potassium level.

When I saw her yesterday, she was not looking very well. She in fact was weak and fragile.

So, this morning she had to start on the dialysis to get her kidneys to function. Unfortunately, the dialysis is not helping her at all.

Today, We all were called in to come in the hospital because she is expected to die any time today. When I walked in her room earlier today, she looked a lot worse than yesterday and it hurts so much to see her like that way.

Everyone else are here too as well and been taking turns spending time with her. I have spent some time with her, holding her hand and things like that.


We all expected this to happen but yeah, she will be better off in peace with no more suffering and all that. But, still - Just thinking about it makes me so sad and there's no dry eyes at all. :(

Well, I'm gonna get going but just wanted to let you guys know what has been happening with me.
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