The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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I am pretty tired right now & relaxing listening to a song by Rascal Flatts.
I just don't like total strangers to come up to me and start signing without introducing themselves, etc, etc, and to tell me what is good or what is not good for me.

I feel the same too. I am sure they wouldnt like it if someone came up to them and told them what is good or not good for them too.

Well I would've loved for him to have called the police on me to file charges so that I can turn around and file charges against him as well--especially the ethnic intimidation law.

The reasoning is that we had a debate about the ethnic intimidation law and does that really include the Deaf community?

I say "yes". I am saying "yes" because we have our own language, culture, etc, etc., regardless of our color and beliefs.

Hearing people say "no", because deafness is a disability and therefore does not fall into the realm of ethnic intimidation.

What do YOU think? :)

I dont listen to those hearing people.
Hearing people who say that are very ignorant. They arent the ones living with deafness. They cant dictate how we define our way of living.
just realised why SC mentioned about my hair -- she saw my latest blog on youtube.
What are you doing in Seattle?
for vacation - met up with ADers, did Belltown, Seattle Center, and Waterfront.
for business - 2-days conference at Bell Conference Center
wed - i'm flying home

Have you done the Underground Tour of the old city?
no time for that but you bet your ass that i'll be back again. i like seattle very much. I'd like to check out vancouver and British Columbia as well. :cool2:
for vacation - met up with ADers, did Belltown, Seattle Center, and Waterfront.
for business - 2-days conference at Bell Conference Center
wed - i'm flying home

no time for that but you bet your ass that i'll be back again. i like seattle very much. I'd like to check out vancouver and British Columbia as well. :cool2:

don't you buy large coffee while you was in settle? :D
Sorry about that..I posted it in the wrong thread and didn't even realize it. It should have been in the "What are you thinking about right now" thread.

My bad. :D


FYI - I uploaded another video on youtube ;)
Yesterday, I went to see a Ophthalmology. My vision is 20/20 of my both eyes. My eyes are fine.

Hubby and I went to Wal-mart last night. We bought some gifts for our daughter's birthday. Today is our daughter's birthday. Now, She is 14 years old. I can't beleive that she is growing up so fast. I am getting old. :lol:
Today is Cinco de Mayo. We went with both our daughters and our two granddaughters to a local Mexican restaurant for lunch.
2 guesses - your back broke again. or the November Rain. I hope I can fly home tomorrow....

Wrong guesses and you will be able to fly home.

What??? Why are you home?

I been sick all day with a temperature between 100 to 102 degrees and nothing seems to "kicking it". Plus my neck on the left side is swollen.

I was told that I had an ear infection but something isn't right because my ear would be draining and it isn't. :(

I have never been this miserable!
Wrong guesses and you will be able to fly home.

I been sick all day with a temperature between 100 to 102 degrees and nothing seems to "kicking it". Plus my neck on the left side is swollen.

I was told that I had an ear infection but something isn't right because my ear would be draining and it isn't. :(

I have never been this miserable!

Poor Byrdie! My sympathy. :(
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