The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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I'm a hearie. I'm smart enough to know that you don't say stuff like that unless you want the beatdown of a lifetime.

:eek3: No, no I don't mean that. That was a joke referring to a audiologist.
Yes, I caught that. But my previous statement stands.

We could just look on this as a happy party except that Byrdie's friend did not take a quick picture.

Luckily, Byrdie is good at description. :wave:
Yeah unfortunately not very many people are smart enough to think before speaking.......

Damn! Sounds like the audiologist looking for a commission, from the CI people to jump at you like a sales person!!

Especially, Uninvited!

:roll: The nerve of some people.

Byrdie! :hug: I am glad you put him in his place.

But... I do wonder, Grabbing the man like that. Does that put your job in jeopardy? If he was a real asshole, he could have filed charges against you.
I am little P'O at the moment.....

I was having a nice meeting/get together with a friend of mine who happens to be my client at the local cafe. We were sitting there enjoying our latte's, muffins, catching up with each other, etc when this individual came up to us and started to sign.

At first we were a little miffed because we were having a private conversation as well as that we didn't know this particular individual.

Found out that he was hearing and......he was an audiologist.

This audiologist had the audacity to tell the both of us that we need to have a cochlear implant!

I said, "If it's so great, why don't you get one?"

He said, "Well I'm hearing and I know what's best for you."

My friend told him that we were not interested and to please leave us alone as we were having a meeting.

The audiologist stood there and started to tell us that by having an cochlear implant--our economics would be great, we would hear, speak better, etc.

I looked at him and said, "Do you know what we do for a living? First of all--I am a lawyer and my friend here is a MSW for a non-profit agency. Oh by the way--we get paid more than what an audiologist would make."

Well he didn't like that answer and proceeded to tell me that I was a dumbass and proceeded to throw water on me.

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor.

He then slowly looked up at me and said, "Oh shit!" :)lol:)

I then said in my loudest voice for the entire cafe to hear, "Now you listen to me you little MF! We said we're not interested, you're being rude, and if you don't leave immediately, we are going to kick your ass out of here. Do I make myself clear?"

I let him down and he turned away and ran out of the cafe.

I have never seen anyone run that fast! :lol:

What a fucker he is!

I would have done the same. I hate it when hearing people tell me that I need a CI. I told my neighbor's deaf friend who has a CI to fuck off a few months ago cuz he told me that my life would improve if I get one. He lost his hearing at the age of 40 so I understand that he cant imagine life without hearing but he had no right to judge my quality of life based on my deafness especially on the first night I met him.

Good for you! I wish I was there to cheer u on!
What a fucker he is!

I would have done the same. I hate it when hearing people tell me that I need a CI. I told my neighbor's deaf friend who has a CI to fuck off a few months ago cuz he told me that my life would improve if I get one. He lost his hearing at the age of 40 so I understand that he cant imagine life without hearing but he had no right to judge my quality of life based on my deafness especially on the first night I met him.

I understand. I went to a "store" one day. The Cashier, asked me if that was a CI, I was wearing.

I said no... It is a hearing aid. and I wear them in both ears.

She started on me. by telling me her brother got one. Blah, blah, blah.

I told her. I am fine with my hearing aids. She kept on telling me how much it helped her brother, and that I should get one.

I told her.. That not all deaf people or HOH people qualify for one. or even want one. That is is up to the individual. That Deaf people have a culture of their own. She just looked at me like she pitied me.

She was under the impression, that it cures deafness. :roll:

I told her CI or not. They are still deaf.

She just scoffed at me. So I just paid for my goods, and left.
Damn! Sounds like the audiologist looking for a commission, from the CI people to jump at you like a sales person!!

Especially, Uninvited!

:roll: The nerve of some people.

Byrdie! :hug: I am glad you put him in his place.

But... I do wonder, Grabbing the man like that. Does that put your job in jeopardy? If he was a real asshole, he could have filed charges against you.

And that is why I became a lawyer--to keep myself out of trouble! :lol:

In hindisght--I don't think I would've gotten in trouble with the firm. If the guy decided to press charges, I would've done the same thing.

Afterall what he did is known as ethnic intimidation. :)
What a fucker he is!

I would have done the same. I hate it when hearing people tell me that I need a CI. I told my neighbor's deaf friend who has a CI to fuck off a few months ago cuz he told me that my life would improve if I get one. He lost his hearing at the age of 40 so I understand that he cant imagine life without hearing but he had no right to judge my quality of life based on my deafness especially on the first night I met him.

Good for you! I wish I was there to cheer u on!

I just don't like total strangers to come up to me and start signing without introducing themselves, etc, etc, and to tell me what is good or what is not good for me.
And that is why I became a lawyer--to keep myself out of trouble! :lol:

In hindisght--I don't think I would've gotten in trouble with the firm. If the guy decided to press charges, I would've done the same thing.

Afterall what he did is known as ethnic intimidation. :)

Yeah, You probably would have found a loop hole somewhere. :P

He first of all.. Violated your privacy, Second of all you asked him to leave several times. Third of all felt threaten by him. Due to he would not leave you alone!!


I would have done the same. And if I ever come across something like that.... You would be the first person I call. Cost and all! :P
I am little P'O at the moment.....

I was having a nice meeting/get together with a friend of mine who happens to be my client at the local cafe. We were sitting there enjoying our latte's, muffins, catching up with each other, etc when this individual came up to us and started to sign.

At first we were a little miffed because we were having a private conversation as well as that we didn't know this particular individual.

Found out that he was hearing and......he was an audiologist.

This audiologist had the audacity to tell the both of us that we need to have a cochlear implant!

I said, "If it's so great, why don't you get one?"

He said, "Well I'm hearing and I know what's best for you."

My friend told him that we were not interested and to please leave us alone as we were having a meeting.

The audiologist stood there and started to tell us that by having an cochlear implant--our economics would be great, we would hear, speak better, etc.

I looked at him and said, "Do you know what we do for a living? First of all--I am a lawyer and my friend here is a MSW for a non-profit agency. Oh by the way--we get paid more than what an audiologist would make."

Well he didn't like that answer and proceeded to tell me that I was a dumbass and proceeded to throw water on me.

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor.

He then slowly looked up at me and said, "Oh shit!" :)lol:)

I then said in my loudest voice for the entire cafe to hear, "Now you listen to me you little MF! We said we're not interested, you're being rude, and if you don't leave immediately, we are going to kick your ass out of here. Do I make myself clear?"

I let him down and he turned away and ran out of the cafe.

I have never seen anyone run that fast! :lol:

:rofl: Nice one! :lol:

Looks like JClarke is growing his hair out. I wonder how long it will get before he gets annoyed with it and reaches for the scissors...:hmm:

Whoa, where did this post come from? My hair is still growing and I don't plan to cut it up, anytime soon.

along with his bread. Overgrown hair? :lol:

Bread? You mean this bread?


Why, I'll have one of these delicious bread! :lol:
Yeah, You probably would have found a loop hole somewhere. :P

He first of all.. Violated your privacy, Second of all you asked him to leave several times. Third of all felt threaten by him. Due to he would not leave you alone!!


I would have done the same. And if I ever come across something like that.... You would be the first person I call. Cost and all! :P


Well I would've loved for him to have called the police on me to file charges so that I can turn around and file charges against him as well--especially the ethnic intimidation law.

The reasoning is that we had a debate about the ethnic intimidation law and does that really include the Deaf community?

I say "yes". I am saying "yes" because we have our own language, culture, etc, etc., regardless of our color and beliefs.

Hearing people say "no", because deafness is a disability and therefore does not fall into the realm of ethnic intimidation.

What do YOU think? :)

Well I would've loved for him to have called the police on me to file charges so that I can turn around and file charges against him as well--especially the ethnic intimidation law.

The reasoning is that we had a debate about the ethnic intimidation law and does that really include the Deaf community?

I say "yes". I am saying "yes" because we have our own language, culture, etc, etc., regardless of our color and beliefs.

Hearing people say "no", because deafness is a disability and therefore does not fall into the realm of ethnic intimidation.

What do YOU think? :)

I agree... Since the Deafies have their own culture, and it is recognized. He probably could have been sued for discrimination.

It would be like telling a person of color, to bleach their skin.
I am likes it! :) My kid gobbled them up and he loved it! Now I am curious about 2nd baby when she/he is older and start eat solid! It'll be fun to watch her/him to eat lasagna! :)
I am likes it! :) My kid gobbled them up and he loved it! Now I am curious about 2nd baby when she/he is older and start eat solid! It'll be fun to watch her/him to eat lasagna! :)

Cute! How old is your 1st child?

Bet it was MESSY! :lol:
:rofl: Nice one! :lol:

Whoa, where did this post come from? My hair is still growing and I don't plan to cut it up, anytime soon.

Bread? You mean this bread?


Why, I'll have one of these delicious bread! :lol:
I mean to say Beard
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