The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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:wave: i'm in seattle now :cool2:
Blah! Not feeling so hot today, Stomach been churning! Hope I am not getting sick!
Why be sorry, botts?

It just keeps me busy anyway, am not complaining. I have a wall to paint today.

I would not want to clean and paint on a Saturday morning, but my husband had a great time on his last weekend building a privacy wall in our backyard,
so maybe it is just the male mentality. :hmm:

Have fun!
I would not want to clean and paint on a Saturday morning, but my husband had a great time on his last weekend building a privacy wall in our backyard,
so maybe it is just the male mentality. :hmm:

Have fun!

I was just vaccuming the floors of a 5 bedroom , two levelled house. Painting is important to repair the hole I accidently damaged at my old house.
Going to clean out the "junk room" today. Go through some boxes and etc. Get rid of the stuff I have not been using for years!

Probably going to have a yard sale soon. Tired of saving things I do not use. It is totally a waste of space.

Thinking why I am saving this crap when I do not use it! It is just collecting dust.
"Get er done" hahaha. You guys are very pro-active so not my I work well under pressure. ;p
Procrastination works for people, including me, its defiantly not a downfall.
Is anyboduy else full of a cold? I am and its annoying me, I can barely breathe through me nose, I can barely speak properly and keep having a runny nose. anyone care to cheer me up?
Is anyboduy else full of a cold? I am and its annoying me, I can barely breathe through me nose, I can barely speak properly and keep having a runny nose. anyone care to cheer me up?

I'm watching greese 2 and its slightly ridiculous, the dancing and songs are hilarious.
Procrastination works for people, including me, its defiantly not a downfall.

It is somewhat. Then again. I am like you! I work well under pressure. When that fire is lit under my backside. I move real quick! :giggle:
Just spent all morning fumigating the house, steam cleaning EVERYTHING that contained fabric in both floors, and washing all the clothes/sheets/towels. I am so sore! Still have to do the basement.

I hate cleaning!
My friend called on VP and made very last minutes...we went to RIT today...walked pretty a lot...HUGE campus! Anyway we had a nice day! My kid enjoyed going on! We also got free ice cream! MMM! MMMM! Sorry I ate it all! :P Now I am almost full from my dinner...:) It supposed to rain but it didn't. Thank God! :) I ran into few friends there...:)

So tomorrow I'll have to catch up on cleaning! UGH! Oh well!
Just spent all morning fumigating the house, steam cleaning EVERYTHING that contained fabric in both floors, and washing all the clothes/sheets/towels. I am so sore! Still have to do the basement.

I hate cleaning!

I think I missed something. Did your dog bring in fleas? I can recommend Frontline spray if so. You get it from the veterinarian and it is expensive, but it is great.
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