The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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I think I missed something. Did your dog bring in fleas? I can recommend Frontline spray if so. You get it from the veterinarian and it is expensive, but it is great.

No, the dog didnt bring in was the stupid mice that brought in mites. My dog has no fleas at all. Also, we had ants coming in the I hope this works with all the stupid bugs in the house. We needed to steam clean the furniture and carpet anyway.

Thanks for the FYI in case my dog does get fleas. :)
It is somewhat. Then again. I am like you! I work well under pressure. When that fire is lit under my backside. I move real quick! :giggle:

Cleaning is something I hate, I hope to make enough money to pay someone someday, or just have someone help because that's the worst part doing EVERYTHING by yourself.
I made yummy lasagna for our dinner tonight. No time to prep cuz it eat up my time. So best do it in AM and pop them in fridge till time to put in oven. :dance2: I don't make it that oven...maybe 2x a year or less.

So enjoy your day! :cool2:
Please, an hour before firing up Oven, please please please turn on Central Air! I can't stand the heat!

I made yummy lasagna for our dinner tonight. No time to prep cuz it eat up my time. So best do it in AM and pop them in fridge till time to put in oven. :dance2: I don't make it that oven...maybe 2x a year or less.

So enjoy your day! :cool2:
I am cleaning the study! AKA junk room!

Shel! I know what you mean! I found a couple of mice nest! :shock:

Now I am having a fit!

I am going to move this weekend. We can long longer afford to live here. Selling the house! :(

Found a four bedroom house to rent until we can sell this one.

It sucks! I hate moving and I love it here!

But we have to.

So I am cleaning and packing!

Hopefully I do not bring any critters to our new place.
Well shoot got to get busy.

Took a short break. :)

But will not get done sitting here.
looking for a honest girl for marry and kids

I want to meet one in person if we can talk to get know each other. I do have vp. I am looking for one for marry and kid. I am deaf.:ty:
Looks like JClarke is growing his hair out. I wonder how long it will get before he gets annoyed with it and reaches for the scissors...:hmm:
I am little P'O at the moment.....

I was having a nice meeting/get together with a friend of mine who happens to be my client at the local cafe. We were sitting there enjoying our latte's, muffins, catching up with each other, etc when this individual came up to us and started to sign.

At first we were a little miffed because we were having a private conversation as well as that we didn't know this particular individual.

Found out that he was hearing and......he was an audiologist.

This audiologist had the audacity to tell the both of us that we need to have a cochlear implant!

I said, "If it's so great, why don't you get one?"

He said, "Well I'm hearing and I know what's best for you."

My friend told him that we were not interested and to please leave us alone as we were having a meeting.

The audiologist stood there and started to tell us that by having an cochlear implant--our economics would be great, we would hear, speak better, etc.

I looked at him and said, "Do you know what we do for a living? First of all--I am a lawyer and my friend here is a MSW for a non-profit agency. Oh by the way--we get paid more than what an audiologist would make."

Well he didn't like that answer and proceeded to tell me that I was a dumbass and proceeded to throw water on me.

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor.

He then slowly looked up at me and said, "Oh shit!" :)lol:)

I then said in my loudest voice for the entire cafe to hear, "Now you listen to me you little MF! We said we're not interested, you're being rude, and if you don't leave immediately, we are going to kick your ass out of here. Do I make myself clear?"

I let him down and he turned away and ran out of the cafe.

I have never seen anyone run that fast! :lol:
I am little P'O at the moment.....

I was having a nice meeting/get together with a friend of mine who happens to be my client at the local cafe. We were sitting there enjoying our latte's, muffins, catching up with each other, etc when this individual came up to us and started to sign.

At first we were a little miffed because we were having a private conversation as well as that we didn't know this particular individual.

Found out that he was hearing and......he was an audiologist.

This audiologist had the audacity to tell the both of us that we need to have a cochlear implant!

I said, "If it's so great, why don't you get one?"

He said, "Well I'm hearing and I know what's best for you."

My friend told him that we were not interested and to please leave us alone as we were having a meeting.

The audiologist stood there and started to tell us that by having an cochlear implant--our economics would be great, we would hear, speak better, etc.

I looked at him and said, "Do you know what we do for a living? First of all--I am a lawyer and my friend here is a MSW for a non-profit agency. Oh by the way--we get paid more than what an audiologist would make."

Well he didn't like that answer and proceeded to tell me that I was a dumbass and proceeded to throw water on me.

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the floor.

He then slowly looked up at me and said, "Oh shit!" :)lol:)

I then said in my loudest voice for the entire cafe to hear, "Now you listen to me you little MF! We said we're not interested, you're being rude, and if you don't leave immediately, we are going to kick your ass out of here. Do I make myself clear?"

I let him down and he turned away and ran out of the cafe.

I have never seen anyone run that fast! :lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG, too funny!

Yeah, it's obvious that the guy did not know how big you were. I'm sure he would have thought twice about doing what he did.

What I would give to be a fly on the wall of that place..
:rofl2: Three cheers for Byrdie. And I am jealous. I have to be content with biting annoying people on the ankle. :(
:rofl2: Three cheers for Byrdie. And I am jealous. I have to be content with biting annoying people on the ankle. :(

Too bad you weren't there because if I was holding him up--I would've let you bite his ankles! :lol:
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