The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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Hehe somebody had a good time *wink*
:giggle: you went dancing again?

sort of....I went to my neighbor's house and hung out with her and her girlfriends. Of course, they had vodka shots and lemon and of course, against my better judgement, I joined them into drinking.

Then, we just chatted alll night long, played guitar hero (I won several times and I cant hear?!), suntanned ourselves in her tanning bed, and danced in her basement. All that until 3 AM after being up since 5 AM Friday morning. No wonder I am so out of it but I just totally cleaned out the fridge..with taking all the food and drawers out. I must be crazy. lol!
sort of....I went to my neighbor's house and hung out with her and her girlfriends. Of course, they had vodka shots and lemon and of course, against my better judgement, I joined them into drinking.

Then, we just chatted alll night long, played guitar hero (I won several times and I cant hear?!), suntanned ourselves in her tanning bed, and danced in her basement. All that until 3 AM after being up since 5 AM Friday morning. No wonder I am so out of it but I just totally cleaned out the fridge..with taking all the food and drawers out. I must be crazy. lol!

Sounds like you had a lot of fun! :giggle:

Tanning bed!
I remember the first time I went in a tanning bed. I only stayed in it for
10 minutes. I got scorched!

Powerful lamps they are. :shock:
Moving house.....again. This time, back to my parents and will save $$ as I can since I want to buy house this year before the end of June.
Going to meet my friend today to run at the park. However, my stomach is feeling weird so I hope that wont be a problem...ugh! Not looking forward to this week cuz my hubby will be out of town all week on a business trip. Always feel too lonely without him for too long.
Going to meet my friend today to run at the park. However, my stomach is feeling weird so I hope that wont be a problem...ugh! Not looking forward to this week cuz my hubby will be out of town all week on a business trip. Always feel too lonely without him for too long.

Left over from the hangover yesterday? Raining and dreary here today. Makes me not want to do anything!
Left over from the hangover yesterday? Raining and dreary here today. Makes me not want to do anything!

I have no hang over wasnt the worst kind in which one is left unable to get out of bed or out of the toilet seat. It was more of just a remaining buzz, mild headache and exhaustion. I doubt my stomach issues are related to the hangover but who knows? I told my friend that I probably can only do speed walking instead of running.

As for the rain and is now approaching us. I am so sick of it!
I have no hang over wasnt the worst kind in which one is left unable to get out of bed or out of the toilet seat. It was more of just a remaining buzz, mild headache and exhaustion. I doubt my stomach issues are related to the hangover but who knows? I told my friend that I probably can only do speed walking instead of running.

As for the rain and is now approaching us. I am so sick of it!

Hope the tummy gets better as the day goes on. I really admire your dedication to your exercise program. The only way I could be that dedicated to running was if something real big and real mean was chasing me!:giggle:

But I do stick to my yoga 3 times a week pretty well.
Hope the tummy gets better as the day goes on. I really admire your dedication to your exercise program. The only way I could be that dedicated to running was if something real big and real mean was chasing me!:giggle:

But I do stick to my yoga 3 times a week pretty well.

Yoga is supposed to be one of the best besides swimming or water aerobics. I wish i can join a yoga class but afraid that I wouldnt be able to follow the instructions. There is a deaf yoga class in Frederick but I am not going to drive over 1 hour just to go to yoga.
I have not been sleeping alot lately due to overstressed and overwhelmed from work. I wanted to sleep but I can't sleep. If I did it would be late like 3 or 4am and I would be late for work when waking up late like 12-1pm at noon. Look like I will have to go to the doctor and have a check-up. I need to learn how to control sleep otherwise it's not healthy. :(
Yoga is supposed to be one of the best besides swimming or water aerobics. I wish i can join a yoga class but afraid that I wouldnt be able to follow the instructions. There is a deaf yoga class in Frederick but I am not going to drive over 1 hour just to go to yoga.

I can't blame you for that one. I wouldn't drive an hour, either! But I like it because with my fibromyalgia, I can't handle any kind of high impact exercise, but the yoga keeps me stretched out and limber, and that seems to reduce the pain and stiffness a lot.
I have not been sleeping alot lately due to overstressed and overwhelmed from work. I wanted to sleep but I can't sleep. If I did it would be late like 3 or 4am and I would be late for work when waking up late like 12-1pm at noon. Look like I will have to go to the doctor and have a check-up. I need to learn how to control sleep otherwise it's not healthy. :(

Learn to control your stress, and your sleep problems will go away.
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